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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. Well lets look at them Magic: Clan 4, 3 of which are confirmed alts of VCO players that hunt US players and etc. Has been none to swap ports with VCO so US can't attack them. MONKS: Clan 10, with most of those not being alts of a unfriendly clan/nation. MONK does not hunt US coast line and players. Has never swapped any ports with other clans of any nation. There kinda is a big difference in this, rules broken no on either side, but the concept is ya'll are acting like MAGIC is a clan of players when it's nothing but VCO alts. Maybe cause the majority of the US does not sit on the forums like me and you every day making post. Hell most of them are old retired guys that took for ever to get them to use DISCORD. Hell some we took forever to use TS. They aren't a bunch of hard core players like we are that seem to some times have no life....lol
  2. I mention that above, there should be some way to oust a clan if a nation has a problem with it. Even Pirate FFA didn't allow this, but it was a nice option they had at one time to deal with trouble players. The problem than is big clans can than bully small clans unless you make it a multi clan national vote thing. Stop acting like MAGIC is other players, it'e right now three VCO members alts (I don't know who the forth member is), there you go RPing again....lol As for Ays we don't know what VCO/UWS (adding them cause they did the hostility by that video not VCO) intentions is, but if they did attack Ays and gave it to Magic like they did with Little River that would be shady as hell and there is no in game mechanic to stop it and it's not against the rules, just very shady practice. If it's to be allowed than they need some means for a nation to take care or rebel clans within. We don't have that system in game and prob never will cause I can see how it can be abused also to bully push small clans around too. And lets get it straight this should be more in discussion area than Tribunal, which seems to much stuff gets thrown over here and turns into a heated discussion when that is not how tribunals are suppose to work and yes I'm guilty of this just as much as every one else in this thread. So if a mod would like to lock it or better move it to the proper section?
  3. It was an example of the extreme. There is no solution for that if it happens, but there is a solution to prevent random clans or alts from taking ports under a region owners/nation. I also think all sub region ports should pay half there tax's towards the Capital owner. 10% tax means 5% goes back to the Nations Kings/Queens back in EU and 5% to the regional Governor (capital port clan owner). These are all topics for another post (that has been done over and over) and not here.
  4. lol you know @William Death hates the bathtub toys...lol Though really guys ya'll talk all the time about hating the RPes in US and just look at some of ya'lls post, ya'll do more RPing in the furoms than they do in game (most of those Rpers aren't even playing any more)......cracks me up. But I said my peace about how to fix the issue with limiting hostility missions to friends list on the Capital Owners friendly clan list and this wouldn't be an issue at all.
  5. Did you not read my post? Even I said that since UWS did the actual missions there was no conflict of interest. All I did was supply the proof of who is alts of who for the base of them saying they where asked (by there own alts?) for help. Also pointed out folks posting are actually been abusing rules....how many times they been ban and still post on alt accounts which is against the rules, even if all those bans should been lifted upon release of the game (which means I don't agree they should still be banned). I also mention that green on green if approved is not against the rules. Finally I pointed out an easy solution that even the Devs brought up when all this started with them flipping ports with legacy missions. If you want to fix alt clans from flipping ports behind lines than make it so that only friendly clans on the Capital owners list can pull missions for the sub ports of that region. If you put said alt or troublesome clan on your list that is your own dang fault for doing so. It also has been stated how they have abused the ports to flip and hold so US can't take the ports back against a US clan. Something devs should look at too as there is no way to remove a rebel/alt clan port from your Nation at this time and it's a very bad system to allow for such clans to be able to do so. Lets take the pirates and every one out of this. Say Lionshaft gets pissed off at US and he suddenly opens up Savanna to all. There is nothing the other US clans can do about this. The system is broke and needs something to help prevent this. There was talked about doing something on PvE (economics sabotage) which might be something that could work on War server too, have it where there is a means to push a clan out if they are being abusive or anti National. To me it sounds more like folks want a solution to this abuse of alts/clans/etc more than a witch hunt before it becomes more of a problem than it is now.
  6. By the way any one sinking themselves in that battles was stupid. The way the new mechanics work is all the hostility would of went towards WIE in that battle since that was the clan that open the mission. Now in other missions I could see them doing it to bring down hostility, but it's still not against the rules. What I do see by that video is that Serverus Snape was offering missions up prob and UWS was jumping into them to do the hostility so that MAGIC can get the points. While not against the rules this is just very shady practice. Shooting your self with agreed upon green on green is not against the rules. Or maybe they where hunting the pirates and ya'll just couldn't have that? Maybe we are all the tooth fairy? Maybe doesn't skip the point of folks abusing a alt clan to do something with there primary nation. Now the smart thing is that if VCO used alts to bring the missions and UWS did the missions it keep them from crossing there chars in play. Which is smart, but as I said above if they want to prevent this in the future than they need to limit the hostility missions to those that are on the capital owners friends list as was talked about at one time.
  7. Discussion of moderation. Stay on topic. - H. Darby Now that I got that out of the way, Magic Clan leader is @William Death alt Albus Dumbledore. How do I know, cause he made the char the same time I made Jaquotte Delahaye as US alts so we cold do econ on there coast and spy on them back on GLOBAL. MAGIC current has 4 players in that clan. The issue is if VCO takes AYS and than lets MAGIC capture it from them as soon as it is on cool down US can not capture the port back. MONKS is a clan that works with the US leadership MAGIC isn't. So what there agreement is is between them. Some of MONKS clans do not have prussian and are full time US players. MAGIC is nothing but alts.....that don't play normally with the rest of the US. A solution for this would be to make sub region ports only captured by clans on the Capitals friendly clans list. That way you have control of who controls regions. As was mention above they could of tried to take a northern port and left it open to have done more harm and US couldn't of done anything about that. So the best solution would be to limit hostility missions to only clans that are on the friendly clan list of the owner of the capital so that alt clans can't just come and grab up ports and do what they want with.
  8. I had this happen the other week when we where fighting that elite cerberus I got. I went to do my broad side and it wasn't showing the red aim and only way to fire was braket keys. It seem like I was lagging bad so maybe this could been problem with Koltes (I know he's in NZ area so not the best ping). I did some alt tabs and keep trying switch things around on screen and it finaly came back and was able to use the fire mod. Was in a LRQ at the time, haven't had it happen again since.
  9. I don't get why two folks that want to duel can't just set up a meeting time and place and do it? Maybe don't do it right in front of a free town and folks won't jump into the fight. Yes I know it's not just log in instant action, but this game was never meant for that for solo players against other solo players. One solution for this is to bring back Pirate FFA so that any one can fight any one inside a FFA fight. I also think we could have some FFA zones, could come with some pirate mechanics where you can make a pirate capital zone a FFA zone (they are hard core mode after all). Making that zone the center of PvP hot zones at all time any one can kill any one in that zone.
  10. The Pandora actually has a good amount more HP than the Herc, only big advantage of the herc is how many 32's you can put on it since you can load both decks with them. This is a problem with borth the pandora and the herc, Though I noticed it more in the Herc not being able to use deck guns against single deck trade ships. I have found that with a buddy the Pandora and a LRQ make a great combo for hunters that can catch most small ships. I run the LRQ board fit and he supports my baord with the swivels and his guns. Between both us it rips ships to pieces along with there crew.
  11. If you rank up today you will get them tomorrow. It's rank at pay our not when you did them if I'm correct. Get that Final exam done....if I'm wrong well get it down any way lol
  12. Yah I was going to post this, thanks. Cannons should give xp too. Even if it's just 1 xp per that is better than nothing to be honest. Specially if you can only afford one of those buildings and want to level up. @admin I know we talked about the Sailing XP but why can't it be added to ships, even if it's only added to trade ships? Also can we get xp for cannons just like we do for making repairs? We aren't asking for a lot of xp, just a little to help. I would suggest xp for mods and such too.
  13. Cause if you keep repeating it than maybe they get the hint that ya'll and some of us that play from time to time over there would like more content. lol
  14. That actually a good question, do they drop LC for you to buy or does it boost the Academy?
  15. 1. I would say it is only during timer, most sub ports folks don't keep timers on since you have to attack the capital, but raids would mean if that sub port is important to you you would put a timer on it. 2. I would say /NO/ to taking anything from actual players clans, just resources from the port (like if it drops copper they can use it a means to get copper). The reason for holding it a few days is to let them collect this resource. 3. Port battles are to keep the port perm. Look above this shouldn't effect the players personnel stuff, just means they can't use there buildings or set contracts during the raided time. 4. Than put a timer on it and protect it, I would also give a good cool down so a port can't be raided over and over and over easly. Maybe a one week timer that a port can only be raided once a week....if the attacker gets the port for 3 days than put a 5 day cool down on it, so it's actually every 8 days. 5. Cause people hide, if they don't want to fight they just stay in port. By having a raid you have a reason to come and stop the other team from raiding your port cause you will loose production in there and maybe even have the towers/forts be damaged so they have to be rebuilt. (another topic but ports need there own warehouse storage for things like fort/towers supplies if they get damaged). There will always be some one that tries to abuse things, but by putting cool downs and timers on things it helps prevent. Make them costly so raids aren't just able to happen every day with a clan. Cost high CM/VM or Doublons to pull the flag (think CM is best cost). As mention above put a long timer, if they can keep the port for 3 days put a 5 day cool down, so it can be raided every 8 days at most and if you don't want it to be raided put a timer on it for when you can defend it. in an hour or so? You never been in battles have you apparently that lasted the whole 1.5 hours? You can't make anything rush to be under an hour in this game. Sorry this isn't for guys with just 30-60 mins of play time. It takes longer than that most the time to get the group together ans sail some where. There should be a 2 hour window that you can plan the flag and than the raid starts as soon as you plant it, that gives folks time to get there and to set up defense when they flag is pulled (port timers are a three hour window so that is tight time). Sounds like your talking more about epic events with being less time and the chest? Why wouldn't the defender get something too if they defended against the raid unless your speaking up a complete AI only thing, than again that is what Epic events or for. Yes they could make up a raid version or port battle for the PvE guys with something similar to what your speaking of. I do agree with the BR limits, that why I mention do it like a PB with one circle only since you have less ships or BR and have them fight over the one circle. Winner is who kills the most ships or reach the vicotry points first (so to keep from kitting out of the circle and away from the fight).
  16. Why should the game be all about you? This is a multi player game, it's meant for groups to work together, not just one person do every thing. So your not going to get every thing easily handed to you.
  17. The top three will never happen cause of PC reasons. Though I would love to see AI slave/whaling ships to capture/sink for special rewards (since it was part of privateering). Just cause crafting isn't fun for you doesn't mean it's not fun for others. Never going to happen, you got guys like me that have put over 500 in game, what have you paid to support the game? How is to know the accounts aren't family members etc....HOw about you stop worrying about ALTS and such and just play the game. Nothing a good clan of players can't do that alts are doing, just got to be more organized and less greedy. They have a zone mechanic, but never put it in game. The flags that are 50K doubloons in each port should be part of the DLC. Some of them are the reason folks got the DCL. Bettys Ross flag would of been the one I wanted to fly for the US, but it's behind the shop 50K flag not in the DLC. Yes players should be allow to buy it in game for 50K but it should be part of the DLC too. Would like to see more paints as promised. The three voted ships finished and added in game. Connie and USS US should return to 4th rates, we don't have enough 4ths but you can always bring in more 3rds. Where is our money going to for all the DLC sales? Cause we have not seen new ships, paints or such which the money is meant to go towards. A DLC trade ship (could be a trade version of the LRQ, but would prefer if that is crafted in game). Less ships craftable that permits are locked behind RNG loot crates. Keep the drops of permits there for free ones, but don't lock the permits behind PvE RNG LOOT. Actual pirate mechanics that every one has been asking for (less of a nation and more like privateers/pirates). I like the faction system so there is only 5 groups to fight instead of every one spread out between 11 nations. Let us try this and see how it works. It will give small nations a chance. Real safe zones for new players and casuals around the capital regions so they aren't just farmed by seal clubbers. Those clubbers should be finding fights with proper players not camping capitals.
  18. An archive would be better in case some one wants to look back at old post, but I agree alot of the content in the forums is old and out dated it should be archive
  19. Uh the game is a sandbox, so not sure what sandbox mode you mean. Sounds like your talking more of what Naval Action: Legend was going to be, more the arena fighting but with other players, but your stating just the skirmish/small battles where you pick the AI. This isn't a arena game (something your more speaking) it's a OW sandbox. Now some of us have asked for a training room which would be more like your speaking of that other games have. Players can pick sides and maybe even have ai added to a side. There has not been any hint from devs about this but I could see how this could be usefull to a limited means, other wise the best training is just doing it in game.
  20. This is why I mention a temp 3-5 day owner ship of the port and than it returns back to the owner. Allows them to get the tax's, any rare goods (all contracts are stopped so they can put there own up), and any other resources there they can buy up and run for it. Also make it a PvP hot zone with xp boost to make raids dangerous as others might come to raid the raiders of there goods. Either way it's CONTENT something this game needs more of.
  21. That can be fixed many ways, make them expensive (doubloons not reals or even cost CM). Put a cool down on them. Make the cool down for successful raids very short (24 or 48 hours), but if the flag isn't placed or is stopped make it a long cool down before that clan can pull another (72 hours+). Make it so they can only be pulled by clan and maybe clans of a certain size (so you can just have solo clans pull them....5/10+ member's maybe?). I would allow the raids to only be on the sub ports of a region. They can give you 25% hostility on the main port if the attacker wins. Make them like PB, but only a single circle. Battle Royal that you only win by having the most ships in that circle or destroying all the enemy's. To prevent griefing you also have the 1K point win, but it's only from that one circle so no way to grief the other circles to win. Since it's short notice it could have less ships, the BR for raids can be set for a certain amount for attackers, but Defenders can use full port BR. This keeps from unjust zergs and gives defenders the edge since they should be able to call in reinforcements. Since the raid is a surprise attack they defenders wouldn't be prepared with ships ready so they might not have full fleet there. Also keep raids to port windows. This will give reason for some to put timers on sub region ports they don't want raided. Winning a raided port for the attackers allows them to own the port for a short time....I would say 3-5 days max 7 (maybe until week end maintenance wipes all raids clean?) All contracts are closed on a raided port, allowing the raiding clan to set up there own contracts while owning the port and take resources. This would give clans a reason to raid copper and rare wood ports. While port is raided the raider clan gets all tax income but also has to pay the maintenance on it or it drops the raid early. While a port is raided it has a perm red zone around it, making it a PvP zone with a x2-5 boost to all XP gained while fighting in that zone (making raids a pvp hot zone for all).
  22. The ports right now are set to historic national owners, but what some of us have suggested is that they allow ya'll to attack ports like we can neutral and take owner of them. Than reset the port (just set ports back to historic owners nothing lost) every 3-4 (4 months would be best). All you have to do is fight AI for the port and it's your clans. That will give ya'll something else to do on that server than just chase/kill AI. It would also allow for ya'll to do port investment on that server for crafted ships. That is a lot better way to suggest something other than just say cause I want it......
  23. That bribe pardon is called the forge papers.
  24. I wish they go back to allowing you to become a pirate the old way. You have to attack some one of your nations (AI or player). Than the only way to come back to being a national is by forge papers or delete and make a new char. They also need to kick Pirates to impossible nation status and make it a in game only nation, you can't pick pirates from the start. Bring back FFA's too so you can't trust any other pirates too. Pirate life hardcore. As for the paints/sails thing it will be a DLC if they ever do it cause they want to cash grab. How else are they going to pay for that new model designer to make us new ships and paints/sails any way? I mean the one they never have gotten with all the other DLC they sold so far.
  25. actually you can, you can keep deleting and taking new missions until you get then on top of each other. They also tend to spawn in the same areas for each player so you can say get the ones that are around this spot and stack them. Believe me it's been done for ages by many How you think folks flip shallow ports with 1st rates?
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