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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. I had suggested before make one building called something like, "Lumber mill." Than you put it in a port. If that port has Live Oak, Oak and Fir. You get to choise when you do your daily resources which wood types you want to mill. Each one has a cap of how much you can mill in a day depending on the rarity of the wood. Oak and Fir would keep there normal caps they have now cause they aren't rare goods, but maybe Live/White Oak and other woods that drop instead will have a limit you can only mill so much that day and it takes twice the labor than the common woods, but you will only need one building to do any lumber work in a port. Mulit ports you would need mulit mills. Now to the OP topic: What I would love to see is a CLAN Option for the owner of the port to limit who can do contracts. Nation, Friendly clans only, Every one. This will limit who can just come into the port and drop contracts. If the port is set Free For all you auto set the contracts for every one to put. If it's locked to your nation than you can limit to friendly clans only, this will kill the use of alts to get around a nation owned ports other than by your main. Will also means clans need to work together in a nation and not piss each other off. If you want that resoource than you need to capture one of those ports instead of using your alt to get it. Filling contracts should also have the option to pick: Nation, Friendly Clans, all. Why would I fill the contract of a player that is in a nation I"m at war at just cause he has the highest contract. If I have a friendly clan/nation under him I would fill there contracts first.
  2. Ok I get the reason for the the no more mission cancellation for both combat orders, Fleet combat orders and hostility after you do three. But the problem is they are all tied together and don't reset after server down time. What I would suggest is that the missions reset every time the server rests. IF I was out doing stuff with the boys one night and head to bed, but still have missions. If the next day I want to go some where else and do something I have to use all my missions cancellations to reset to new missions. They shouldn't roll over the next day. The easy fix for this is make missions reset/whip empty at server down time so when you log back in you can pick new missions and not have to use your three daily missions cancellations.
  3. We have a multi flip? Man maybe I shouldn't been MIA playing BATTLETECH the last few days?
  4. You know you can go in and change your key bindings right?
  5. Come to the dark side, we have cookies and safe zones lol Though if the connection problems is on player side wouldn't matter which server you play on as they are in the same location.
  6. you apparently never used it right, it has it's use to max crew and cannon crit damage on a ship your firing upon. Try it out when your broad side to broad side with AI or even a player specially when armor is low and you will notice more crew and cannons being criting each broad side. And yes I'm one of those that forget or taps to many times and/or not enough and accidentally gets it into random or the wrong fire order so I know the frustration which is why I understand the use for another key. Just thought of something we have the [bracket] keys for doing complete broad sides right? Maybe make those the random fire keys or something like that for seperate operations, but than I start to think of it if you move it out of the "V" key folks will just be doing the same with front and back fire shooting the wrong one and complaining so maybe just leave it as is. Who wants to play on that dead server, but maybe they have more time on weekends and only want to pop off a mission or two during the week to get some money for econ and there longer play time on other days? THIS IS NOT A PVP ONLY SERVER IT'S A PVP/PVE Server so get over it man. If all these guys that like doing missions just stop playing your player base numbers will be as low as PvE server so stop trying to push them away. 90% of the players are the ones that just pop on for a few hours and than pop off. This comeing from a guy with over 7K hours in this game. You need them to keep this game alive or you will have some very dead seas to hunt on. Are maybe you should go play NA:L oh wait pure PVP failed.....right? Cause no one wants to fight some one that actually wants to fight back?
  7. Forts have two HP bars, the Fort it's self and the base. The fort is the Bow part of the bar and the base is the structure bar. If you hit the mark it's only around 50 hits to kill the fort, if your only hitting the base it takes around 150 hits to kill the fort. If your hitting both...well you can do the math. You should use a spotter or check your Map when hitting to see which bar is being removed HP and adjust your hits as needed. If you get a big cheer and crew are killed, your hitting the fort it self. That always is a sure way to know. With that @admin are we ever going to get this fixed where you can't see the aiming while on land (you can see them just fine shooting at sea/ship targets). This could be fixed by bringing back the red dot for aiming. Even though the way around this is just using a spotter, but if you just accidently tap your mouse your off again and have to respot walk your target again.
  8. They where like that to give trade ships a chance a long long long time ago before a lot of current mechanics where even put into play, it's a very out dated system and needs to be removed. One guy being chances can hold off three ships cause he hits with chain every time that the other three can't hit with cause of bad accuracy at that range. You ever wonder why you always see bow guns on modern ships? Cause the stern is normally very bad for making any shots.
  9. While we are at it can we finally get the super laser accurate stern guns back to normal?
  10. I think a hybrid system would be best. If you get the money back to the safety of your nations owned ports it goes into a bank that you can use to pay for your port maintance and such. If your not part of a clan than it goes into your own personnel bank. Each player should have one of those and each clan should have it's own bank. Money needs to be withdrawn and moved to other ports owned by other nations if you plan to trade with them. I like the concept of any raid/kills money is on your ship bank until you return to a friendly or clan owned port. Even go as far as it has to be either the capital or clan owned port (warehouse port) to do so. All players and Solo players have to work out of the capital pretty much, while clans can work out of there clan owned ports as a bonus. Folks shouldn't be made broke if they get hit by some one and loose one ship, so the bank amount pretty much should never be all on your ship to be lost. Just what you have collected from raids/trades until you return to your home port, but that loot shouldn't just magically show up in your bank every time. Make them go back to port to get it. Maybe have trade manifest you where thinking about that they get after a battle. They turn them in when in port and get paid the reward/loot amount. If some one captures your ship they have a chance to get some of these trade/loot manifest and turn them in themselves for the loot. Again basic cutters should honestly be removed from the game other than low rank players. The game should send you back to a port you have a ship or outpost in upon your death in game. If anything we should have like POTBS had was fallback ships you can only get if you have no other ships in game (maybe limit to no other warships). Basic Cutters are still being abused over and over by maxed rank players. If your max ranked than you should have ships and outpost to return to upon your death not being able to buy a basic cutter and cheese your self back into combat or to avoid getting attacked. They should not be able to join any mission or fight unless they started the AI missions themselves. There is no reason for them to be joining PvP fights or even other players misisons. If they are in a group than yes the group can pull them for an AI missions, but not be able to join an all ready started one. I know this is off topic from the OP, but really it needs to be addresed if something like the system being talked about comes into play.
  11. Cerbs mast is like 76 thickness (might need to double check this) which means any 6 lbs won't pen bast 200-250m. I have no problem demasting the second one after rage boarding the first. The second one I use my chain as I heal/crew up from the board and than demast it to use grape on it's stern and have an easy board at the end.
  12. NOtice you can't do 6 on bottom deck unless I'm reading it wrong, but even all 9's on the bottom two would be a nastie little beast. I'm running Poods, 32, 6 right now to grind out slots on one and it's a mean little beast agaisnt these AI's so far and still fast being Teak/WO build. I'll take a beat that was a US or GB player? Most likely US? While grinding on the slots and fighting shallow ships I notice you got to play with your firing range a bit cause you will miss half your broad sides on a smaller target cause they fire oddly.
  13. So I just tested something, hostility missions are restricted to 3 cancellations too. Well guess those missions are stuck in a bad location and I won't be doing nay other ports hostlity with that char. @admin thought is was for only noraml player solo/fleet missions?
  14. But it was a buffed Suprise? lol
  15. Nothing wrong with getting folks incentives to leave the safe zones, but you shouldn't force them out either. If some one doesn't want to leave them than they won't be a good fight any way. The problem comes when certain groups won't even try to go get PvP from other PvPers and only hunts those zones for easy kills. Patrol Zones are intersting concept but they still have way to many ROE issues. I actualy think they should let the PvE/Casuals do there thing and than if they want to come out and PvP they will. You might actually get more of them to do so cause they will do it more on there terms.
  16. This is not against the rules and if you think it's an exploit or bad game mechanics you need to F11 and it put it in the proper place. Unless you have proof they where trying to stack missions to keep you from joining them...which by the way you can join the first one on top and than leave until you get the one you want. You can also just join the first and kill them in that one. But I'm only repeating the very thing ya'll posted about lack of RvR, well maybe let folks flip a port if you don't have any other battles and do RvR instead of saying your not getting any. This is why no one wants to fight ya'l, you first put them in retardely late timers for most players so they don't even want to try, if they do try you smash the crap out of them on OW and than complain about lack of RvR. Well maybe let them flip the ports and get some RvR instead of complaining all the time..? As for when you pull missions you don't see where other folks missions are unless you screen shot it. Most the time it won't let you stack more than three in a location any way. I know we have for a very long time and that includes on GLOBAL will try to get them close to each other not to expliot anything, but so you can jump out of one and into another. Some ports send the mission onto the other side of the islands and such and sucks going back and forth to get them so we will drop and pick up newer ones until they get all close to one area.
  17. Yep but you loose hostility if you get sunk. We found this out the other week when we where flipping a Brit port and Dutch alts jumped in and ASP was flipping another Brit ports and the French jumped in. We get no credit for sinking the none british ships, but if they sink any of us we loose points. I think any one that jumps into a nations side hotility mission counts for agro for that nation or lost of it. This would also mean that if say a Russian joins our Agro mission his points go towards US only not Russia since we started the mission.
  18. yah it's bound to happen when you have 30+ guys doing a mission in one spot as per that one day we tested dorpping multi missions isntead of every one pilling in a couple. Weren't ya'll bitching a while back about lack of RvR? For a bunch of guys that complain about lack of RvR/PvP you go out of your way to prevent any attempt of PB's. Why not let it flip and have a PB? I mean if you can crush them that easy in the OW you shouldn't have any issues in the PB right?
  19. POTBS did map resets upon reaching a certain points "MAP WIN" or I think ever three months so it wouldn't get stagmentated. The diffrence is the ports rolled back to original owners not to neutral in that game. That would be the only way I can see this working is that the ports have an original nation/owner at the start of all resets.
  20. The funny thing is you can't get a refund after you get that far into the game, only like the first 1 or 2 can you still get one and I haven't even scratched the surface of a game in 1-2 hours. I think ti's funny one of the biggest RvR force in US player prime time complains about not getting RvR and PvP, but they keep moving there port timers later and later into the night. Like who the hell is going ot stay up to midnight to 3am (CST) to flip a port and do the port battle? It was bad enough when the timers where set to 9/10pm - 12-1am. You think they are doing it more to avoid PB's cause it seems they been all over the map lately at all types of times. What it means to me is they only want those ports to farm the crap out of US player base not to get good Port battles. Next they are going to piss off enough folks and we are all going to another octoflip on a clan. That was fun after all.... But they would have to kill AI to fight each other if they are in diffrent country's. Cause how else would they let some one know they want to fight other than doing agro at a port to get folks to come out? Not like it's hard to kill one or two AI and get that 25% with a group. TO me sounds more like some folks are lazy and only want the action deliever to them.
  21. So I opened it and got Teak/Teak no perks.....yah this is BS all that hard work to get a plain Jane ship on a rare none tradeable/captured ship that you can't get any more for now.
  22. And I got a Teak/Teak with no perk....yah these should all be elite ships not random roles.
  23. Yep just finished it on one of my alts that was my shallow water char and lowest level. I pretty much did the rage board take first ship, than demast the second after healing up some and crew rums up till I got above 100 again. Once second ship is demasted I got crew down to half mine and boarded and was over. The bad part was I DC right as I got into position to shoot grape. I was so pissed but hit the connect to game and got right back into the mission. I would of been very very very piss if lost it at the end, but now I know how to do it pretty simple. Prob took longer than I should of but now to do it on the other 4 chars, well at least the endurance one. I'm pretty much going to agree with Chris on this one as I think added the extra mission, making them seperate from teh main Tutorials would be good things. The last one should be "Final Advance Exam" You should also get the xp from these if your all ready MC to go towards your total XP gain in current rank. I did mine with a char that just made Commadore so still a long grind to RA. I have one more Commadore and a Flag Captian (the crafter) that could all use the advancement xp towards there final ranking up and I'm sure there are other players mid level that would like the xp boost to there ranking if they are already past that level. It doesn't have to be the whole xp to make that rank, but nice chunk would help. Also think each Tutorial should give a little xp as you pass them.
  24. Thanks, and I official got the dang mission done on the alt. Sad when your lowest level char can do an elite mission you can't finish...lol He would us this ship way more than other chars, that is why it being none tradeable is kinda sucky. Man that is a odd set up, wonder if running all longs 6's would be best on the middle and top, than run the 18 lbrs as bonus to them.
  25. can some one post a screen shot of the cannon load out in port? I'm about to try the exam again but had been wondering the cannons you can put on each of the decks and all.
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