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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. Which pretty much measn never. Wasn't the game suppose to be released in Jan/Feb 2017? To be honest they need to just make us a Nation or get us something so we aren't a nation. I'm sorry they have not said over and over. They said very little of anything. Would be nice to know what some of those so call plans are though. Until than we are a bastard nation that can't have alliances with and that every one is at war with.
  2. yah but where is the fun of that getting your pize back safely is half the hunt.
  3. I was thinking the same thing cause I have a ship with the perk and regional and it has a pretty tuff mast/sails. I guess maybe the demasting thing is bigger on PvP1. For me it's all the sail shot they do that is annoying while you pounding on there broad side. You got ears? Listen for that whistle. It's the fist thing I hear when I know some one might be getting ready or they are board fit. Well than other things like large crew on the ship, the fact they loose a lot of crew when you hit them cause of being in board prep and well just flat out knowledge of what folks do when they try to board as I do it too. I do turn my whistle on and off some times to confuse folks and get them to back off my sides. Than again some folks know I do board fit some times but you never really know when I do it or not. Just wait until you get your first Indianan by yourself....lol Yah that teleport with cargo thing just pretty much threw any of my Trader hunting out of the window now.
  4. When you click on the crossed swords you will see the circles per that map. We had a port battle this morning and here is some helpful hints. What you see in the screen shot forom the devs is what you actually see on the OW. http://imgur.com/et1ZlMU If you are attacking you come form any where out side the big light circle. you have to click on the cross swords and you can pick any where along that arch to enter into the port battle. If you are defending you can click on the cross sword and any area inside the second smaller big zone you can enter the port battle. To effect you can start out on one zone and start getting points straight off. The three smaller circles are the cap zones. As long as you have one more circle cap zone than the other team you begin to gain points. This means that the defenders cans start in the cap zone in front of the Port and begin to grind up points. I didn't pay attation to see if we could as attackes start at any where but the edge of that out bigger circle. The first time to get to 1000 points win. We came in all SOL cause we thought it was going to be a Lineship port battle and they out raced us to the cap cicles and beat us in defending. So you will have to bring a mxi of ships and make sure you enter with good wind at good points. The attackers might have to deal with screeners if the screeners are far enough way from the port to tag them. This was a pretty big area, but it took us some time to get from the front of the port to the outer circle to enter the battle as attackers. http://imgur.com/qZhdZVo Inside the battle this is what it looks like from the view of a mortar brig looking at the cap zone. This was one of the out side zones that they raced and beat us to. The battle ended with very little damge to either side so prety much our SOL's where useless as they where able to out cap us. Would of been nice if we had an heads up about the patch. That and we where all ready 20 mins withing the port battle start time when the servers came back up that we had only an hour to fight and most of that was spent just moving to the circles and the time didn't even come close to running out.
  5. Becuase some stupid magic perks tells me I can't board you cause I don't have more crew than you? All it did was make folks use grape more and more. I beaten many a boards where I was out number by as much as twice my crew (they weren't board fit) so why would that stop me from boarding any one else other than a silly perk. It got to a point every dang ship we came across had that perk on it that we just stopped boarding and just sank folks instead. Sorry I'm a pirate and I want my price and that is your cargo and your ship maybe, but if I can't board than you can't have it either. This one thing is going to make a lot of folks happy and many a PvE/Care-bears sad. Almost makes up for other things. Oh Pirate Perk got 3% to turning added to that might make folks use it more now. I still want to know what the other changes to mods, ships and such was.
  6. They tweeked things so wondering if we can get some one to check things and give an update of what they change?
  7. That fleet was set up for the old port battle system. The problem is that it was over with before either of our groups could get to the circle. They starting circle starts ticking off points as soon as the fight starts. By time they got to the second circle they all ready where half way to 1K. By time we got to the circle they made 1K point. We brought a fleet for the old Port battle system and they brought what they could scrounge up prob not wanting to loose there best ships. The match started 21 mins within the port battle start time so we had 9 mins from logging in to get to the outer circle to enter the port battle from OW while the defenders to to enter it straight off and was all ready collecting points and heading for the two extra zones. Port battles should not for one be scheduled when server is going to be down for maintenance or patches. We can't flip them in US prime time 8pm CST is the latest PB we can have so West coast can't even join them as they are still at work or school. I get we would need to bring a mix fleet, but no one had a notice the patch was going to be this morning. Would of been nice if devs gave folks updates with the actually info before the patches happen. Now with the three way alliance between DUTCH, US and BRITS we won't be able to match there numbers and screening fleets like the OG is talking about. We are having the same problems on PvP2 but it's been for a longer time. Only folks that fight any one is the Pirates and we are getting burned out cause it's only about 15-20 of us that do it and now it's down to 10-15 max if we beg folks to log in. We don't have alliance so we can't help French, Swede or Spain out to let them grow. To be honest the system is very broke when it allows only power nations to keep alliances with one another over and over. Old system we would prob beat that Port Battle. New system with heads up it would of been more fair to have such so we could of brought different ships. Wasted a lot of players times and many of them don't want to come back. This was pretty much there last straw after the fine wood and stupid PvE grind to get fights. By the way why is there only a 5 min window on the missions now? You can't find them grinding cause the window does stay open long enough to find them. There is a lot of very big regions out there you can search you heart out and never find a fleet grinding.
  8. And will pirates ever get there own mechanics over Nationals and if so is it something to do with the raid system? Would love for us to not be part of the conquest system and have or own raid system. Either way I think a lot of us want to know more about the raid system as the current grind is running off PvPer's cause we don't want to spend several hours to grind for a battle several days later. Sad that you have to have PvP events to get PvP in game pretty much.
  9. yah we have a few guys that need to get off there trigger fingers to jump out into the OW that we are going have to break from doing that, but a lot of the repair stuff is down in battle screen with mats.
  10. One way is to force war, but even I don't think that is fair for some one. Though the could limit that you can't have two high pop nations alligned with each other. So they have to pick one of the lower pop nations to help them out and maybe get there numbers up. The sad thing on PvP2 the pirates prob done more for the low pop nations than the other nations. We have in the past captured ports and gave them back to lower pop nations from who ever had them to help them grow. RIght now I keep saying we should let all nations have one good region (there nation regional bonus) so they can craft and maybe one or two more regions. US and Brits really don't need to own the whole map other than to have pretty dots. No one can fight against them cause they don't have the population. Pirates could but it's getting where we are burned out cause it's basicly the same 10-15 guys (use to be 15-20) doing the fighting against US/Brits and now I guess the Dutch. Many of us got burned out and left and than the fine wood/PvE grind to get PvP and port battles ran off even more players. Now we started to get numbers back cause of the PvP events and they make there super alliance and complain they have no one to fight. Well sooner or later we will just all stop showing up and they won't have any one to fight. To be honest I hear a lot of new players not wanting these super alliances, but they don't have the votes to turn the tied to be able to fight each other. The problem is more the old time PvE palyers that don't want to change there prefect little world of owning most of the map. I did like the fact POTB did have a mechanic that if you got so many ports/points you end the map and it resets. Than you can't flip to a over populated nation, but you could change to an underpopulated nation. I think this would stop every one going to the winning team. That and let folks that join low pop nations get xp/credit bonus over the over pop nations. I play a merc clan in MWO and we all ways pick low pop Nations to get the most credits and such from our contracts over the over populated ones (which gives you less than the norm.) Things like that might help a bit. That and why do Pirates get to vote for war but we get no alliances? I mean aren't we a Pirate Republic (Nation)? I bet you we would vote in a heart beat to help out the small nations. Maybe give us votes, but have them last only a week at a time or something. That way we can turn the tied between the nations when they are suppose to be fighting each other. It would give us a more Privateer feel too. Those that don't want to take part can vote OUTLAW and they stay pretty much the same.
  11. Never understood this either and by voting for a low pop nation war they avoid going to war with who ever they just keep making alliances with cause they have one nation that can't fight back to take that war slot.
  12. Not to mention if Pirates will ever get there own mechanics instead of being just a bastard Nation.
  13. A issue I have with the 5 min timer is when your out fleeting we wait until every one is ready to leave. Well some times phone calls, restroom breaks. Kids burning down the house can take more than just 5 mins. Hell I had a pinch a load a few times to get back to the screen and back into the next fight, but not every one can do the three SSS in under 4 mins like me (former military). So now we are going to be forced to lose members if we take more than 5 mins to get things organized to get back out into the fight. Well you just killed more PVP with this cause now we will all have to go back to a port and sail once more back to the fight instead of just waiting for every one to be ready and leave all at once.
  14. Are you get a very boring server cause three nations all have a alliance with one another and the only folks they can fight are the pirates. They won't fight each other so now we pretty much have a PvE server. That is what PvP2 has pretty much turned into. I'm not even going to show up to any PvP events cause I know it will be a gank fest cause they have no one else to fight. That is why you see some of them complaining on the PvP event thread that they can't fight any one and want alliances to not count. You want to fight people? Stop being buddy buddy with the other big nation and FIGHT EACH OTHER. It's truely sad the only PvP that really happens on PvP2 is about 15-20 Pirates that fight all the nations (yes the same one that brought Brits to one port and US close to it). If your that bad against just a few players than leave them alone and stop poking the hornets nest. Go fight each other and than you will have others to play with. I do feel sorry for poor Spain and France as they got like 5 players each at most. Swedes pretty much a little more but it's one little group that has the whole servers pissed off. Dans have all ways keep to there selves as it's mainly one clan. yah this game has turned more into a PvE game than anything. Nothing encourages PvP or even any source of a balance national game play. Limit what nations you can join if you re-roll. Give incentives for folks to join smaller nations (xp/credit bonus like POTBS did). Make it so that if a counrty is alligned with the other big nations they can't make a new one for so many weeks and maybe be forced to war with each other. A lot of things can be done to help balance out the over poplated nations with the lower populated nations.
  15. 20 secs is way to long for how small the tag circle is. It give a fast chance some one to counter the tag cause they can switch to pref winds. Sorry if I tag you when I get close and got the tag I want it should not be 20 secs later we get pulled in. It should be more like 10 secs. Cause it should be of the time I tag now almost half a min later. If I'm that close to tag than he wasn't going to get away from me that easily. Believe me if you ever been in combat a lot can happen in the span of 20 secs.
  16. Well the three largest nations have made a super pack with each other so they have no one else to fight on PvP2. SO what game mechanics do we have to keep this from happying? There is no conquest of a nation (take it's capital) or total conquest in the game so now they will just sit around and pick on the three low pop nations and beat up the only person they can fight them Pirates? Yah there needs to be something to break these care-bear super alliances. I can see one time, but if it just stays happening over and over it will kill more of your population as it runs players off of those other nations.
  17. So exactly what was changed? Would be nice so we can compare the ghost changed stats to the new ones or something. So now most of us that had builds won't know what was changed to test them.
  18. 78 voted yes and 36 voted no? So your making a new mechanic off the votes of 100 players? Hell never seen this post pop up. Shouldn't it be some where more noticeable if you want an actual count of your player base?
  19. Yah no one will sail anything any where. They will just tag and AI trader or something and than teleport there cargo to the closet friendly port to save on the trip across maybe dangerous waters. We already have a hard enough time with AI ships and towers when trying to hunt traders. This needs to be limited some how or it will be abused as an easy way to just ship things. The tag timer needs to be shorten it favors to much for the one being tagged to change it to fast when your read and you attack some one you should be done with it and battle starts not wait 20 secs. A lot can happen in 20 secs. It needs to be dropped to like 10-15 seconds. Maybe try 15 and then move it to 10 to see how it works. That would allow you to get the good tag of the battle you want and not have a suddenly bad tag cause you have to wait longer.
  20. Where is this vote you keep talking about? I want to add my vote. Oh and what if I go up to Bermuda and attack a player trader and get his full cargo. Well since I'm a pirate my closes port is Kidd's Harbor so all I have to do now is hit telport to friendly port and I got all my goodies home safe from my raids.
  21. On PvP2 it's basically US, Brits, Pirates, and than Dutch pop wise. Swede prob next and the poor french and Spain are the little unicorns. But yah now US, Brits, and Dutch have a care-bear alliance. Apparently our little clan has scared them. I mean we did send Brits down to one port with only 15-20 players. This is why they are bitching about not being able to fight cause they have an alliance with each other so they can't fight no one but the Pirates.
  22. VOTED? When did we vote for things? I been playing since EA and never once got an option to vote about anything. The problem is every one will now just speed fit and run unless they have numbers to gank. So you really didn't solve anything.
  23. All you have to do is move the window. Right now there is a big window of 4 hours you can't do any battles before maintenance. Why are we starting port battles when maintenance/patches still can happen. Right now now US Players can't even play on there prime times. That is why these battles where flipped late. and new return to friendly port will mean every one runs and than they will never fight. FREE PORT HOME.
  24. And the defenders started to capp with one zone at the start of the battle. Though you had to control two before you get points?
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