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Everything posted by maturin

  1. Snow is not dramatically larger than a cutter. You got unlucky; ramming is risky. You could also have been suffering from pump damage (the UI doesn't alert you until the damage gets serious) or lack of crew.
  2. You could tie up gunboats inside the hull and then disgorge your cannon-toting brood to scare away the stern campers.
  3. Has anyone seen any storms since EA?
  4. I imagine most smaller and poorer vessels would be stuck with wretchedly inadequate chronometers. Your pocket watch would be worth its weight in gold. By the way, is an accurate latitude observation a noon-only thing, or can you sight some stars at night as well? And are there any instruments that estimate longitude in absence of a chronometer?
  5. I need a macro for this spiel, but basically we should get an oblong shape representing a fairly good idea of our latitude, but very poor information on longitude. And it only updates at noon.
  6. Everyone who's complaining about poor behavior should go play for a smaller nation. I almost always have people join my trader hunts near Havana unannounced. But I simply ask them 'please do not shoot roundshot, use chain,' and they have complied every single time. Never had anyone try to steal a prize from me, ram me, FF, etc. In return I try and teach them how to chase.
  7. Niagara definitely needs to be a shallow ship.
  8. Uh, you're seriously going to buy a fleet-full of AI and then complain when people don't want to PvP you?
  9. Fighting a swarm of cutters isn't most people's idea of fun.
  10. Could use some quarterdeck guns and possibly another knot.
  11. Henry Morgan conquered towns when he was a colonial governor gone rogue. So his actions may have been piracy, but he started out with all the political and economic power of a national leader. And he didn't hold the towns he took for the blindingly obvious reasons that doing so was impossible. Right, because that was your job. Apparently Naval Action is going to be even closer to the fantasy genre than PotBS. On balance, I'd rather have the Aztec ghosts. But I guess there's no sense crying over spilled milk.
  12. In what universe is this ever going to happen? Just because some national players are irritated by Johnny Depp? Pirates are the second biggest faction and have all the abilities of nations. You have designed the game specifically so that pirates will be one of the most powerful factions, and will take over much of the Caribbean. There is no grand experiment at work here; it is inevitable. Just as so many people on the forum warned against over more than a year of development. From day one, pirates are stronger than two different global empires and two European empires, and the nations are supposed to arrive at a historical result by Quixotically attempting to suppress piracy amidst a seven-sided war?
  13. Почему вы не ушли из боя na своем новом бриге? Тимкиллеров, кстати, можно наказать
  14. Balancing population is futile. It's the free-for-all that needs to end. Nations should be grouped into 2-3 alliances that are hostile to each other. These alliances should be managed according to population, with a preference for history (Spain should be friend with France before the Dutch; Danes and Sweden should ally last of all). After that some player-led political functionality can be added in slowly. Large guilds scuttling alliances or hiring pirates as agent provocateurs.
  15. Funny, I remember the PotBS community incessantly whining about no SoLs for rats and privateers. Seems like the devs want to pre-empt the crying.
  16. The repair is enough to keep you afloat. If you have 0% planking on one side, you can pop the repair and stay afloat through Survival focus. It's enough to escape on.
  17. Have you ever tried to have a normal fleet engagement between SoLs when 70% of the vessels are AI snows ramming into everyone and everything?
  18. You want to tag them when you are close, but not too close. If you are a few shiplengths downwind, the quarry will spawn in the expected place, then sail through your position to get away. If the instance stats with your ships side-by-side or right on top of each other, you are guaranteed to get a glitchy start position with the vessels warped 400 yards apart in random directions.
  19. Gold and ship wipes are possible but not certain.
  20. Only players that are stationary should be kicked. It's people in port and post-battle screens that run up the queues.
  21. A kick button would be really handy when I get ganked. Just have my teammate Kick me out of the fight. Free lifesaving teleport!
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