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Everything posted by Christendom

  1. most of those fantasy MMOs that you reference have more than 600 people on a time. Runescape which is more than a decade old has more active members than we do. Years ago I played an MMO called Star Wars Galaxies, it has since closed down. There is a emulated version of it that plays the original classic mode called SWGEMU that gets 2000+ on a day and it's fan run. My point being, those systems worked. This one does not. A 15 year old game that is run by fans on a server somewhere has more active players than we do. With over 120k copies of this game sold and 2 years later we only have 500-600 on stable at a time means that this game just does somethings or many things wrong. Chief among them is this 11 nation bullshit. 500 players split into 11 nations (or factions) is just far too much. We're spread too thin. With the inclusion of clan owned ports and smaller BR port battles the devs already transitioned this game into a clan based one. They need to take it 1 step further and make it fully clan based with nations as simply a backdrop or a race. If you want to be a Pirate or a Brit national that sails around the Caribbean and scratch that history itch you should be able to do so. If you want to go do RVR and take ports you should be able to do that also. Conquest or RVR at a high level simply does not work with the current nation model. Most of these games you reference have different levels of content. PVE / Casual and Hardcore. Think of nations as casual and the clan/war company RVR has hardcore. There needs to be room for both. Ditch the 11 nations, make only 5 or 6. Have them be most PVE casual player catch-alls. Create a new "RVR" faction the players can join and create clans that fight each other for the 200 or so ports out there. Player X is a brit player who gets a letter of marque to join the "RVR" faction and creates a company/clan that fights. Seems simple IMO.
  2. Graf doesn't really know how to PVP. He doesn't solo and he doesn't go out in anything small. He usually goes out in a group of bellonas or higher, sinks a small fleet or 2 and either sails or is sent home. This to me isn't PVP and it's not something I find particularly thrilling. I don't really begrudge the players who do, but this notion that they're "Real PVPers" amuses me. Everyone seems to do it I guess. It's just organized sinking of coast guard noobs. To each his own I suppose. This weekend I was in the requin outside Mariel and tagged an LGV in. He used the AI reinforce, which was a brig (laugh..) and I assume called for help in nation. Boarded him quickly and as I was doing so a Herc joined and tried to break us up. Herc failed, I got the LGV and then about 7-8 other players joined in various spots. Decided to yolo and boarded the herc really quick and then had to wade through a few ships to get out. One lucky demast or a really good chain and I would of been sunk. I find this type of PVP far more thrilling and enjoyable. But it won't get you to #1 on the leaderboard (not that I see Graf on there often). The requin might be OP still, but it sure is fun. My point in all this being that folks think the leaderboard and sinking mass quantities of seals is the end all be all of PVP. These types of players whine about the safe zones because their style of play is ruined. I love the safe zones. I find knowing where to gank, where the gaps are, how to position before joining so you can leave with the wind, best way to pit each ship for rage boarding......I find these far more skillful and difficult than sinking a bunch of frigates while in bellonas outside KPR. But maybe that's just me.
  3. You do realize that was amplify you sunk right? I was on the requin. You’re getting old and senile graf. Or is it the bath salts again. WO/Blanc/UWS is the largest block of nighttime RVR players and we cannot match their numbers or skill. Rax knew what he was doing when he jumped ship over there. Prior to him joining their weakness was being multi flipped, if coordinated correctly. Now they can defend multiple ports a night if they do choose. We can’t compete, so we don’t. But really you mistake my intentions. I’m not trying to become the King of night time RVR or a sought after ally. Frankly I’d prefer to own zero ports and have zero allies, but unfortunately the game necessitates both. Our aim in going pirate was to simply PvP more and assist the other pirates with RVR goals and sink a lot of people. Then you, or really JAGs, had to go pissing us off. Spain has since been punished for it and we’re enjoying our new vacation home in Key West. Not only did we take the port off you we now have Spanish clans paying the timers on it for us and meanwhile 7ups port bill just got higher. Smells like victory to me. I like you Graf, but I feel like you’re cracking.
  4. Stop over compensating. Zero Christendom's have sunk outside La Habana as of yet. Just saying. 😕 Sinking bellonas and oceans is no fun. Sinking 7up traders full of 5k white oak and fir is. Sorry Krautz 😞
  5. Hey you guys sunk Amp. And actually it was more like prime time for EU and late morning for me, but who's counting :-). Sink a few traders and a frigate or 2 and my daily dose of marks is met. EZ PZ
  6. Pirates have no diplomacy. We just sink shit and then get ganged up on by nats. It bugs me that the lack of mechanics in this game forces pirates to RVR and have necessary ports. Good thing there's alts...... In games like this one locked nations just don't work. Some of the larger nations like the US and GB constantly have internal strife and clans pitted against each other. And that's with the game being under populated under 600 at a time. Imagine a full game and trying to coordinate that many people. It simply wont work. Take yesterday for example. 1 large clan in Russia refused to fight the Prussians despite almost the entire nation showing up to fight a Russia vs Prussia PB. It's stupid. Personally I feel there are 2 options for diplomacy in this game. 1 - Hard coded alliances that are controlled via developers OR in-game voting. No nation leaders decided what goes. Physical mechanics to enforce alliances. With the advent of forged papers this could work. 2 - Ditch nations entirely and use them only as a racial backdrop (what most games do) and do diplomacy on a clan level. This would work considering we have clan owned ports and smaller BR / Clan PBs
  7. Might want to talk to whomever's idea it was to take Vacas back. We had already discussed giving it up earlier that day. I did chuckle this morning when I saw that it was 7up who did the grinding though. Feel free to setup another shallow battle next weekend if you desire to test our grit. I do seem to remember 2 full fleets inside Key West a couple weeks ago with no fir fir ships in sight. If nobody had cared then I suppose you wouldn't have attempted to screen us out or attack our ports. Maybe you do 🙂 Technically I was in a requin yesterday and attempted to get in there to help Amplify......but an 8 on 2 was not in the cards. Actually at the time you showed up in that battle I was #2 on the leaderboard for that morning. But when have you ever been good with facts 🙂
  8. Laugh. Cayo Vacas was requested back today by some Spanish members/clans along with a labor hour decrease at Key West in exchange for paying portions of the maintenance costs. We decided to accept the offer and will not defend Vacas this evening. So yes, Spain is now paying us to keep a timer on KW. Enjoy the extra 100k Graf As usual it seems that the left hand of Spain doesn’t know what the right hand is doing. Which is kinda how this war got started. And ever so slowly their members trickle back to Russia.
  9. was really like 2 mornings, but who's counting. We had some good hunting this morning also 🙂
  10. Devs forcing alliances or issuing missions to a nation to attack certain point is another way to go. A better option than our current system I think
  11. Bottom line, the only way alliances work is if they are forced upon you via game mechanics... just like the old system. With the inclusion of forged papers people now have the ability to switch alliances and it makes the stalemate we had last time of east vs west a bit less troublesome. Currently most of the larger nations have problems from within that end up putting off players and causing them to quit. GB is and has always been a mess. Same with the US. France has timezone issues where the left hand doesn’t know what the right is doing. Spain has internal issues with diplo policy. In short, without forcing alliances on the entire nation doesn’t seem to work well when the game is broken up on the clan level that it currently is. We need to go back to the old system or jump head first into the full clan based. People want to play the game how they want to play it. Maybe some one who’s been around more than a month might find that to be selfish, but really it’s just preference. Forcing players to be apart of a nation and having to cope with internal politics is just the wrong way to go.
  12. Same way they fit in with the current game play. Get on the friends list of another clan. Solo players currently can’t do RVR. We already have a partial clan system anyway, which is the problem. Nations don’t work because clans simply don’t need them. Clan X does all the work and that 2 person clan in the same nation still benefits. We either need to ditch the lower BR pbs and clan owned ports and go back to the full nation 25 person system or simply ditch nations entirely and only have them as a backdrop. We’re currently in between systems and it’s not working.
  13. Ditch nations for RVR. Make it 100% clan based. Clan diplos deal with other clans. No bullshit nation politics. We need to stop trying to make this system work. It doesn’t.
  14. War and Peace DLC incoming
  15. Spain showed up down in the south east to help screen for France once...possibly twice. That’s about it. They have traditionally been rather poor allies and never really been willing to sail beyond the Belize area.
  16. About sums it up.
  17. Scuttling ships is and has been a valid tactic. I believe it was allowed the last time you (or your clan) tribunaled it against us. Could we please add this thread to the yet unresolved post I made where @King of Crowns continues to harass and make unfounded accusations? ^^ accusing our players of using exploits. Thread in question - Could we get a resolution to this? I believe KoC here is just off a recent chat ban for some very heinous language used against the significant other of one of my members. @admin @Ink How much longer must we endure this toxic player in Naval Action? Constant false accusations, multiple chat bans on his main and alts, obscene language towards women and open bigotry. When will enough be enough?
  18. A big issue is that pvp is basically all there is to do and with the pop as sparse as it is, you gotta get your content where you find it. Simply put, the game needs more shit to do and more players Patrol zones are a decent idea, but ROE and DLC ships have ruined them.
  19. As long as there is a marks system that rewards kills blindly, seals will get clubbed. I get the same amount of marks from a lt in a merc as a RA in a merc. And less hassle too. In a map this large it’s rare enough to run into anyone at certain times of the day given our population....asking a player to not sink a ship because they’re lower ranked is a bit of a stretch. Gamers will never adequately police themselves.
  20. Make NA clan based as it should be and turn nations into nothing more than a backdrop. Those who want to PVE and play a Brit/French captain can and stick with their respective nations. Those seeking RVR and conquest get a letter of marque and go out and take or lose ports. Clan X fights clan Y. Very simple. No bullshit internal politics. No being upset when one clan doesn’t fall in line. Your allies are your friendly clans. The nation method of trying to fit everyone into the same box is doing this game a disservice. We already have clan owned ports, clan paid for ports and smaller BR battles. Time to go fully into the clan based system. #clanbased
  21. Sadly probably not. Summers over and back to work this week. I’ve been on the board a bit recently though if you guys noticed. 200 a week is hustling in a trollquin man. That’s some hard earned cash. Lots of hercs and tbrigs. Unfortunately most of the bigger game is smart enough to run downwind. I sunk the same 7up guy 3x before he realized he could just run away.
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