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Everything posted by maturin

  1. You understand that "plenty" is perfectly capable of being a minority, right? The devs are the arbiters and already implemented a compromise solution known as durability. Which was quite unpopular, I might add.
  2. But he CAN log in and fight ships without having to do anything else! Income earned from fighting is immense! Econ income does not fund war. On the contrary, fighting gives players tons of disposable income to invest in econ. Or not, if they so choose. The only thing you need econ for is an on-demand source of top-quality ships. If your so loss-averse, capture throwaway vessels or buy discount ships from the shop. That's what I do when I want to live dangerously. And personally, I don't think I would be any more likely to seek out PvP if vessels had unlimited durability. Not in the OW, anyway. In a world where going solo usually means getting ganked, escape is a form of victory. The impulse of self-preservation does not stem from having something to lose, and immortal ships would not make me behave recklessly. (A gameworld full of suicidal players wouldn't be fun anyhow.)
  3. Uh, yeah? You say that like it's something horrible and oppressive instead of the very foundation of econ and crafting gameplay. Without that, there's nothing. ...And if by 'infinite' demand you mean that all men die and time is infinite, therefore demand is theoretically infinite. Over here in the real game, crafters have lots of trouble selling ships to players. I'm getting sick of your accusations. Let's make something very clear: This game has loss because the broader playerbase wants it. I repeat: Most players interested in PvP want loss. The game would be stale, fluffy and pink if ships lasted forever. This is not all about crafters. You're not facing off against a shadowy cabal of ruthless capitalists, so stop trying to puff up that martyrdom narrative. You're just airing an unpopular opinion. As for compromise, you can get sunk 5 battles in a row before losing anything. And in those 5 defeats you still earn enough money to buy two new ships. Now a single mission against a puny bot gives you enough cash to buy a vessel. What more do you want? The loss is entirely in your imagination.
  4. Clans can do whatever they want, and attempt to enforce standards of behavior. It's generally held that basic cutter should be left along until they go looking for trouble.
  5. "Planking integrity" is a stand-in for hitpoints. It's completely abstracted and isn't supposed to be realistic or historical. The bar doesn't represent anything numerical, and is balanced for the best gameplay. You start flooding at <10% hull integrity.
  6. As a crafter, the idea of building cookie-cutter 'overhaul kits' intsead of unique vessels is honestly repulsive. In twenty minutes every player in the game will have the ship they want, and then they just feed it kits for all eternity. I want to be a shipbuilder, not a gas station attendant.
  7. So far as I know, they're back already. The storms just seem to be really rare on the OW.
  8. What are the odds of you buying an amazing ship from more than one crafter if that ship will never, ever be lost? You only need one amazing ship in each category, for eternity. Why would you ever settle for less than perfection when the investment pays infinite dividends? If we don't have loss in PvP, then ships need to degrade over time. The difference is that no one is excited or motivated by watching wood rot.
  9. He should have become a pirate, and shooting you was against the rules.
  10. It's just the Bellona model retextured. I think the devs wanted some diversity for the crafting gameplay.
  11. We're writing half a dozen paragraphs about other games now? If so, it might be PM time.
  12. 74 is meant to be a different ship entirely. An older, lighter 74 with 24-pounders on the main deck. Bellona is the rarer version, and is faster.
  13. I'm not sure whether Optimized Ballasts affect heel or roll. My hunch is for the former, despite what the item description says. If your ballast makes you heel less, you've either added more of it, or stored it lower in the hold. And that can make the vessel faster in a bunch of different ways. Less heel doesn't just mean a better angle for the sails, but also less drag from submerging the leeward part of your hull, less rudder drag due to reduced weather helm, and the ability to carry more sail than a tender vessel. At the cost, perhaps, of a snappier roll that complicates gunnery and strains masts. Taken altogether though, the relationship between speed, ballast, stiffness, roll magnitude and roll period almost instantly jumps into way-too-complicated territory. If the module actually does make you roll through a smaller arc, I don't know how that would be accomplished. In any case, it seems that contemporary designers welcomed lively rolling when it came to fast ships. 'Rolls well, sails well,' was the saying, and a lot of high-performing vessels would put their rails underwater, while still being stiff and able to carry a lot of canvas. The real Trincomalee wouldn't have heeled much at all, and less so if built from fir like Shannon. This means that their rolling would have been rather uncomfortable. Leda-class could even get a reverse Pellew's Sights if the developers wanted to make her a stiff ship instead.
  14. Now we just need that storm to be grinding you into the coast, forcing you to claw your way out to sea to avoid it.
  15. The servers are already separated.
  16. Пока у нас еще девяностые годы. Правил нет, но от вашем поведение скоро придумают, что надо запрещать.
  17. If you didn't read it and sign it, there isn't one that applies to you. I'd guess the devs are comfortable relying on Steam's built-in EULA and software.
  18. When posts are hidden, other posts that quote them are also hidden. Even if they are acceptable.
  19. The big rigs? Did you mean to say brig rigs? Because the smaller vessels have their speeds buffed pretty much across the board. It's the SoLs that are robbed (Santissima excluded), at least so far as top speeds go.
  20. Even if the ships weren't painted, and even if oak and pine looked dramatically different, the outer planking is still always oak. Only the frame timbers are of different types.
  21. Plus Trinc, Connie and most SoLs.
  22. The rough seas are already back in the game, synced to (relatively rare) stormy weather in the OW.
  23. None of the factors you mentioned have the slightest relevance to stability. A wooden vessel with stone for ballast will behave exactly the same as a vessel made from modern materials if the displacement and center of gravity are the same. The wooden vessel can downflood and sink more easily, but that's beyond the point when a collision shouldn't heel it to the downflooding angle to begin with. Ram a wooden vessel at 12 knots and you will probably do fatal damage to the timbers at the waterline. But again, that has nothing to do with capsizing. And you obviously haven't seen at of the game's vessels flipping and turning turtle at combined speeds of 6 or even 0 knots, or you wouldn't be talking. Listen, inclining a ship requires force, either in a downward direction on one rail, or a horizontal direction far above the center of gravity. The bow of another ship doesn't provide the needed force vector to incline, only to push laterally. When you ram you are just shoving the vessel sideways with your bow, quite close to its own center of gravity. And for every degree that the other vessel heels, the more force is required to heel it farther, up to at least 30 degrees (in the case of a dangerously unstable vessel). Meanwhile the ramming vessel decelerates and the force becomes less. IRL you would shunt the other vessel out of the way in most cases, and decelerate quickly. In the game you turn into a diesel tug boat and can push ships larger than yourself sideways through the water at 10 knots, never decelerating. I gave you a list half a dozen items long, all ways in which the game's physics are out of whack. You can go watch videos of frigates(!) climbing out of the water entirely, putting their keels on the decks of SoLs. Do you think this is "modeled reasonably well?" Agreed. The ability to repair collision leaks should be nowhere near 100% effective.
  24. Which day? The Battle of Actium?
  25. Right now you are out of luck. Becoming a pirate accidentally will becomes less common in the future. But unfortunately all you can do is wait for a possible future amnesty.
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