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Hethwill, the Red Duke

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Everything posted by Hethwill, the Red Duke

  1. F11 bug report. If it a known "issue" then it is expected to be reported. Thank you for some of the copypastes but Hostility can be driven by an Attacker by - PvP in the area or Hostility Missions. This loophole should have been reported.
  2. Given it is from DELL support... You're my guest. Have fun then.
  3. OW wind generated by a direct link with the real weather as provided by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) would be great. https://www.windy.com/?20.982,-74.531,5,m:egYadWW
  4. 6 - 9 shots with Long 6 pounders at under 250m.
  5. The suggestion and counters should not be a flip coin. The correct application of a rule to the wargame/simulation must equate correctly with the "scenario". Tows are not invalid when supported by good wargame mechanics. Example being the pic i posted of the supply drop. In truth the supply chain enables models availability on the frontlines. So the ships are already there, they just have to be "bought" with supplies. This is Operational level modelling. There's no Crafting involved but logistics are in. But that's another game, ,not NA. In the age of sail - in Naval Action - we could discuss that a "nation/clan" can emulate this mechanic by building crafting infrastructure where it is needed but, as previous tests shown, the majority of dedicated pvp'ers rather avoid crafting/economy al'together while focusing on the tactical layer. Let's look to the 3 layers: - Strategic Layer - what to attack and why ( Conquest / OW PvP ) - Operational level - what is necessary where ( ships and supplies ) - Tactical level - dictated by actions at Operational level ( the combat instances - OW and PBs ) Tows will 1-click fuse the Strategic/Operation level to the point where the "crafting" becomes a false feature Let's keep the discussion rolling.
  6. Dugout canoes / barques longues were a favorite for raiding the Spanish Main back in the bucaneer age Careful what we wish for... ihihihihih
  7. Please standby until maintenance on Caribbean is over.
  8. Regarding Missions... Have Clan level Mission rules been considered ( or will be ) ? I mean, as an example; Mainland Europe powers issue order to attack and conquer a certain enemy nation holding. All Clans becoming automatically eligible candidates, but only one will make it of course, by aggressive use of Conquest mechanics.
  9. I don't want to fly for 2 hours to make a supply drop on the frontlines man !!! To hell with the logistics gameplay. I want to click a button and bypass logistics.
  10. Remind me something, When we tested the Tows the first time it wasn't immediate and it took an entire Maintenance cycle, right ?
  11. Not about me. Is about us. me/us being generic references to "one player" and "all players".
  12. ::error:: caribbean server detected ::error::
  13. A ship sailing is open to PvP even if NOT willing to. PvP is not a one way avenue.
  14. Gotcha. I'm binary on that regard. All or nothing. Not cherry picking. Go full hardcore or not at all.
  15. Holy Mary the Mermaid Virgin Maiden with Carronade Shot Size Breasts... No offence intended, but are you for real !?... NPC shop ships are more than capable enough. Maybe not "competitive meta" but still they will get the job done - login, press sail, gank someone, whatever outcome was a good NA session. Look, I am an adamant hardcore sim guy, would love a grognard NA, but making peace with the universe is sometimes a good thing.
  16. Shop ships, not player crafted. You know, 70k Frigates, not 700k.
  17. Ah gotcha. Thanks for making it more clear.
  18. Can you rephrase that ? Not understanding what you mean sorry...
  19. Was done with all other ships before DLC. A "ganking " squadron of 3/5 shop ships could achieve the same exact results. We are missing a big point here... no sure what to be honest....
  20. I do now sail them as "throw aways" with no repairs and modules. Simple "World of Sail" type of approach. Login, fight, whatever happens, fun. Yes, yes, marks and stuff and egos, who cares
  21. A ship sailing is a ship open to PvP.
  22. Oh, absolutely. Undeniable. Maybe remove sailing al'together and make all ships DLC. That would make a lot of people happy but wouldn't be NA but rather moba Legends. If a player has only 60 minutes to spare, NA is surely not the choice of a game though given a battle is coded to last 90 minutes. Sessions of players last on average three hours.
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