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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. Rake at an angle. Kill less crew and guns, hit more wood. Devastating rakes were tested in the Test Server when the Structure bar was added. Bottom line was - half structure gone, 3 masts down. ( right now both mizzen and fore mast can be brought down, have yet to bring a main mast down though ) My 2 cents - batles are designed for 90 minutes, not 15. I like the morale proposals, worth proper discussion and testing - crew shock should totally disable all functions in earnest - control, reload, reset preparation, all of it.
  2. 1. sail with an objective in mind - 1 cruise at a time 2. watch the horizon 3. play all ships - know yourself and know the enemy
  3. I think it is dynamic, as AI pieces just do their patterns "at will" in their matrix, not predetermined routes all the time. You can have synchronized AI dance as well, with 3 fleets separated a bit doing the 180ยบ swing.
  4. Ah yes. Ain't evading, is just they suddenly change their course *shrugs* upon reaching a designated point in their pattern.
  5. You make fair points, but this one totally puzzled me. What do you mean ? AFAIK they placidly keep sailing in a straight line... same as afk players.
  6. Given sailaway has a strong community and plenty of events almost as similar to iracing at start, you are miles off from the target. Granted, it is no NA with all the shooting, but sims do have some of the strongest and enduring communities. And money to spend if you look at it correctly.
  7. Community Suggestions cycle
  8. Correct way to report chat situations is via ingame function - Right Click player name - Select Report Option in the menu
  9. With no replay function there's little we can do other than act spectator and hope for the best. ||N8|| does plenty of good direction machinima, with Arma, NA, IL-2 and other games. His NA cinematic was done still in Sea Trials. His tricks and tutorials are excellent. The latest Bellona video from Sir John is perfect text book focus + camera movement usage.
  10. MMO archetype ? Not many. Mechanics vary a lot though. Example of "Reds vs Blues" types of mmos where "nation supply" gets depleted and everyone loses, not only this one player. Multiplayer, plenty.
  11. The road to single player is clear then. But from what I've been researching from plenty of games (mmo types) it seems a vulgar request. - want to play a multiplayer game...single - o7
  12. Let's not defend one or the other way of life. And please be honest, ok ? Enter Reinforcement Zone, invade battle, rage board. Disappear in a storm, evade into shallows, etc... Rinse and repeat. It involves nothing more than speed and daring which bloodied veterans have in abundance. Do not for a moment play the card of the "poor us that get ganked by the defense forces". It is not entirely true and every one of us knows it, be it powergamers, metagamers or roleplay raiders. Bang for the buck, it is faster and way safer to simply ravage a reinforcement zone by invading OW battles.
  13. 7. Posting of private communication is prohibited. [ posts and quotes removed ]
  14. No it doesn't. But 140 was deep night for EU crowd. Majority of my contacts are US and all of them ( and me ) were squading up liberating the netherlands.
  15. Moved to a more "supportive" place. Please record video of the situation.
  16. There's a huge chunk of my contacts playing Post Scriptum until the test servers close ( tonight ). So I guess that's a big reason on top of others.
  17. The UI changes are coming and the color codes are nice suggestion when they include color blind mode as well. Also, as we have now, there's a lot of confusion due to misreading. Example is yards. Some items say speed, others say time. Pay attention. Speed +20% is not the same as Time -20%. Both are benefic though. Do not look only to the numbers, look to the decribed effect - in the example - TIME. If it is positive it increases time by X amount. If it is Speed, it increases speed by X amount.
  18. It is not that one PvE module is better than a PvP one. It is that I can stack both.
  19. Question to developers @admin @Barberouge @Ink Illustrative examples - Privateer 89 crew -or- Hercules, 270 crew ( there's plenty more ofc ) - Are crew hit boxes sizes dynamic regarding the count of hands on deck ? Or in another form - Does the amount of crew directly affects the size of the hitboxes, having more densely packed crew is modelled in the size of the crew hitboxes ? ( sardine can effect ) Thank you.
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