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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. If you are the server you might. Oh wait, you are not. Maybe a tenth of that then, just the visuals. Let's stop trolling shall we ?
  2. What sails are damaged ? It is not linear...
  3. ??? Subject was more PvE activity... why is there PvP in the mix other than personal choice of playing in PvP server... *sigh* ?
  4. You confuse analysis of "what is" with preference of "what if". I like a good old Sheldon approach to these matters. No sarcasm.
  5. Most upgrades in games range in effect from 0,01% to 1% for best epiczorz versions.
  6. I hope you are right ( for a pve server that is )... ... but hearing a ton of players saying that fighting 1 to 2 odds against NPC is too difficult ( final exam ) I come to wonder what type of pve do we want... always a boring steamroll the NPCs ?... ... and I still wonder why players chose PvP server... ... be honest.
  7. Before the speed cap me and monkey could do it at 39% sail. Was infuriating for the coast guard.
  8. Do use the multitude of threads about the same subject existent in both discussions and suggestions. The amount of threads about the same exact subject is HIGH volume and often written by the same users. http://forum.game-labs.net/topic/26151-safe-zones-and-newbies http://forum.game-labs.net/topic/24366-safe-zones-a-better-way http://forum.game-labs.net/topic/23353-safe-zones-op/ http://forum.game-labs.net/topic/23158-hunting-in-safe-zones-reinforcements http://forum.game-labs.net/topic/22989-remove-safe-zones-for-higher-ranking-players etc etc etc
  9. I do not disagree. Maybe increase damage threshold for effective tag would be enough.
  10. from The Encyclopedia of Diderot & d'Alembert (published across 1751-1777) all Marine flag plates ( scroll down the page ) https://quod.lib.umich.edu/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=did;cc=did;rgn=main;view=text;idno=did2222.0001.567 legends in the digital text version here https://artflsrv03.uchicago.edu/philologic4/encyclopedie1117/navigate/24/10/
  11. I don't disagree with you. Plus we both will have the same trouble going through the suggestions And by the way, spawn were much much much much closer. We could start hugging. And prepared turned into a "option" - if you want it, get the Officer skill. Then it turned into a perk after the Officers removals. Was a "guaranteed cripple the enemy button" of sorts. Still is if a 74 gun has a perfect spawn versus a cruiser frigate.
  12. There was never a "easier mode" in the OW than the "escape to port" after battle. Those were the fat times. Total impunity... Raiding left and right and center... Glad it is no longer that way.
  13. Go through ALL of our suggestions. You will find your answer for that and many other mechanics. We, the people of the Caribbean, voice our concerns and we are heard.
  14. Been looking throughout a vast array of different products with similar situations and it all sums up to this: - single items DLC are sold as is - majority did bet, especially in the recent past, in Expansions - collection of items along with "world" content ( new areas, etc ) Cutting out access to any part of the game by any of the mentioned - single item DLC or in a expansion pack - is never heard of. What could be done regarding the DLC ships is - any player owning the DLC can effectively capture a DLC ship and use it. The rest simply gets the "market value" of the ship in marks and battle rewards. Also, 1 DLC model present in character account at ANY time. Not 2, not 4 , not 10, not in fleets - but 1! This is the same for other games where one does not own the "expansion" and therefore cannot use the expansion items BUT can sell them to the market - in the case of NA, cannot capture the ship but can sink it and receive the rewards ( marks, etc )
  15. Under scrutiny Remember rule 1. Respect
  16. They do. But with modules and books that deviation can be minimized to the point of being marginaly non existent at 250m.
  17. I understand. You present a element of "gaming the game" and not of mechanics in place as they are intended.
  18. Explain how two schooners sink a Xebec or how Snake can deal with a Hercules. True, not necessarily the everyday occurrence but it happens.
  19. Good point. Thanks for clearing it up. Got lost with the "alt" blabla in the previous reply.
  20. Sorry, do not understand. Question was "What happened with the ship and it's mods be the reward?" Answer is - Ships can be captured. If a player sees a good build with good equipment there's the option to capture it ( if perk Fleet has been chosen ). If there's more hidden meaning behind what is written, then it is not written and therefore meaningless. Be clear.
  21. Can capture a good ship when you see one.
  22. Me too, at the expense of main ship crew count without chance of requesting a resupply by air bridge... -.-
  23. DLC ships are a excellent choice for a player that does not want anything to do with the "economic value" and simply wants to pvp out-of-the-box. They are sterile models, as they do not "exist" in the economic level of crafting, but still marginally participate into it due to being valued in marks and currency reward. A DLC ship is available every 24 hours. Non dlc ships, example snake heavy or snow or cerberus can be built by a dozen in aggregate of 12 hours of gameplay. That's major difference. 1 per day vs 12 per day . So yes, it is a matter of choice. I like to play both sides of the coin. Today I just want to blaze guns, i grab a Hercules. Tomorrow I want a more into sandbox, I go resource gathering and build some nice frigates.
  24. Absolutely. You are free to agree or disagree and boycott whatever you feel like. We, individuals, are only as important. For every Hachi there's a Xebec. For every Roku there's a Hercules.
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