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Everything posted by maturin

  1. Duras are gone forever.
  2. So the US just attacked Campeche, which is miles from the nearest opposition of any faction. Soon no Spanish players will be able to find resources, even by sailing for multiple hours from Havana. Privately, Americans say that the reason for this port greed is to prove to the devs that the mechanics are broken. They're doing their best to break the game.
  3. This is my understanding as well. I'm just wondering what sources you know of that discuss this topic. All I've got is Boudriot. All the crew manangement changes sound great, but this is especially brilliant. Are you going to use Boudriot's crew numbers as a basis for sailhandling requirements? https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-pwrC9JR7ahbUxrbkR3WWlqVEE/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-pwrC9JR7ahU2FmT0ZJOHJBVmc/view?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-pwrC9JR7ahaUtqQTlwak1TZ0E/view?usp=sharing (I really apologize for these potato pictures. I was sitting hunched over my library book in a solar-powered hostel on an island in Maine run by a crazy amateur stonemason and his Swedish wife, and the light wasn't too great.) Also, I'd be happy to scale down those numbers for different sail settings.
  4. Maybe the player didn't mount any there.
  5. PBs would be a good time and place for a scuttling mechanic. Because a fully-crewed vessel never has enough boats for everyone. You have to be right on the beach, basically. Ships were most often scuttled when anchored or aground.
  6. Also notice "outside Danzig harbor." Not exactly the middle of the Caribbean Sea.
  7. I think it was meant more as a threat to people who whine about lacking historical tools. A reminder that we also lack historical challenges.
  8. Admin just said in livestream Q&A that he wants to add better compass tool for plotting courses. Regarding more sophisticated instruments, he coyly pointed out that in such a case the compass would have to suffer from deviations and anomalies. Read: For ever crutch we get, expect more technical challenges.
  9. Or you just select Show on Disk in the Steam screenshots window that pops up. The game has its own dedicated screenshot function, and they show up in a fairly obvious folder in its program files.
  10. I've said it once, I'll say it several more time. Once NA wins GotY, I think the devs should reward their devoted fans by releasing a moddable dedicated server version of the game. That way people can host and edit their own shards as SP trading/exploration games, sailing sims, RP PvE servers, fantasy versions with sea monsters, ironclads...
  11. It's meant to be a crude example. Let's not have a moral panic of pedantry here. Anyways, knowing pump placement would be nice, because learning this from experience without janky use of the Damage log is really difficult. Magazine location is probably not too important because it's always below the waterline and you can't hit it anyhow. And the rudder's location is obvious.
  12. No navy ever did that with men on board. Fanatical captains gave the order when they were losing, at which point their men quite sensibly smothered them with their own bandages.
  13. When did they ever say that about whaling? Sounds like a myth to me. Because that movie totally engendered controversy. Not.
  14. Scuttling in deep water = suicide. Not generally practiced in preference to becoming a prisoner of war. I'm sure your crew would also have some thoughts on being left to drown pointlessly.
  15. You are undercrewed. Try a Niagara, Snow or Navy Brig. Or Mercury.
  16. ^.^ Will shallows ever enter battles as well, so that a fight could be split into deep and shallow water halves on the edge of the Bahamas Channel?
  17. On the other hand, now that Cerb and Surprise carry the same caliber of gun, you're probably better off with the higher RoF anyhow.
  18. I identify as a keelson. It's like otherkin, but for shipbuilding structural members.
  19. Comparisons to Eve combat, however, are nonsense. It's not relevant, any more than references to Backgammon.
  20. Speaking of Republicaine francaise, I don't recommend reading a Tale of Two Cities. Everyone is named Jacques.
  21. Have you actually played this game? Or did you just fail at two Missions and come here too write treatises? Crafting doesn't bottleneck anything. The game is flooded with ships of every description, for sale in AI shops and sailing around waiting for you to capture them and sail them for free. And the combat is skill-based. 'Learning to fight Constitutions' is honestly one of the worst ideas I've ever heard in over a year on these forums. Especially backed up with a comparison to a game where combat consists of spreadsheets.
  22. Don't tell me you're going to write walls of text on game design and then make me explain the difference between skill-based gameplay and MMO crafting. Also, choose only one of the following: Complain about people rudely rejecting your ideas Make taunting troll-logic retorts
  23. Why isn't Renommee listed in her own class? And I thought she only had one quasi-sister ship.
  24. Like what? Were they games with sandbox-style OW? Where outnumbering an opponent was decisive? Where the setting was historical? Where players were supposedly filling the role of captains with chronological careers? At the end of the day the loss is in your head, but so is the need for loss. Having a high seas adventure where every defeat is a mulligan just seems hard to swallow. You can't treat it like some WWII flying game. Oh, and I think the frequency of unfair battles also militates against players accepting a hard-fought defeat. Loss is tangled up in all the core dilemmas of the game: ganking, historical choices and progression, econ, etc, etc, all made a Gordian knot because this is an MMO.
  25. It's a known bug that hasn't been tracked down yet. I recommend logging off and teleporting to capital in 2 hours.
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