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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. I think you misinterpreted. You can change nation every 30 days and without losing assets. That gives you liberty of acting like you'd be under a letter of marque for 30 days, right ?
  2. ...error...error...error....error....
  3. No discussion about possible complaints. Discuss the suggestion and how to improve it and make it viable for Developer's consideration.
  4. Extras are just added fluff right ?
  5. This is not Naval Action game discussion content. Moved to Tavern
  6. Any links ? Samples ? Showcase ? Reelshow ?
  7. Forged Papers already can lend your "letter of marque" for a period of 30 days already. Captain will be bound to service for that period. Then he can switch back. And most importantly... do not lose anything.
  8. Great post and all and must say your enthusiasm shows, even if a bit disperse regarding what this version of Naval Action is. Obviously it is hard to immediately grasp the entertaining complexity level of NA age of sail naval combat and all the finer details. Given you claims you should submit your CV to GameLabs ? http://www.game-labs.net/
  9. Thank you for the Search, captain. Let's use those same threads.
  10. Entanglement of rigging. But I can see the meta gaming already "... from the wrath of the metamen, deliver us O'Lord !"
  11. I know that. But you know what ? Side to side is a 50/50 affair as documented in the manuals. So maybe, just maybe there's different ways... just saying. You posted " boarding from the side only"... ...only... ...only.. ...only... *sigh* This is a game, we should be honest. "I want this because it fits me and sticks a harpoon up my opponents stern" is unwanted.
  12. In the Caribbean no. Was not their intent at all although they had some serious battle fleets that effectively raided a lot of major ports. But let's not divert back to that. The idea behind the OP, of having the havens like Treasure Island - unmarked - is a good one. Always was.
  13. Why ? ( would love ships relative positions being taken into the boarding system )
  14. Raf, just showing that reality is way more complex than our NA complex combat Cannot simply say - no smaller ship ever boarded a bigger one, it would be shot to pieces. ~S~
  15. Buccaneer "republics", especially francophone one, and then the anglo saxon privateers turned pirates late federations were a reality. Just not a "nation" as established by... the nations. They all lacked logistics innate to a nation.
  16. Let's not open a pandora box . That's a brig takeover a 38 gun frigate. But hey, it is possible to do in game. In truth battles last 90 minutes and that gives time for the engagement to get fully resolved.
  17. No we haven't But that simple mechanic ( crazy coding maybe ) would not lock anything while keeping the "pirate life for me" appropriate and not a navy copycat.
  18. Ships that cannot be crafted =/= Premium ships. Ships that cannot be crafted and are not Premium can be acquired through PvP Marks. What else is needed ? ( sorry if I didn't understand what is meant )
  19. You misinterpreted totally what I said. 100% I will try to convey it again, maybe I wasn't clear enough. With DD I will block you from boarding me. But I also have a strong boarding setup, so I can board you when I want. Win.
  20. Makes no sense for Pirates The more plunder a pirate captains brings back to port the more crew will want to sail under his/her command. No ranks, just plunder. This isn't the navy.
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