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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. Did all in Reinforcement Zone of pirates. Did all of that in the Reinforcement Zone of GB. Did acquire the resources I couldn't get from outside the zone in the player market. Yep I did test it. I didn't solo craft and did "cooperate" with the rest of the players to buy what i needed. Why ? I thought we were all testing the game before release 😮
  2. Fair enough Some folk are okay with it, some are not. Especially when one is at the short end of the stick and is intercepted by a ton of barbary corsairs. To me, no difference from being jumped by a ton of ekranoplane bellonas. Snappy salute.
  3. Er... anything different than before using other ships ? Sail in in Privateers / Surprises / Wasas / Trincs / whatever and "sail out to zone, sink people, piss people off, get sank, don't care, repeat, make people leave" !? Honestly, this is not the reasoning we are looking. We can go backtrack in the discussions and find exactly the same "sink people, piss people off, get sank, don't care, repeat, make people leave" - give us forts, give us zones, give us... - from the fury of the gankers deliver us... Oh yeah, gankers in DLC ships... what a change...wow... o7 cya
  4. I can redeem several ships right now, just by giving away marks without any need of resorting to any other mechanics in the game other than roving the OW and attacking enemy players or, just to maximise profit per hour spend, going into reinforcement zones and invading battles. And I do not have to wait 24 hours , click redeem, use note. Click redeem, use note. "Our Bellonas shall block out the sun!"
  5. Elite Dangerous. The AI will many times drink your tears. Let alone in a high intensity conflict zone with everything in the mix. IL-2 ( when the skies are full with squadrons, player made and pve patrol, it is just amazing ) Tarkov ( simply put it is NA 10.x patch elevated at *keep practicing* level ) Arma ( insert all invasion/wasteland types here, great in hc servers where you have no idea who killed you, bot or human, who cares, you're dead anyway ) Conan, Division, even Dark Souls if you are up to have your game invaded. C'mon man, being eccletic even in gaming is a good thing. One thing I can tell you, there's no "hardcore" game out there that has it so many protective measures as NA does. This I can assure you.
  6. what if.... PvE server had "duel mutual accept - attack! accept! RoE" 1v1 PvP ? - removes the need for mutual accepted "green on green" instances - adds a simple pvp layer to pve without changing the nature of server - not mandatory and everyone is safe from pvp unless accepted
  7. "There is no spoon" aka. the matrix effect aka. my pixels hurt
  8. Sure. That's why testing them is paramount to find the things that are not working correctly and report them as best as possible so the developers can go through the issues and solve them. Once the bad features / bugs are fixed then we look again to the relative strength, same as happened with Wasa.
  9. It is not my point, but I accept it as a universal truth. I dislike it a lot, was never part of my gaming culture in any media type, but we are not discussing that No one is required to get anything. If you think very very hard about it, it is the race to meta think-tank that makes you believe that you MUST use paid DLC ships. ( offtopic: using trackir while playing arma gives a edge - hands free head movement. is it paytowin ? No. But is nice to have. )
  10. Sorry, I completely fail at understanding your analogy @vazco In any multiplayer game, the hardcore competitive types will always push the bar. ANY game, and Naval Action is no exception ( hardcore means a lot of things, not only competitive. ) DLC ship serves the player that plays 2 hours now and then and wants nothing to do with "sailing parts and baubles to build a ship" and want nothing from the economy of the game, not even the store apart from guns. DLC ships can even be played without repairs. Sail out, fight, and if it sinks it sinks. End session happy because he heard the guns, the seaguls, and had to sail through lots of combat smoke. Regarding the relation of win loss; That's a very good point. The balance of wins/losses is indeed a odd one as the DLC ships do affect, at high rates, the flux of combat and conquest. I suggest that we look forward to the ship models having their characteristics issues fixed and then review this in depth. We all have good points regarding the DLC and no opinion can be disregarded as we all see the game and the gameplay from different angles. One thing is true - the DLC is here to stay.
  11. A shop cruiser three-five is 155BR baseline, something like 240BR fully upped. A state of the art five-five, all upgraded and slotted would be, by calculation of percentiles effects at standard rate taking into account the base values of the ship (oak-oak), something like 425BR, for the exact same model
  12. Duel Tournaments coming. Hold fast.
  13. Be honest. The meta bar was raised quite high and that's why "no one" spends pvp marks on the cruiser frigates. I mean "no one" other than some loonies . Many sea rover types of players still use surprises, l'hermiones, cerberus, etc. With so many marks hoarded along all this time a player can effectively redeem any cruiser frigate for months to come and wonder of wonders, he doesn't have to wait 24 hours. As the dust settles there's quite a few DLC ships sinking everyday. Maybe those captains play more carefree due to guaranteed ship the next day, but the same happens with a crafted similar rate ship - let's put aside all the issues with the dlc ships, those are tested, reported. In truth, and with ease and SAFETY any player can craft 1 good ship, in everything rather equivalent to the DLC ships ( apart from xebec ) per day to play.
  14. Fact: Cannot redeem more than "1 dura" per 24 hours. - DLC ship serves quite well the player that dedicates 2 hours to the game and wants nothing to do with "clans/conquest" and simply wants to "smell the gunpowder and hear the roar of the guns". Redeem, sail out, battle, sink or return to port, logoff. One may discuss the merits and sins of the DLC when being used by the several hardcore types ( they will always take all advantages ) but it is undeniable that those ships are a fast, affordable and time-economic way to play the game. Changing the entire foundation of the game to accommodate to the DLC makes no sense, as I see it.
  15. They should. You did misinterpret me and I did actually suggest some benefits to conquest a while ago I did not say a word about good or bad, just stated that the possibility to define whatever the clan does with the port may result in a nice "member tax" to the clan. Plain, not pro nor against, deduction. o7
  16. Indirectly, if the owner closes to friends only or clan only, it becomes a "clan tax" which is fair and on point to other "clan tax" mechanics that have been asked for. Anything that difficults the usage of alts is good.
  17. To crush your enemys, to see them driven sunk under you, to hear the lamentations of the nation chats one must meta competitive pro. I totally get that. But hey, some folk just enjoy the age of sail experience offered by Naval Action especially ship models and sailing around, learn them, do stuff, you know, play the game, not game the game
  18. No, nothing wrong Was just the combination of "enemy player" and "friend or foe". I'd say the first excludes the second, by mechanics.
  19. Would totally buy a DLC pack dedicated exclusively to sloops, schooners, barques, pollacks, ...
  20. Absolutely. No teleports. Simple
  21. Neutral. I like it and dislike it at the same time. As long as ships can be towed from a safe zone to anywhere, especially across the map ), the safety of doing economics safe is a higher calling than having to risk a traverse in the open sea. So end product, ship of the line extraordinaire can be produced in said safe area and then towed.
  22. I think they share the same production baseline layout with the essential RoE/Conquest locks added, and not a entirely different "product". I may be wrong though The specific PvE-only server environment should really be developed independently and go its own course.
  23. Thank you captain for your honesty and report. More information coming soon.
  24. Recently came across a fairly "similar" real life counterpart of a english buccaneer that changed his name several times while working for dutch, french and finally settled with the spanish. He was traced back due to having attacked a english merchantman after a peace was signed( he didn't know it and was at sea ) and he was handled as prisoner by the spanish back to english hands to undergo trial.
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