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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. Don't confuse drama with toxicity. There a extremely bright line in the sand that separate the two. Bounties are excellent content. Force feeding poison along it... not really . Your fun versus everyone's.
  2. I agree. Now, if you can spare time, go test your xebec open deck being shot by clouds of grape - test various types and various poundage, and post the video here. Thanks captain. For comparison baseline use a Niagara and run the same tests. Thank you. All tests that we, early access players, can do is appreciated and can only improve the game. o7
  3. and the Captain had to tend for the crew, with live hard coin after return to port, or else crew would walk away. no ranks, no fixed crew. so if you sail a 1200 crew ship you better loot enough to pay shares for all, before returning to port and cut the shares, or go back to a piragua with 40 crew
  4. intense gear wars a arms race operated from relative "total" safety
  5. Sorry but something's not right on your end @Dibbler Both Herc and Xebec redeemed with fleets of the same model.
  6. gaming the game to hell with the experiencing the age of sail game
  7. 😮 ... report it to the maker asap then !
  8. Best we have being better than none at all I am certain @jodgi would appreciate all the help to improve it. 😎
  9. https://sites.google.com/view/speedtrials/all-chart
  10. I am sure you are trying to convince yourself of something. I hope you succeed. Fair winds.
  11. Oh yeah. Not discussing the merits, just pointing out what we have and how the short end of the stick will have to handle it. Just sink the little buggers and to hell with caution.
  12. I think @z4ys post a vid somewhere. Full hold - 15.4 and straight downwind normal cargo, something fairly high 13.4 or something like that. No idea about the equipment. Yeah, it is easy to run away from anything when you know what you do and pay attention to the wind. Issue is, all the guys that know their stuff and grouped up and roving across the zones like moses through the red sea
  13. Yep speed beats speed anyday since....forever... But who cares about the trader anyway when one can jump anyone for marks. Push Pull Kill any 5th rate. And if the said frigate is fast then it will sink faster. Oh oh oh and yer grape can't touch me ( yet... )
  14. are you sure ? Straight downwind 180º it can go at 13.4kn or similar. Red unz go fasta !
  15. I'm a grunt. Say where I need to sail to do or die. No diplomacy needed in a wargame, too much talk kills it, hence no drama should exist. Only- Attack, fight, GG. Next day do more. Everyone's fun.
  16. Definitely i agree with you. Some of us do play the game Others game the game, so stating we do not fight mechanics is my dream and that everything is perfect and that everyone plays the game as intended. Alas it is not, so lets stop with illusions. Regarding the names... yeah okay.... I'm used to not seeing names of enemy planes/tanks/soldiers in other games so whatever grinds your gears man. You want to throw kisses at the "enemy player" be my guest. Especially in a PvE server with mutual agreement duel... ...
  17. Now i know why i never touched MMOs in earnest. But I cannot remember any drama during my time back in - Anarchy Online, Project Entropia and Age of Reckoning... *yawn* Banter yes, toxicity never.
  18. Hate to break it but is not true. Try to bring drama to Sailaway ( just to name one ) and you'll see how fast you lose your access to the game. Snappy salute, sorry for the intrusion.
  19. @Ove Gjedde @Ferrus Pugnum from last night Global chat, as the OP shows ( and others opinions ) this is what I meant by reverting the system to place the stakes on owner. ~S~
  20. You mean several durabilites and that modules are lost with each durability... or.... ? Because, and let us return to the old days, the ships were never the valuable thing. Modules were. So we keep being "dishonest" with ourselves and eluding ourselves away from the real issue. Is not a ship durability, it is "how the ship is setup with all the trinkets and baubles" durabilities. How many sail a "vanilla" teak wo in the Caribbean ?... riiiight... P.S.- #antimetaleague word of the week - baubles Yeah Looking simply at a "sterile" arena environment it makes sense, alas is not our game. I do know some special ships are rewards for "events" like the Epic Events and Lost Treasure Fleet ? Santa Cecilia being one of them. I agree with a solid rework, but not all should be craft-able outside the ship plans. Example being hull, masts, and anything that is inherent part of the ship build structures. Of course canvas types or carriages modifications could be part of its own crafting as they are elements separate from the base ship
  21. You have 3 modes. If you go online you have both, pvp and pve and AI will be a challenge. If you don't want to go you have coop versus AI or only solo pve. There's facts. Then there's opinions and then there's lies. Do not for a moment try to replace one of them with the others. Again you simply EXPECT everyone to read your mind when you question was simple, so I advise you to write exactly what you mean. IL-2 Great Battles can have both, as in NA it is your OPTION to choose which server you play on. And given the online wars go on 24/7 the AI patrols and well coded routines ensure non stop action and even affect, to a degree, the outcome as they actively engage the enemy elements, from supplies to AF infrastructure, to tank columns. So, again you are given a choice, same as in NA. In Arma you have all the wastelands, exiles, and the offspring of those including all the ww2 build ups. Again, you were so generalistic in your question so you get generalistic answers. From reading your replies I would say your HONEST question would be: - What MMO mixes both. I will still say Elite Dangerous. You have the full package online or you go solo/coop, so pvp or pve. take your pick and be glad because ALL your actions influence the universe, even if you don't open yourself to other players, you know pew pew all your containers belong to us, no different from NA raiding
  22. Doesn't but... Does it make any difference ? ... Maybe I overlooked something here, as mechanics are blind and do not care about human concerns i simply looked at a direct, honest - wanna fight me enemy player ? - yes, i do - accept challenge duel !
  23. entire pve stays the same except for the 1v1 roe challenge/accept.
  24. Duels are coming in the future updates, one of them, think the UI one. No idea if DLC ships will be eligible... hmmm...
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