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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. Ships and ships and all goodies for those ships for "years". Who needs economy that works like this or does it really matter to discuss "economy broken" ? Think about it. It is a hoarding economy Who needs a nation when the captain ( the player ) is a Navy Board / Nation on its own ? It skims on the "obscene", and this is just a simpleton captain, not a ultra dedicated one. Multiply it by 1000x and you can guess some of the hoarding made by some fellows out there
  2. This is about the Requin feedback. ALL inconsistencies found shall be brought forth with support of media sent to devs or posted here. That includes the best of all - video. No trolling, stay in line. Grow a thicker skin. I don't take kindly to vile beggars by the way.
  3. The crew works the entire yard. Not sure about the time of having a dedicated rigging crew aloft and working up and down the yards as needed. Video shows nicely the small crew working 1 mast only.
  4. Génial. J'aimerais avoir un journal de bord inclus dans l'interface du jeu.
  5. ahahahah I know that Inger \o/ Great video btw, love the cinemascope feel of it.
  6. La Requien is the first ship where I do not use Auto at all. Everything manual and feels absolutely credible control of the rigging - with the success of the maneouvres and failures as well. The fine tuning of the trims is just a great feeling. I noticed the knowledge XP gain to be dramatically fast and i'm sure this is on purpose for testing Given the sailing tests posted by jodgi and Z4ys, very little to add at this point, except that she is unique. Looking at the plans the hull and keel symmetry from fore to aft makes sense in her attitude being blown back at speed. Her tiller is massive and clearly shows in game with her turning radius when rigging is rotated accordingly. The crew stations seem good, especially on the rigging, there's no crew aloft on the xebecs as there's no need. I am wondering how the full/half/slow/battle will be done. Weren't the entire yards descended as opposed to furling sails up into the yards ? It could be a great novelty and maybe balance her, in a credible way, meaning that the changes from full to battle could take longer. I like her due to being a leap forward in the game in herself - dispensing with the auto skipper ( as best option much of the way ) to being a ship which is much better when fully and manually trimmed all the time and almost dispensing with the auto except when straight run.
  7. Threads about the same subject were all merged into this one. 10. Redundant threads will be locked. Please use search find information you want to discuss. A lot of threads on the same subject delay the development and wastes resources causing lots of good ideas to be lost. Please keep discussions regarding a topic to a single thread.
  8. Shallow draft, like most xebecs, for sure.
  9. Everything is bearable when multiplayer interaction is fun. #keepchatclean
  10. For sure But, how is that different ( in Caribbean server perspective ) from two French captains guarding two other French captains transport ships which may be, at any time, intercepted by two Royal Navy captains ?
  11. Thanks Victor.
  12. Some cleaning is being done. Nothing is lost. - Good discussion about the state of pvp in the server moved here http://forum.game-labs.net/topic/26071-caribbean-the-state-of-pvp/
  13. Personally.... I can't see any reason not to totally wipe all content from all accounts on the game release ( which i suspect is coming soon, given final pieces being brought in, UI, extra packs, final eco, etc... )... Especially with the introduction of all the DLC packs, whatever they may be. I expect all Backers to receive their "extras" but never in any (similar) project did I see them carry all the testing assets into the clean release. Was always a clean start for everyone. That alone is good marketing.
  14. I know where the money is iracing and fsx no discussion there, by millions
  15. Sure. Less mmo click heroes, more simulator with career please. o7
  16. While in control of the full ship ? Sure Gimme SailAway NA with your ideas. IL-2 age of sail career mode weeeee
  17. A battle. It all ends in a challenging battle. A truly gruesome and very hard battle. Very hard. #devsyoumadeimpossibletowinwtf #nowedidntwesimplymadeaobrienbattlewhereyoumustbeheroic
  18. A bread crumb event, where captain has to visit several ports gathering information about a certain location of a certain special event to take place on a certain day. Sure. Information puzzles that lead to "historical o'brian type of battles", not a mere simple click&reward system. I mean, even against AI at challenging odds, not the overpowering road most seem to take ( 1st rates fighting belle poule fleets )
  19. Name Change sounds good - Everyone eager to see how the patch will hit. Also very good debates going on about perks ( determined defender ), repairs ( and chain damage ), you should have a look on your own feedback threads.
  20. You tell me. Why not ? Is it the lack of story or the unwillingness to engage in combat versus other players ? I like the SP games like Sea Dogs and Corsair. They surely have a ton of storyline.
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