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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. What folks don't understand is that OW time and in battle time are two different things. OW is speed up so we can get places faster. If it was real battle time those so called friends would take days to get to your battle which would more than likely be over with by time they even show up close to it and there was no magical GPS/RADIO's to call for help back than. The second circle is what would maybe see your flare or even the battle in time to react and show up to it. I like it. The only issue I have is we need less SOL fleets and maybe more Frigate fleets and thinned out in some area's. I get heavy patrols around say capitals and such, but when your further away from trade zones there should be less. That and we need more traders in the OW. It's like for every 10 war ships there might be 1 trader if your lucky. Navy's weren't bigger than merchant fleets back in the days. I do think the tag timer needs to be dropped to 10-15 secs cause 20 secs is a long time and with the OW speeds now you can be a port away by time 20 secs happens and so much can change as to who was in the circles or not from when you first tagged a ship. If your that close to do the tag is should be pretty much a few secs from when you tag them not almost half a minute later.
  2. The timer was put there back when there was way to many folks on the game and there was a que to actually log into the PvP1 server. That was also the reason for the split back than. That and it's in there cause folks will AFK fish for bottles and well fish too. They just leave there game on in a safe spot and fish. I don't really have an issue with it and I love when folks like Jolly AFK sail and walk away from there computer. You be surprised how many traders I have caught doing this. Even caught traders sitting AFK in the middle of no where fishing. This prob isn't done as much as it use to be cause they have changed so many game mechanics since those days. Remember that we are in testing for a live version. That day when the game does go live and maybe the population goes back up we will need these features. There is no reason to remove a feature just cause the testers numbers are currently down. By your mind set they might as well merge the servers cause there is no reason to have three servers with such low pop.
  3. Never done the mobile version, but doesn't it just have an m.forum.game-labs.net or something like other mobile services?
  4. Yah but folks are bitching about the stats on the ship all over the place. Remember never trust what some player saids until you see it directly from an Admin. There is so much mis info that goes around this game a lot of times. Funny thing is buddy didn't want to make one so he bought one in a store or capped on and actually placed on the leader board with just a common crappy ship so yah mods don't mean every thing when you got skill.
  5. It's a free ship. Live with the random. It's a free 5 dura ship. Which is more than many of us have right now. We have no one in PvP2 Pirates that can make H Rattlers so I'm happy with the 4-5 I have gotten from the events even though two of them had totally retarded combos. I gave those to some lowbie to use. If it sinks it's not a lost to either of us. I swear you guys will bitch about every thing. You don't have to do the event and you don't have to get free stuff. With that I actually gotten two ships exactly how I would of wanted them built so it's all in the RNG. Which normally hates me for some odd reason.
  6. Don't feel bad I was about to F11 the crap out of the game just now been trying to board for like 5 mins. I think some folks got the boarding down way fast and it's not exactly fair cause not every one can get gold board modes these days. They really need to work on that part since you can't make Marines and Boarding parties and any of the Handbooks.
  7. For my AI I would love a marker for your AI fleet and than maybe a marker or different color for every one in your Group and I would be happy. I don't need to name my own ships. Just need to know who is who on my side. So I know who to yell at lol
  8. I think the stupid names is the reason they haven't put something like this in. Though would be nice if I can name my own fleet ships or have a perm roster name I can pick for them so that every fleet battle I take them in I don't have to constantly look to see which two ships are mine and if they are doing there jobs.
  9. Yah that was how we where doing it during the mid day one. We have not prob fighting a fight with one more more on the other side, but when it's almost twice as many or more than we have to pull out. I'm going to bet you if ya'll didn't have the Alliance with US right now you would been jumped by them. We had a lot of good fights with the Brits. Same guys I think ya'll where fighting this even. I think when they tweek the assistant part and some other things people won't be so kill hungry. Right now I'll be honest the 4 H Rattlers I got from the events are going to be put to good use since we no longer had any one in Pirates that can craft them. Maybe we will meet up with you guys for some fun in the next few days.
  10. Do like we do on PvP2 "ANY ONE THAT WANTS TO FIGHT MEET IN THE MIDDLE." And we meet so far it's worked other than the annoying US/Brit gank squads in the eve. The early events been fun with small groups fighting each other.
  11. I don't really think it's bronken, I think it just needs something else cause now it's not really worth the 6 points compared to the hunter perk. Maybe give it a bonus crew or something too with that speed.
  12. People will complain about any thing. I mean it's basically a free ship. I bet a bunch of them are going to break them down and than rage cause they won't get Bp's off them either. If it's a build you wouldn't use, than sale it to some one or did as I did with one ship I gave it to a newer player to use. I mean it's free so if he sinks it it didn't cost either of us anything.
  13. shouldn't matter who got the paint, we need PICS lol Do you know who? Every one that I know that have gotten paints on PvP2 have been same old ships. I gotten mainly Bellona and Bell Polls myself White checker.
  14. Has any of the new paints even dropped? I keep seeing just the old ones.
  15. As a pirate I support this, we all ways need more players in the better smaller nations.
  16. This been one of the biggest complaints I hear so far. Lucky for my team we try to work on switching on who gets the most damage and the kill so we all got kills yesterday. Doesn't all ways work that way, but I think some one that got assisates should get half credits or less at least. But it won't all ways be 100 so we can just test things for now before it numbers do go back up. Some folks froget this is an Alpha testing and they think it's a live game and teat it as such. Number are going to go up and down. Not every one has the numebrs. We faced a group of 18 last night with the Brit/US alliance. We had to scrape up 8 members to get any numbers and wasn't expecting that many on the other side. We still fought them when most would of run. While we all sank, we did kill 7 of them. I'm just glad AI isn't allowed in cause I bet you if they did those 18 would been more like 38 players since most of them all bring AI's with them all the time. Thanks devs for keeping the AI's out. You know the middle of the Gulf Of Mexico is a lot of empty water not being used. Could be an interesting place for a third location for the events and maybe gets more action moved that way. As far as I can tell in both servers it's pretty much who ever is settled in there stays in there and it's not realy much fighting over that area.
  17. They would need to release more paints if they do that. Didn't some one posted there are API files for them? That would be cool and make more since. Though they might need some more ship options too. I have gotten 4 H Rattlers so far myself from the PvE and PvP events. With one Endy. I only done the Shallow PvP part cause the deep is in the morning.
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  18. The shallows we are getting agro on one of the region and I believe it was doing the same in the deep. My only complaint and what mostly I hear is that they need to rotate the deep and shallow water times so it's not all ways the same. Some folks don't like shallow water and it's at a SEA pop time which is kinda the lowest pot time I think for both servers. My only issue is it would be nice if there was a number cap on who many are in the fight. We had an 8 vs 18 last night against Brit/US. We still fought them and even sunk 4 (got on the leader board cause I was one), but if it's going to be out number like this during the US prime time one than we Pirates (my clan) have said we aren't going to fight that much of an unequal odds to all ways be sunk. Don't get why folks don't understand why we won't fight a promised lost (we have won some that out number though). you pick your fights when you can and well we aren't going to our death every fight as we will run out of ships to fast. These SUPER alliances is really hurting the game. As for the old events I think Hobo meant. Well he corrected it. Yah I thought when I first heard of the treasure fleet things it would be something like POTBS had with a fleet of ships you had to sink/capture with some of them being cargo ships with treasure on them. Would mean those would need to be captured and you will need to destroy/sink there escorts. With the cargo you need to once you capture it get it back to safety to open it. The problem before it was just a grab and run. There was nothing there to keep you there to fight. If you made it actual fleet than folks would have to fight that fleet and get the treasure from it. The hard part is the nation alliance thing. Since we can't join a three way battle, you can only do two ways than it would have to be locked to only nations/alliances. Maybe make them Nation only Missions you pick. Some like what I would actually think EPIC missions should be like. Where you need a big fleet to take them on. The problem with Epic now is they give trash rewards so they aren't even worth doing. Last epic I did I got a grey mod as my reward. There needs to be some other reward system than just the events and missions. Not every one is going to be that top player and or want to go do PvP (hint make EPIC MISSIONS EPIC).
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  19. Yah I done the full board all gold mods myself and got 7 secs. That is why I can see the 5 min guys which is more of a norm it seems, but I want to see how exactly this guy got 3:23 mins. Cause even if I get that perfect board on the first one, that second one turns and does circles while I'm boarding so I have to go chasing after him. To me to get that time you got to stop them both in there tracks pretty much right next to each other. Not saying any one is cheating, just would love to see a video of it cause that is insanely good time/skill. 1. This is a test and I take it you didn't read where the devs say they will be changing them out with different ships and goals? I mean give it a chance it's only been what two days so far. You know you don't have to do it every day or be top 10 every day. Other folks can win it. I really haven't even tried it today and yesterday cause I was in the top 10 on PvP2 the first day and got one of the top 10 in PvP also. I have so far gotten 5 top 10's between the PvE and PvP events. Hell even in a 8 vs 18 match int he PvP US prime time event I got a kill. We all sunk against the US/Brit fleet but we took 4 of them with us when others would of ran. Prob could of took one or two more if we hadn't been split up pretty early and some communication issue. 2. You have a random chance to get any number of paints or ships from the chest. So right now they rewards are not all the same. I have now gotten 5 H. Rattlers and an Endy so far. Along with 2 x Bell Poll/Bellona White paint, and a Pink Trinc. That isn't the same things. I kinda need the H Rattlers right now more than the others cause NO ONE IN PVP2 Pirates has the BP any more. The two folks that had it either stopped playing or went to PvP1 to play. Yes I would love if I got a rare chance at a BP though, specially that one or we could finally get them from breaking down shisp, but until than I'll just keep sinking folks and getting more ships from the events if I can. I'm going to assume that these rewards will change in the future. Again give it time it's only been two/three days. 3. The Admirality shop is prob still in the works and they mention they are working on it. I mean have you read any of there notes? I'm hoping they give points out from doing the PvE and PvP events or even just any PvP that will allow you to later trade them in. This way the folks that did them but didn't make the top 10 can maybe later when they get enough points trade it in for the same rewards. This way it's not all ways the same guys getting it and even folks that don't win can later get a small prize for there effort.
  20. I was just on PvP1 and was looking at the PvE event times and how the hell does some one cap those two ships in 3:23 mins? I mean I'm even questioning on PvP2 fastest at 5 mins. Cause just getting to one ship and stopping it you think would take that much time, but you board two? Every time I do it the other ship wonders away from me while I'm boarding the first one and than I have to chase after it. Would love to see a video of what exactly these guys are doing.
  21. The one I liked was Mahog, Build Strength, Pirate Refit. Not as tuff as a Live Oak version but will make a good boarder though.
  22. No one said the reward was going to be perfect. It's just like any other MMO you might get a reward after killing a boss, but it might not be the one you need or the perfect roll so you will need to keep fighting that fight until you get the drop you want. I got 4 H Rattler so far. I only opened three of them and two or kinda odd builds I wouldn't normally use but than I think well this might be great as a PvP tagger that can take a little more hits than say a rattler so I'll give it a try later. This one here I'll prob hand off to a new player in the clan as his first shallows ship. The last one....>CRAP< that was the roll I wanted to build any way and I got it. ROCK ON. So yah you won't all ways get a perfect roll.
  23. I made top 10 of 3 PvP events so far and 2 PvE (yesterday). I have gotten 4 H Rattlers and an Endymion H Rattlers I opend: Teak Riging Qaulity Agil Hull, Cedar Planking British, Mahog Build Strength Pirate Refit I haven't opened the last H Rattler or the Endymion. Pants have been: Pink Trinc. X2 Bellona Classic White and x2 Bell Poll Classic White Think I'm getting set on my shallow water ships for a bit. That pink Trinc is so going on a ship though. Love sinking folks with a pink ship.
  24. I even tried this and was was still getting Compass wood 99% of the time for the last two weeks. That is the reason for the dang rage COMPASS WOOD thread I made. Than again I think some times RNG just hates me. Though on a good note I'm a lot richer than I was and I have plenty of compass wood now for building.
  25. It's actually like 50 if you count the three PvP and than the 2 PvE. I got three chest from yesterday. I from mid Day (EU) PvP event and one each for the PvE. Again this is on PvP2 so I'm not competing with as many people, but the thing is not every one is suppose to get these prizes only the top players that put into it. We had a blast with the PvP events as we hadn't had that much PvP in a long time. Many old clan mates have came back cause that is what drove them away the lack of OW PvP. The only thing and this will better come with Admiralty Store. Give points for the missions and kills that you can collect and say when you hit so many points you can turn it into chest. This will get the none Event guys something to work on even if it takes them way longer to get points up to get the same things.
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