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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. Thing with circle is... ... what would make it different from a normal OW engagement then ?!...
  2. No. Was helping out by focusing the thoughts into one single point. I mean, we can go through the whole thing of - ganks and forts and zones and everyone and their mother enters my battle the whole day, but without a pivotal point where to concentrate the entire debacle is moot. The specific Zone mechanics you mention, old La Navasse events, seem to achieve that.
  3. Sure was just an example, not a real suggestion. What is your suggestion exactly ?
  4. No need to be a programmer. Ever read game rulebook explaining a mechanic ? Same thing, just less detailed of course . Also thanks for the follow up post, it makes everything more clear.
  5. Ok, my bad. 1v1 BR then, that's what I mean. What is your suggestion exactly ? How to make changes to mechanics to accommodate to that ? A simple, direct and honest line should suffice I guess. Lemme try - "I suggest OW RoE to be always 1:1 BR quota. Once achieved, battle is closed." Your turn...
  6. That's a very uncompromising approach to a solution. Would a exclusive 1v1 roe for the zones be a good thing for everyone ? I think it might. Would the Zones be used more or less ? Would need to be tested.
  7. Well... What do you suggest to change in the entire game mechanics to accommodate to your pretensions ? Patrol Zone being 1v1 exclusive ?
  8. You suggesting this as a mechanic ? Like... something similar to WW2Online HQ ? Or what exactly ? If this is the case... Please write more details on the possible mechanic design as you envision it, with some of the most probable pros and cons. Thank you.
  9. What is this about exactly ? Ganks ? RoE ? Reinforcement Zones ? Coastal Defence ? You asking for 1v1 RoE ? Duel Room ? What exactly ? What is the subject truly about ? Thanks.
  10. We just opened shop nearby, we were testing the waters. Kudos for you making it believable - traders properly escorted. PG failed to fireship... *sigh*, that was the only casualty.
  11. Thank you for clarification. Hope you consider the spawn in fleet ship made main ship in the OW, not post death spawn at outpost.
  12. Under 250m. Over that distance the spread comes into play. Obvisouly a 6 chaser guns ship has more chance at 500m than a 2 chaser guns vessel of course. In a fight against the odds there's no difference now to 2 years ago when opposition spammed chain from 1200m. So trying to justify a "running engagement" is a hard one. The closure speed / speed extending to distance is a factor now with Control if no chasers equipped. That is way more effective than having the chasers and blasting chain. OW tag if half battle won, always was, always will be.
  13. OP is not longer under restraint. Thread outdated.
  14. Somehow I had/have the impression everything is/was "accelerated" through the test EA to verify content and mechanics validity.
  15. Yeah , that's what I read as well But it is good to keep the heads up.
  16. I will be brief, struggling with the entire idea. Regarding Step 1 We have 2 zones - reinforcement and rest of the map. Oh yeah ... and the capital area ( no fishing, etc ) which is of no consequence. Regarding Step 2 I like the semaphores ( Signalling ), but dislike the GPS idea. Regarding Step 3 Missions are locked by rate already. But I get what you mean. A horde of pickles will make short work of a much bigger ship already doing a fleet mission. But missions on zone already close immediately. And missions outside close after 3 minutes. What is missing ? Regarding Step 4. We have two types of "mission" rewards in place already. Both Missions and OW AI combat yield different chances of loot. Combat missions give only basics. OW AI may give anything. Step 5. I like the idea of having everything outside the present Reinforcement zone to be enhanced. Actually no. It is the opposite ! ( rewards are very high already ) Reduce the outcome rewards inside the zone.
  17. Cetric, you are right. Plenty of players have different aims hence we must suggest and help design mechanics which give more choice to everyone, instead of funneling everyone to a choice playstyle. This discussion gave me a good idea for a suggestion. Will research and we will see. - everyone can command a 1st rate, but not everyone can command a 1st rate in Grand fleet in Trafalgar
  18. I get your point but I think 1 day is so short term... Just to clarify some details which have been asked in private: - Each port has a quantity for offer and demands a quantity, for several products. So it is visible to any player. A port that demands 100 Wine, will only count 100 Wine delivered towards the effect, any surplus can be sold but counts for naught. Quota has been met already. - Same with offer. Port NPC offer ( across the entire day ) is 1245 Cider, it will only count 1245 towards the effect. Even if a player brings 2000 units to sell there, the NPC produce is what counts. Players cannot spam. Note: Only products that cannot be produced by players via buildings count. P.S.- Opening post updated with clarifications.
  19. Correct. But they can be surpassed by higher bidder, individually. In this case the wholesale would be automatically paid by Treasury ( clan ) until quota is met. Idea is nice combined with what is written on the other thread.
  20. I take the "reserve" %% will need cash advance ? That's how wholesale priority was dealt with in the age of sail
  21. Should not be easily attainable, should be hard and really a showcase of powerhouse. Hence, control of entire province to enable the option. Else is just a catering service
  22. "A Danish 5th rate sunk a British 7th rate near La Tortue"
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