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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. True playtime is a factor. But if the combat basics are not learned without officer perks is not the officers that gonna help much.
  2. How is 1 Lynx getting on a trader brig a gank ? How is a Snake jumping a LGV or a Indiaman a gank ? Yes seems the fleets must be shown wrong by actually doing the "ganks" and let slip the pirates in groups of sloops instead of solo hunts. Then we all can ask for 5 ships fleets just because..... (?!?!!!!)
  3. Sorry to say Kanay but I have no idea nor do I relate to any Grind, nor in NA nor in any other game, so it is a very foreign concept to me Sometimes I check on my officer , Isabella ( for those that do not know she was a novice in some spanish convent, Holy Mojito Sisters ), and wonder of wonders she apparently learned something new. It just happens, it is not something I play for, it is part of the game and linked to all action I do. I do not do actions purposely for the officer to get perks. Ah nevermind then, I just play and see things a bit different.
  4. Yes !!! Stop playing properly and join the flagellants and "grind whine grind"...
  5. No... Everyone on TS asked that
  6. ... ffs.... okay ... but only when hauling more than 5000 tons of cargo... ( historically, as an average, a state owned convoy of 6 west indiamans would be escorted by a couple 32/38 cruiser frigates, so you want me to believe a simple coal hauler would have a heavy frigate as an escort ? right... )
  7. Well Sir, happened to come across some trader ships in different waters and immediately called the crew to attention. We proceeded to a closer inspection of the cargo routine, because you know I do not believe me eyes and have to actually touch the materials... but alas the traders were actually fishermen. Their cargo was not of the shiny stuff nature but of the smelly fishy nature.. My crew was not happy at all. They are still scrubbing the cargo hold given one of the prizes was over a thousand tons of fish sticks... but they welcomed the coin received from selling it all.
  8. It is just a matter of wrong place wrong time. Has nothing to do with being deserved or not. It just happened and yes I am going to TOTALLY and UTTERLY blame the players of his nation giving bad advice. This is where the fish meat hits the fan. A lot of bad advice and the newcomer actually takes heed... *shakes head* We need a NA Community Naval Academy A.S.A.P. ( there was one before long ago )
  9. Interesting enough loooong ago there were lots of ideas regarding the Admiralty focusing exactly of this but I can see where it ends given the mechanics aim always for the average scenario. Maybe Pirates can be changed to work that way somehow and made a hard difficulty faction for those wanting a more challenging gameplay where reputation counts per looted riches and crew flocks to the infamous captains. If the experiment would work ( if ever tried out ) it could find its way to other Nations
  10. Crew management and Officers lives make Surrendering a true valid option.
  11. Exactly. Was given a commission in a ship NOT entirely of his choice. And could not achieve Post Captain without a show of gallantry and bravery facing odds. ( I enjoy so much this last one... would be great to have it game ) So we have a compromise in the game We all can be millionaires and we don't have to go through a Naval Board to get a commission. Oh and we also to get to hire crew and have a full company of marines in our trader ships All about compromise.
  12. Training Marines costs money. Training artillery men costs money. Training sea men costs money. On top of that it takes years of salaries for them to reach form. On top of that it takes supplies throughout those years. Once they enter service they are entitled to prize shares, salaries and supplies. All is included into the abstract value of 500 per man for the time, training, equipment, salaries, prizes and supplies.
  13. ... to all the fishermen that will see their pixel families go hungry due to having their entire catch lost to freebooting. ... There is no way to know if you are honest hard toiling white ship playing "Deadliest Catch" and as such falling into the predations of a goofy freebooter. I shall return a quarter of the catch to ensure no ill fate of famine befalls your pixel children if you poke me after the deed is done in the nearest free port. The other three quarters of the fish and fish food shall be send to the Pirate Jesus Charity.
  14. I do not mind being merged INTO pvp2, instead of making pvp1 the mainstream, if it comes to that.
  15. Question about the "underlaying" idea of NA and playing Captain: - It is my understanding that it is not supposed for a Captain to be able to do everything on its own ( combat, trade, crafting, shipbuilding ) in NA, having to resort to the community ( nation & allies ) to be able to access less focused areas. Is this a correct evaluation ? Thank you.
  16. Raids. Raids are coming. Destroy infrastructure ( possibly ) and plunder what you need. ( do not agree with goods teleportation )
  17. A gank refers to massive outnumber in ship models and/or BR ( battle rating ) difference. A 1v1 concerning two frigate rated models is not a gank.
  18. As ports are names I tend to name my own favourite spots for respite ( anchor down and go brew a coffee or grab a brandy ) or for ambush setup ( usually in the trade lanes ). If Pirates would be modified to build their own havens ( and eventually if used continuously would evolve to a small port ), hidden in the map but of course could be seen in the OW, I would use the following names. - Candle Bay... It is a beautiful and safe place. Perfect for a privateer or a small squadron. It stands is clear waters brim with fish and sea birds. It provides a natural safe harbour and carved out smooth rock natural peer for hull repairs. - Snake Path Shallows... On of my favourite ones and I would love for the waterways that lead in land to be accessible for those evening one feels like exploring. It provides both attack and defense opportunities in one single place. Many navy ships no matter the draft have been beached trying to reach us. Treacherous waters, be warned. - Cape of Last Hope... Such a treacherous bend and so close to safety. Less savvy captains have been trapped there and open to attack. Same happens to wannabe freebooters and go there for the first time and get stranded. Treacherous place indeed.
  19. Lookouts do not look for shapes in the dark. They look for pattern breaks. Also fog already takes care of it ( and saved my whiny backside many times on hostile waters ).
  20. You might want to identify yourself correctly Captain. Forum name does not translate to in game name nor does it show the server you play on. Other than that I applaud your initiave but remember that silent benevolence is better than boastful charity. #nofleets
  21. Yes, fix it. But please... keep the LGV with trader perk and let it be tagged by the privateer Lynx.
  22. Actually the opposite of what you post is exactly why I love testing games. NA is exceptionally good for testing and finding out Totally enjoy the hidden little things à là "darksouls" like the devs put it. A game that shows me all the info gets stale very very fast.
  23. Oh mermaids and all other sea beauties... no no no ! Finally a portion of the players can engage into age of sail hit and steal and run away using appropriate and historically credible type of ships ( sloops and brigs ) because no teleport, no magic, no gimmicks. #nofleets
  24. You can surrender and avoid the massive crew losses and also losing a Officer life. Is not that hard. ( actually it is )
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