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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. I always thought they should have more port restrictions on ships like 1st rates can only be docked in capital ports and can't be keep in freetowns per say. Than put some shallows in some of the PB's with objectives like take that circle where only light frigates or shallow ships can go into those waters to cap the circles while the big boys duke it out in the open water if they want. Would bring back the 25 man port battles, but means you have to mix your fleet up instead of all one ship. The mulit circles gives you a reason to use tatics and have goals, just like the BR/Circle of doom/Kill towers did before. I get some folks wish every PB was just a big circle we have to all crash into each other and fight in to the last man, but many a battles where not won with a cannon fire, but instead other means. Though I agree some more objectives would be nice. Like I mention above have some areas with a lot of islands and such need shallow/light ships the big boys can't get into to capture the objective, butmaybe this will be something we see in the future? You really should read your own words, he plays one way you play another, why should he be forced to play your way? I actually think you will be surprised that you only make up about 10% of the player base and the casual/PvEer's actually make up around 90% of the player base. Your the minority they aren't, but a lot of them never touch the forums. That is why I have brought up doing in game polls to the devs to get actual feed back and not from just us salty grumpy vets on the Forums. AGAIN we do not have PVP ONLY SERVER. We have the Caribbean which is a PvP/PvE server. You guys need to get it out of your head that this is a PVP ONLY server. In fact most games you get about the size of the safe zones as PVP area and the rest is PvE so you get way more area to play in than PvE guys do with safety than just about 99% of the MMO's out there. In fact many of those games restrict the PvP only to arena fights and leave you where you can't even PvP any random you come across. This game is a sandbox so you can do pretty much what you want within a certain limitations. If some one one wants to farm noobs at a capital they can. If some one wants to PvE all day doing Trade runs they can. So why limit that play style for one or the other? What I'm seeing is the Hard core PvP guys aren't fighting each other and just complain when any limits of easy targets is being removed from them. If ya'll want fights than go fight each other, cause that would actually give you some thing more enjoyable than destroying some casuals 1 hour of game play. Oh wait ya'll won't do that cause that is to hard. I also love the guys that love these restrictions are guys that are in nations with very little new player base or casuals for the most part. It's like they don't have a clue about the other 90% of the player base that plays the game out there. Ever wonder why when the Devs post numbers about players it's so high compared to what you see in game? Those are the Casual players that pop on for an hour or two at most, run a mission or two, than go spend time with family or head to bed cause they have to work the next day. We only see the number 200-600 players at that moment, but that doesn't speak of the 1000 players that logged in over the whole day, it's just who is one at that exact moment.
  2. Yah I think I might of miss read it maybe Devs can clear this one up. I think a lot of folks missed that little bit when reading through. Yah this might need a bit clarefication from the Devs. @admin can you maybe clear this up? I would assume this means it is going to mean longer time between repairs I hope?
  3. I really wish they gave more reason for folks to remain in battle sails in a fight. Every one tends to run full sails for the most part and than wonder why they can't get out of a pickle when needed. I like to build my ships so they can remain in battle sails during a battle and than go full sails when needed. Which is now hard with the LO/WO tank meta with Battery a lot do in PB's. Makes my pref of Teak/Wo even more just a support ship in the fight instead of a front line fighter. Full sails should also give you added chance to loose more sails from chain and shot vs being in Battle Sails in combat. Actually they will do what they do now, "I'm getting attack by a french ship?" "What is it?" "I don't know. (past they could say 5th rate." "Well what BR is it?" "Uh it's 155/250" "OH that is a Surpise/Indefatabel, what are you in?" "A TRADER." "Well your screwed." Mobilized the Coast Guard to catch the ship on it's way out after killing the poor guy in the trade ship. But now we can't even tell the fleet comp which can be every big difference from a small ship or a big, but hay not every one knows the ships BR's by memory. I have it tagged in discord under our game info for easy reference cause they change so much I can't remember all the BR's. Well it is every 2 mins now instead of 15, wait I was reading that backwards which means they increased the ammount of times you repair? Dang I was reading that backwards early. Ok so we can repair even more now than we could before unless I'm reading that wrong, still half a sleep this morning. Which is understandable that folks learn things over time, but not every one has been playing the game as long as we have and know just about every ship by the back of our hands.
  4. 2 mins seems a bit long time though, but we can test it and maybe drop down to 1 min or meet in the middle. I don't think many folks are notice this part when they look at the chain limit, but hay lets test it out. With the chance of less repairs, limit of how much chain you have and the increased damage of chain this should be an interesting new twist to fights instead of some one constantly spaming there sail repairs to keep a head of your as they fight. Now you really have to pick which repairs your going to use. My only issue is EPICS. I have burned through a lot of repairs in these missions tanking damage. I feel they might become a bit harder for most players if you can only repair once ever 2 minutes. They might need to be tweaked cause they where balanced with some one that could do multi repairs against them. That and the spawn points makes it where pretty much one ship is isntant focus every time and almost sunk. I would suggest taking a look at the epics and maybe move the spawn points back from each other to give the players chance to get into a formation and organized at the start to. Just wondering can these exams be done over and over or is the only way to redo them is to delete you char and start over? I'm only asking cause if it's a one shot thing for these items per char than that makes them a bit more rare, but if some one can have an alt and just keep refarming these notes and upgrades that can be a bit abused? I can kidna see the reason for this, but the only issue i have is in some areas you have to change the missions cause where they drop. When I was in Russia and take missions out of flats I would cancel any that fell on the south side of the island cause I didn't want to spend half a day going around the island to take a mission when I'm trying to grind up slots or something. I really don't use this any where else cause I just pick an OW fleet and grind them for the most part, but I can see where some other locations they might spawn in a very bad place or distance a player doesn't want to travel too. I know most folks conceals them for two reason. Get them closer to green zones and to stack them close to each other to save on sail time between each missions. Will this effect hostility missions too?
  5. What is the RL distance compared to tag circles? Not every thing is 20 miles in game, if your that close than you should have more detail of the ship. I don't mind having less detail at a distance, but folks should be able to get more details than they do when they close in distance between two ships. Ok how about you program it so that if your close enough to tag than all detial is found out about a ship than? This is a game after all not real life and if you keep making it harder for the causal your going to loose players once again. I honestly don't think ya'll even try to play and get feed back from them. Most of the folks that love this are in nations with pretty much zero new players or causal so they love it, but when your dealing with a large player base of such you get first hand feed back of how much a pain this game is and lack of info they give up or stay in the safe zones. You say it will give more excitement and frustration, but all I hear in coms and TS is more Frustration and less excitement. Which was just fine with keeping the ratings of the ships. Like I stated before most players can't even tell the difference between rated and none rated ships they never been in. So even if it stats a 5th rate the majority of the players aren't going to know if it's an Indefatigable or Surprise unless they been in that ship, that a very big difference in ships when your tagging them. Leave it to something small like that, not complete darkness of what they are about to fight. Like I stated what next remove the BR counter? Cause that seems to be the path your going towards. Since I don't see any of you Devs or Mods or ELITE players playing in large pop nations that have a bunch of Casual you don't deal with the frustrations some of us deal with the new players and casuals and trying to get them into enjoying this game instead of just going out and being slaughter by Vets that just Seal CLUB instead of fighting each other.
  6. I really got to say the patch looks very good and been waiting on this to test many things until I read this part. Are ya'll honestly trying to kill casuals on the OW? Most of them can't tell you the difference from a cutter from a bellona and now your taking away the rating. I hear all the time on coms, "What ship is it?" "I don't know a 5th rate?" As that is all they know from the info and can't tell the difference from half the ships cause they have never seen them or sailed them in game. Some one like me knows cause I been playing this game for over 2 freaking years so I know what every ship looks like, but a causal wouldn't be able to tell you a 1/10th of the ships out there other than the ones they own and even than that is hard cause half the ships aren't painted and look very much alike from one another. I'm sorry your going to hard core with these OW indications. I wouldn't have a problem if you put in some way to hail/spot the ship. Like if your stationary and they are too and you push a button while using your spyglass you get info of the ship you can read it's ships name, and give basic detail and a lot of that was known by sailors of what war ships where in certain waters at the time, but you give them nothing and keep taking more and more info. Every MMO I been in you got the info of the other players and teams you where going to fight in any PvP zone. The only thing you didn't know was the actual build of that char just like we don't know the builds of the ships. This is getting to be stupid taking more and more info from OW from the players. As for fleet compositions....sorry if i can use a spy glass and see if a ship is a Bellona and it has a Suprise in it's fleet I should be able to see that it's a SURPIRES not some small ship. Don't tell me next your going to take away the BR indicator too? Cause that seems to be the path your going. Oh and this is how casuals find out the ships is they mention the BR on nation chat or TS and we Vets/Old timers tell them what ship it is. I guess this is all ok for the nations that have zero new players and are made up of nothing but old timers/vet players that don't mind, but being in a nation that is very full of new players and casuals I can just see how much more of a nightmare this is going to be.
  7. do you got the more up to date one than?
  8. It would be nice if we can get the AI stuff some how through regions owned or something.
  9. I did add about being able to trade clan owned ports in a nation. I also told you exactly how in game you have to deal with this. Every thing can't just be push a button and it's solved. you might actually have to make deals with other nations and players to get things done. We had a simular problem with a dead clan and loosing a port (one of the ones invloved to be exact) cause of bad mechanics where you can't trade ports off or take control of them from other clans in your nation. Oh your port getting flipped just incase you didn't notice and it's not from us.
  10. I'm pretty sure I know of the clan and ports spoken of, maybe if ya'll came out and screen the said alts in there new nation we would of flipped the port and you would have it back in your hands by the end of the week, but last I checked Brits didn't come out to stop the traitors and was during the first part to busy flipping some other port. Maybe next time help those that plan to help you out? It's part of politics getting a friendly nation (well kinda as US is still at war with Brits we just want our coastal ports back) to flip it and than give it back. Now the one that we need something in game is switching ports in same nation from one clan to another. When a clan is dropping or dieing off they can hand a port off to a more active clan. Even more if a big Clan takes a bunch of ports they can hand them off to be held by smaller clans in the nation. Remember this is an open sand box game, which there can be all types of diplomatic dealings between clans to help each other out in other nations. Hell we might one day ask the Brtis to flip a port we don't want a certain clan to hold. Scratch our backs we scratch yours type of deals. It's way better than the silly old alliance systems which would lock a whole nation into the deal. Though I would love to see temp clan alliances between nations maybe in the future.
  11. The good thing is if you only use SNOW's the funding for your ships is very low (not counting mods), you should never run out of ships...lol
  12. Even this would work better than what we have to hit that sweet spot and get the fleet more on the same speed with each other.
  13. I'm speaking of OW not in battle, so why would that have auto aim involved?
  14. Since we are tossing it in there would maybe a clan dry dock be in the works on this list? It's always a pain to craft a ship and have your docks space filled up waiting for a player to log on to collect the ship only to miss him by seconds when you log out. It doesn't have to be big, but say 10 ships for a clan can be stored in the clan main port (warehouse location). They can be pulled out by any officers.
  15. The T command could be used just like the V/R for fire order and ranging. It also irks me we don't have like a speed auto cruize control on the OW. I don't want an auto pilote, but would be nice if the battle commander sets the group speed and every one else ships will adjust to that speed or the closes they can if they are slower. Half the time some builds don't fall exaclty at a sail setting so your spending the whole trip going up and down with your sails until you get to location if your trying to stay in a formation with one another.
  16. And it's not hard for us to test it and than find that sweet spot of how many should be allowed per battle. We did this with the cool down and I actually think the cool downs are good right now. So lets come up with what is the average repairs used in battles and pick a number. I can see popping any where from 5-10 repairs in a fight so lets try it out with 5 and than maybe bump it up or bring back that perk that allowed two repairs instead of one, but in this cause it gives you two extra repairs for a total of 7.
  17. Well they might run out of chain and he just keeps repairing, but than I would of gone for demasting instead, but since you get 100% HP back to mast every repair that is a pain too. Though in most 6 vs 1 he should of been dead depending the ships, but than we have some pretty bad players out there (in my nation included as the most) those 6 also might be completely sunk...lol I done plenty and we rarely shoot sails. Get one/two guys to kite half the group away from the rest, than you sink them one at a time when you get them spread out. Portect any that get damage until they heal up and back into the fight. They are to fast and mast to strong to try to slow down. Back on topic I think we should bring back the repair limits per battle. Say give every one 5 repairs to use in battle so you will have to save them. Now this will hurt in Epics as I tank the AI to gain agro to protect others and can blow through a lot of repairs, but other wise all folks will do is tank your chain until you run out than pop a repair and run. If they didn't use all there chain they can now chain you down as they run from you. @admin some of the perks should honestly be gained as you level up instead of being perk points. Maybe have Chain something you learn out of the first tutorial and than you get double ball and charge shorting after that as you level up. The perks system really needs an update. Crafting perks should be tied to Crafting rank not combat and so forth.
  18. Yah they can freely collect a lot of stuff over there including capture of any ships up to 1st rates. They can't merge the servers cause they made promise they will keep them open 18+ months or something. Other wise I think they would of all ready done so and just released a PvE server when the game is released. Honestly I have never seen more than 125 players on there and most the time it's like 20-40.
  19. But they have stats we don't so it's not something you can use. Stats would also tell you about certain other things. If you list top player killed by some one and it's some one no one has ever seen you can tell fast if some one is padding stats with alts and such lol. Like I said above I would prefer to have a stats list for each char. Specially if the mods are going to be pushing for folks to join a clan early on in the game. If I'm going to be recruiting like that I would like to see the players stats too.
  20. I never been a big fan of leader boards in games cause they get abused to much. What folks tend to do is pat there stats to get up in the top ranks. They go out and kill a bunch of newbs and scrubs and call that PvP while avoiding the other PvPers. Just look at other games like WoT, the easiest way to get higher rank on the leader board is just to go to low tier battles and kill scrubs. Specially if your go in a team in PUBS battles. You will get more folks baby seal clubbing and killing alts more than just the good folks fighitng each other. Now what I would love to see is a reputation system that gives out rewards when you kill some one higher rep than you. That and a stats page that lets you look up your in game stats and how they gained them. Did that player get only PvE kills to rank up, or did he do it all through PvP? What is the percentage of rank/ship levels they killed, was it all 1st rates in Port Battles or killing a bunch of basic cutters out side a capital port?
  21. Unless English isn't their first language
  22. They should be ban from any PVP period. Only allowed to tag ai and enter there own missions. I also think it should be like POTBS where you couldn’t get a fallback ship if you owned other ships.
  23. This has been suggested before. Hell we had a clan mate do this this week and lost a bunch of stuff cause he deleted the wrong port. We are betting he was deunk and not paying attention when he did it. Hint why no post made about. though I do think you should have to type the port name. In other games when you delete a char you have to some times type out that chars name to make sure you got the right one.
  24. I’m job st sitting here wondering if we ar going to get a patch this week or not?
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