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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. It is a game to last, to experience little by little and learn by discovery. It grants liberty for a player to "design" own goals at any pace desired and still is persistent open world.
  2. Can relate to being gruesome sometimes. Other time its saved my pirate bacon sneaking prizes through national patrols trying to recover their former friend's possession with the storm covering me, especially with a storm at night. Thirty minute cycles might be too long.
  3. Yes I get it. Let's test it and see how it goes. One battle doesn't make a war. Even in the most dire "oh no the dmg model got busted" I for one applauded the guts to move combat to a more demanding level and by all the ginger mermaids on the coast of barbados with all the novelties of perks, crew, surrender and all of that I would even force a small step back towards the more challenging wooden walls combat instead of the toothpick planking. We will never meet in equal ground but We both like the combat, for diferent reasons
  4. All right. Colonies pay taxes to their rightful rulers. Free men and women from the independent smuggler and freebooter towns do not ( yes, bloody nationals pay tax, pirates do not !!! freedom! ) After all many free ports started as "tax free" locations
  5. . http://www.artmarine.co.uk/Geoff_Hunt_PPRSMA/Ships_Company_of_HMS_Surprise/1051/34/default.aspx
  6. Al'right then.Will have to go into harm's way later on and see how it goes. Some ships have it more susceptible to others due to contruction but will try to run as many models as I can and hope the opponents can affect it. Thanks for the heads up.
  7. Is it 3 points ? Can't remember...
  8. Rudder system runs from the fin to the wheel, it is a lot of parts linked. It has internal parts that can be hit with cannon ball passing through the ship.
  9. Let's imagine if the regeneration would be tied ( this is all imagination btw ) to performance factors, like Br differences, win loss, and so on.Would it provoke the...it might happen for some and not happen in others... Nah, nevermind it, it is not that. Cannot check any anomalies as I rarely lose crew
  10. Speedy and Gamo. Fifty something versus three hundred and nineteen which included a company of marines. Damn Cochrane, rage boarder dastard !!!
  11. Morale level adds a X to turn preparation total if you pay attention.
  12. Means you can keep building preparation with minor or none expenditure. Zero for defense and minor firepower while you build up attack prep.Can easily see this happening with some boarding combinations and massive morale bonus ( a ship can be pimped to 170 morale that's a LOT of prep bonus ).
  13. Fair point with the steady flow. I can see that it establishes a balance. What if NPC trade is dynamic regarding amount of player production ? Meaning the more production buildings are built in a port the less quantity of NPC production/EU imports.
  14. No. Surrender option as it is now is truly truly a valid one. There's a "positive" outcome in saving crew and saving Officers. Plus officers captured were often exchanged, and even treated like honoured guests. The solution is the same as Escape coding. If there's Leaks no Surrender. If there's Fire, no Surrender.
  15. All seem solid fixes. I am still bugged with this one: > Determined defender lost free defend command ​Would actually think that a well versed defender would organize defense better, at no cost, rather than forcing numbers, but okay. Found only one player so far with this specific perk.
  16. I should suggest that the availability of resources to become dynamic and not fixed, leading to overflow and shortages events and make the market, smuggling and trade very important. Without any type of regulation, made by players ( aka. force low prices by selling more with smaller margins ), reducing the 5% / 10% will simply means that the greedy trader/crafter will keep the price at level while having 5% less in expenditure. European Powers must Tax directly on production ( not on market value ) to suppress the needs of the Ports.
  17. Like a Tommygun..rratatatatatatatattatataatataataaaaaa...fffssssss
  18. #crewistoodamnexpensive ??? I see where this goes. Having the liberty of using fleet and then..... oh no please lower crew expenses. I might be imagining things but I would bet most crew losses come from not the average solo player and most from fleets and subpar performance players. But enough of this. Let's let it rol and the devs take their conclusion with hard data analysis.
  19. Mistakes were made by many players along the eras. The biggest one is still made today with the support of many "veterans" - grind grind grin rank rank rank get bigger sail bigger ... all with assumptions this works like a world of thunder.... exactly everything NA is not.
  20. Why does it have to be 100 when it can be 50 ? Want to go there in my Pickle and don't really want to find an AI trader to get it
  21. You can ask some friends or anyone in the Global if they want to help in testing.
  22. Was done before and being tagged all the time by AI was not fun especially on the PvP environment. For the PvE, sure seems great!
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