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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. The best way I learned was taking out a shallow ship and going after Trader Snow and Brigs. In fact that is how I got to learn it hunting players in Shallow Waters. I would keep my distance from any Heavy Rattler in my Niagara and once i demasted them I would move in, broad side of grape and board them. It's lovely on live when some one pops sail repair when they still have 80-90% sails. To me that just means they signed there death warrant cause now they can't repair there sails any more. Testbed this going to be interesting as they will be able to, but folks forget this. How much repairs are you going to carry to give up your speed? Sooner or later that player will run out of repairs. Had this happen last week. Not to another player but myself. I had one repair left and saved it for the end of the battle but was out classed so made a run for it and got away. Mainly cause they other player was prob loaded with repairs and was way slower than me. Oh and here is a key when you see some one repair on testbed...>GRAPE THEM< The crew repair takes longer and gives less, but if you grape them while they are doing any repairs cause most of there crew is going to repair and you crew shock them....they will pretty much be stuck not reloading or repairing. I found it's way easier to crew shock folks in testbed now. While they might not loose a bunch of crew, but it puts a stop to anything they are doing.
  2. This is what cracks me up when you see the guys complaining about fleets. Well if your so hardcore and those fleets are so stupid than you shouldn't have a problem sinking them right? Well what is the difference than one player with 2 AI ships vs 3 players? If your solo your porb screwed unless they are all newbs or idiots. We have beat ships very out number and majority of them was all players. I get asked to Duel all the time and I refuse to. Other than a few times for testing and doing goofy things like bringing a gunboat to a 4/5th rate fight (small battles) to get the BR match up (that duels didn't allow off BR fights). I pretty much have never done one. The reason why I tell folks. It's not cause I'm some elite player and got something to prove, hell I'm a very average PvPer in battles. I'll be honest I suck at the 1 vs 1 fights, but where I shine is team work in a group helping each other out and feeding off each others strengths and weakness in battles. That and I like the challenge of not knowing what will happen in that fight with a predetermined set rules and patterns you have in a duel. There are a few great Duels I know that to be honest I can prob beat in a OW 1 vs 1 just from fighting side by side with them in OW fights. I know their strengths and weakness and they love to make rules in Duels so you can't use them against them.
  3. The Division did this too and there player base dropped big time and no one wanted to go into the Dark Zone cause it was nothing but PvP gankers with maxed out gear camping spawn points. They still had to do some big changes to make it reasonable for the casual players to stay around. The problem is they waited way to long and it did major damage to the game population. Now they gear things more for the middle not the top 1% elites like they did at start.
  4. I swear folks don't read anything any more....but there was a hint it could come a bit early....hint hint hint...lol Though this would be a cool time to test any of the other ships that are in in development and might be ready for the OW. Kinda like ya'll did with the Wappen, which I can't stand, but I know a lot of folks are hoping it will now be craftable. Though that would be a cool suprise if they slipped one of the new ships in as one of the 4 ships so we can break them in and test them. 1 dura means they won't last long either. Hell I would be happy if every one got the Santa Cecilia for putting up with the wait for the patch to go live. I mean it's only 1 dura and you can make it a one time redeemable that you only get the week of the patch going live if you been logging in or something....lol
  5. Wait NWN has mods? I been playing that the last week since I just could never get into it cause it's nothing like the old Neverwinter games I was hoping it would be like and D&D games. I went from like 20 to 67 this week. There are mods for it? I assume it's graphic mods or something. Man some of the leveling up armor looks like complete crap. I just went from an awesome looking cleric armor back to the basic starting armor at my level 36 DC. Back to OP though I think modding would be something later down the road if they allow it for things like flags and even ship paints. I can see doing flags cause that way every one in your clan can load the flag for the clan and it shows up in battles instead of the national flag so you can tell clan mates from other players in your nation in the fight. Hell I just be happy if they get clan flags into the game is all I really want on the modding side.
  6. Actually if I can capture a trader when I'm new that means I can start trading. If I'm trading my goods (captured or made) than that stimulates the economy. If I have to wait to buy a ship to trade when I'm new it will take longer for me to get into the trading business and making money that way. Last I checked trading does stimulate the economy so it makes since to allow say the Trader Brig/Snows to be capture but anything else you have to craft or buy. @admin Is there a way we can get a list of what will be common crafted ships and what won't be. Gunboat: Common Crafted? I don't want to loose my gunboat. Though would make an interesting special rewards only ship. Rattlesnake: Common crafted? Heavy Rattlesnake: Permitted or rewards ship for conquest points maybe? Le Gros Ventre: Prob common crafted ships but I can see a permit for it, but it's realy should be top tier trader for crafting without. Indiaman: Now this one I can see being permitted unless you bring out a bigger merchant ship for us to do hauling in. Santa Cecilia: Rewards ship, but would be nice if there was a normal version (change the paint) that was craftable as just the Hermione. Though I wonder if the Le Hermione will fill that spot. Ingermanland: I would say make this the top crafted Common ship. The Connie is permitted along with the Agamemnon. Though this is an older design and a bit out dated, but can be a cheap 4th rate battle ship for folks that don't have the points for the permitted ships yet. Wapen von Hamburg III: I know a lot of folks will want this to be crafted ship, I can't stand it myself, but it should remain a rewards ship to be honest so we have something special out there. So I guess it will prob be a toss up from rewards ship or permitted ship. I would think making missions for traders that you get rewarded the trade manifest would work. Each delivery missions you do you get one manifest and it takes a lot of them to trade in for the rewards. Specially if we ever tie those missions into actual buy orders. Would be a way to get the larger trade ships like the LVG and Indiaman along with things like paints for ships. @admin Speaking of which paints how are we going to get them after the patch goes live. There is none in the Admiral/Pirate shop and I don't think any one has gotten any as drops.
  7. A lot better way to do this is make it Privateers not a nation. Than have the option to go full blown Pirate (outlaws) cause really what where most pirates? They where Privateers out of a job cause no one was at war with each other at the time. As soon as a war started they got a pardon and was giving a letter to be a Privateer for that nation. It could be a great way with a reputation system to allow folks to go to another nation in game. You don't want to play Spain any more. You become a pirate and than work on the reputation until you get privateer status for another nation and once you reputation gets high enough you get the option to join that nation. Say British you have to earn it instead of some click of a button or just deleting your char and making a new one. You are a pirate unless you have a Letter for a nation. Than your a privateer. While a pirate can't do RvR they only have there main Pirate Haven ports, but both pirates and Privateers can use them. I would make Kidds the capital and than have a bunch of Pirate Havens (free Towns) they can use all over the map. I would make Mort like the old Pitts a neutral port/region that all can use even other nations. This will make that area a big trade hub or hot spot. While a privateer you can enter the host nations battles and port battles. You can have OP in it's ports, but you still can't craft or have buildings in those ports (your still using the pirate haven ports). If the alliance system comes back you can't enter alieds port battles and they can attack you (actually any one can attack you while a Privateer other than the parent nation). If you don't want the Privateer life than you can be a full blown Pirate (outlaw) and work only out of the Pirate Haven ports I think outlaws should still be able to attack each other, as a means to keep some in line and even than there could be some that don't care about any brotherhood and are the true outlaws.
  8. Which is a good thing, one thing that killed a lot of players on PvP2 was the alliance. Either they stopped playing or they switched to pirates cause having the two largest nations not fighting each other since August of last year and yes they are still in a alliance even now that no one is playing live for the most part cause they are afraid the pirates might zerg them. If they had broke there stupid care bear alliance and fought each other more players will be active in those nations and we would keep our stuff to OW PvP. Hoping these new changes help with those issues. To be honest the only one that zerg any one was the US player base and they where the largest with there GB and Dutch alliance. (had no problem with GB and Dutch alliance, it was just all three). If US had took a small nation in on there own and not have the large alliance there would of been some great player base balance, but you can't get it in the head of some of the folks and some of the lies they would say to keep there carebear alliance. It's going to be so sweet to see after the Merg US and GB actually fighting each other again. HOPEFULLY.....lol I still think alliances can be good for small nations. Maybe make it a cap as long as you don't have over say 5 regions you can have an alliance with another nation with 5 or less regions. Or something like that 5-10 regions should be the sweet spot, any more than that than they are pretty much a very large nation.
  9. I honestly don't even think they plan to make any pirate mechanics. If so it will be another year before we see anything at the rate they are going and this game is supose to be ready for release at the end of the year? Now the problem is they keep adding negatives to the pirates nation while they are still treated just like all the other nations. Not one perk has been introduced for them and don't tell me Pirate vs Pirate is a perk. It actually going to end up with a lot of folks trolling other pirates when they are bored. We all ready seen it on testbed, a group of guys where sitting out side of Morts green zone killing any other pirates that came buy. Wasn't even a 1 vs 1 it was a group that ganked other solo players. Though we see this in just about every PvP style game that is out there when it's in testing that is all folks do is camp spawn spots and kill solo players. It's cause there is nothing better to do during a test specially when those folks aren't testing. You get zero rewards for killing another pirate. You can't make the main Meta 4th Rate for port battles easily. You can't make any SOL for port battles easilyy. Effectively taking Pirates out of any RvR other than shallow water and some 4th rate battles. Can't have alliances (well this is same for all nations for now.) No other nations can join your side in a battle cause they are at war with you. While they can pick what side they want to join as long as they aren't at war with that nation. All nations are at war with pirates by default. We get one ships that the other Nations can't craft easily, but like the SOL/Aggy if you have a will you can get that BP and perks (alts or friends). So this isn't anything special, just a slight restrictions. I have asked several times in the patch threads why all 7 nations get 8 ships (Aggy and SOL's) while the Pirates only get one ship (P. Frigate) in the shop. While we get no perks and devs have not yet answed why is this. Though I'm going to bet there answer is Pirates are hard mode. Well than remove the conquest part and give use perm ports to work out of (pirate havens like freetowns) and let us be pirates and not some broken bastard/redheaded step child of a nation.
  10. Yah I get all that cause until things get optimized we take a big hit in port battles. Now what I would love to see and it's just a graphical thing. SHUT THE DANG GUN PORTS WHILE IN OW. I don't know why this drives me crazy, but it's just an art thing cause I'm sure you have different models for OW and in battles. Just design the OW model to have them shut. Would be nice to see some, but I don't expect this until some time after release. One could be for the general public and than would be cool if we got a pirate refit of that same ship just for pirates....hint hint....lol While I never do gofundme's other than if some one I know needs the money cause of medical or death in the family. I done a few kickstarters and gotten some pretty nifty rewards out of them. Never spent more than say 20-60 bucks which is easy a small bar tab for me at the time when I was working all the time. Just like anything in life you have to know what to invest in and not every thing is going to give a return. I had one kickstarter we actually put up a class act suit against cause every thing was complete BS. I didn't worry about it cause it was 20 bucks. So defently do your research are like when you go to Vegas, "only play with what your willing to loose." With that mind set I have all ways walked away from a table with either broke even or 2-5 times what I started with.
  11. Yah we are having a hard time getting clan members like Jean on testbed. The grind is going to kill our numbers of some players and these new ship knowledge. He's one of those players that only likes 1st rates for the most part, but we have been able to even get him to show up to shallow port battles, but you prob never see him in a shallow ship in the OW other wise. Though after getting demasted by a PvP1 player that single shot him (I think he had to win by boarding the guy) he has been looking at the demasting in a different light than the full broad side thing. I been doing single shot demasting in 4/5th rates and below for some time. Hell the whole reason I run a Niagara in the shallows it for the accuracy and 9lbr longs how fast I can demast some one in a 6/7th rate. I just keep my distance, demast them single shot and than move in to board them. If I"m in a group my other team mates are brawling while I do this. I would like to test out both my builds on testbed once we get the refits. One is a Pirate refit (the boarder) with just Pillews and the rest baord mods. The other is a french refit with all accuracy mods. Even that ship still got green/blue marines for once I demast a ship I moved in to board. Cause of the stupid crew kill in shallow ships you have to keep your distance in that ship as you can decrew it way to easy. Speaking of that is something I haven't been able to really test on testbed. Need to get some folks in shallows and see how much that was changed.
  12. My clan was the first to beat Forteleza de Luz. They had a dev come with us to watch how we keep beating it cause every one else keep complaining you couldn't beat it. It was to hard so the nerfed it after watching us. Though we beat it the same reason we could beat the Brits in port battles if we took it to the forts. We had all the avcom gear from doing all the missions cause we would grind the crap out of them to get all the best gear. So we would out number either take it to boarding or to the forts and beat the crap out of them some times 4 vs 1 in numbers. The funny thing was that one Dev stayed in our clan from that point on and played with us. It was there way to get feed back cause while we where small. Spain on Roberts at that time was very active. We started on the Aussie server cause I worked night shift it was the best server for me to play on. The point is your hardcore players will always have better gear then your casual player. They took the time to grind and do the hard work so they should have the better gear. Though the game should be made around the casual players when they come up with mechanics for the most part.
  13. I think we need PvE to make PvP work. The PvP and even RvR crowd is only a small part of the population. Most of them are just your casual players that might want to PvP on there terms. We saw this big time on PvP2. You have 15-20 hard core PvP players in one nation that rolled the two biggest nations while they where in a n alliance down to 11 ports in the US and 1 port for GB. They where the two largest nations so the issue wasn't they didn't have the numbers. It was more they didn't want to loose ships. They would constantly loose fights that was 15-20 vs 20-25 (some time with over 30-40 out side screening.) The problem wasn't they had numbers, the problem was they lacked the PvP players in three nations to fight us. So instead they all just hide and stop showing up to port battles. We knew every time we beat them with something like 19-21 players vs 25 even if it was a 1st rate battle they where going to show up in force the next time. So we had to hit major econ ports to get them to show up. The reason they didn't have a a major number of hard core PvP and RvR players cause many of them got bored and stopped player or switched to pirates. Why did they do that? Cause when you have the three largest nations in an alliance and no one is fighting each other other than showing up to small nation port battles and rolling them you get bored. Maybe of them stopped playing. A few and not many switched over to Pirates as we where the only ones going out in force and trying to PvP and fight. There was a lot of small clans in US/GB that wanted to fight each other, but they couldn't cause of the stupid alliance system and old timers that where PvE oriented players having a vote and keeping the alliance. There is a problem when the two largest nations hadn't had a port battle since August of last year. Which by the way when the alliance system came out. Even now with every one waiting on the patch they won't break the alliance. I kid you not they told a PvP1 players they are still scared the Pirate will zerg them. So the same players that wouldn't show in proper ships back when there was numbers are not rolling the map slowly before the patch. I for one can't wait for the merge so it will shake things up and US and GB actually fight each other it would be nice to see two big nations actually do RvR for once. The only problem I'm seeing with the new 1 dura system and crafting is like before folks will stop going out if it cost to much to get back into a ship. That is why they stopped showing up at 1st rate port battles. instead they bring 2nd rates or lower and wonder why they get beat even though they had the numbers. Which also meant if they worked together instead of bickering in nation they could out produced us on pirates on the 1st rates with no problem. Though they spent all there time in port instead of out doing the grind and fighting to keep there war machines supplied. I can see this happening again. Though with the new no teleport and limit on docks I can see most regions are going to be Clan based not nation based other than around the capitals. So you might not get 25 vs 25 port battles every time and they won't all be the meta ships. This is going to be good, except if you get one strong nation/clan that all ways brings the numbers vs a smaller weaker or unorganized big nation.
  14. But see you learn to compensate. I do the same on PvP1 when I go for mast. It's not as easy but I can work it as long as I'm not hit by ping spikes. But that is learning to live with it. If folks want to say it doesn't matter go look at the @Jeheil vs @OlavDeng2 in wappens. Play both videos side by side and you can see the delay from when they push and fire. There is almost a sec and half delay on poor Jeheil side vs Olav. Again a good player will learn to compensate for this, but it still proves ping maters. Some one with a good ping or connection will not have to compensate and will have an easier time. But we are talking about Vets that been playing a very long time compared to the casual players. We are only about the 10% of the total players and most of them have no clue how to demast. Just cause a small percentage can do it with ease doesn't mean we need to nerf things. Remember the game should be based on the average standards not those of the elite. I don't really see any issues with the demasting in game right now as is. Cause not every one will be able to do it. Not every one will have a totally accuracy built out ship either. Just like not every one had all gold board mods...well most of us did...lol Now lets redo that video at 250 and lets not sit in a straight line the whole time and tell me how easy it is to demast each other?
  15. Yah lets try this in a real fight. He would never be that close and use his longs if he had them against the guy with the Carros. Also lets try this with a normal person pings. I know you guys say ping doesn't matter, but BS I can tell a big diffrence from my ping on PvP2 of around 40-50 to PvP1/Testbed that is in the 140-160. You have a slight delay and that makes it harder to get those shots. Than again you where pretty much at point blank range to him. He just had to pull a bit distance between ya'll and you wouldn't be penning those mast. He for hell shouldn't be going at battle sails at 100m from you side by side. Some one deserves to get demast quickly if that is that what they do in a real battle.
  16. I know we have some other SEA players that have brought this up. CCCP/CN clan on PvP2 is mostly folks from China or SEA area that speak the same language and they would prob be able to get a lot more players into game if it was localized for them. Though I can see this is something to be done more closer to release when they do the final UI. Right now there is so many changes it would be hard to keep up with all the languages that would need to be updated. @chailang I think it was you or one of your other clan mates that posted on this in the past, but for Chinese?
  17. Pretty much when wipe comes as long as you don't redeem your xp/ranks you can change nations as much as you want just by deleting your char. Afterwards if you delete your char you delete every thing and start over at rank zero. The Devs are working on a one time redeemable that allows you to change nations one time after you start. It's like a one time get out of jail card. That way say a month or two after wipe you picked a nation and you don't like it. You can redeem the nation switch and get moved to the new nation. This will help with folks that returned and didn't pick smartly or folks that want to balance the game a bit more cause one nation might be more populated than others. Remember over populated isn't good cause you will be fighting over resources with each other.
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  18. And that is why when I post stuff I make it very clear I have alts and that it would take a solo player longer, so 3 chars would take 3 times as long. You shouldn't be able to make a mid tier ship in a week or couple. I remember when I started and way before I had alts It took me months to make my first ship. Yah I made some trader brigs (still got it with all dura's.) and cutters and such, but I had some one build my first Surprise for me after months of playing casual. Than as soon as he built it I was able to get the BP's (the only reason I couldn't build it was bad BP drop....RNG hated me). Than I was off to making Trincs soon after cause I had stocked up so much during that time getting ready. When I first posted I made my first ship I stated in the same time a small clan of about 5-10 guys should be able to do the same or out perform me (figuring not every one is active as a player like me). They should be able to get them selves into the same tier ships within a week or two if they work together. Solo players are going to have it hard no matter what. They will get out performed on things like crafting by any one with alts or a clan. Sorry it's the hard mode and you will never perform at the rate as a clan will. Well unless that clan just flat out sucks. I really don't see a problem with the 1 dura ships and I even like the new woods options. My only problem is time to build compared time to being killed and get back into a ship. The casual players are going to be the ones effected the most by this, not the hardcore players.
  19. Yah I'm all against folks that abuse the system. What a lot of these anti alts guys don't understand I have to spend three times the grind as they do to support three chars. So I'm doing a lot more work and it's not such the easy ride they think it is to have multi chars. Now any one alt abusing I'll report if I catch them. On live of course right now I really don't see it as abuse on testbed as some of us have used them to test things that we can't do without other players and some times that means fighting each other. It was how I tested the tree for the ships the first patch that came out. I farmed on of my alts to get the easy xp to see how the learning tree worked out. Since than haven't done it, don't plan to do that grind until live and than the old fashion legit way. I think there is way to much grind on that ship knowledge tree thing. It shouldn't be so much of a grind. If I want to specialize a ship I should have to be come an expert in 20 other ships to get to master in one.
  20. Yah wasn't something I expect anytime soon, but when one nation can capture a few regions and own the whole area it should be looked at. With the extra ports staying it would allow for a few of the bigger regions to be split to make more. This might allow other nations or even clans to pick a region to capture and work out of. Specially with the restrictions now for telporting to freetowns (still only one of them in that region) and having to have a front to work out of it might be something to look into later. Now if you removed pirate refit form there and make that a pirate only refit (hint hint since we are so restricted) than I wouldn't care who owned the Bahamas......just me being a bit bias though, but shallows are fun hunting grounds when your solo playing.
  21. I was more talking about the ports producing the woods and trade goods. You still have to produce your own common resources at your own ports by the way. Which all nations pretty much have every thing you need other than the rare stuff. Unless your going to pick a nation that starts with only one region on PvE server you shouldn't be that limited on resources. If I was to ever play on testbed I'll go Spain, it's what I played on POTBS any way. But than that is cause I would never run out of port options, but since I think PvE only is boring I would not be playing over there. Though I might make a char and set him up in certain ports to produce and sale stuff. That way I just have to pop in ever couple of days, produce it and put it up on the market for other players and than go back to playing my main server. I'm going to bet we see a lot of folks doing this with there labor hours. Offer them up on the other servers for trade on the main one they play on.
  22. You know that is funny I was actually thinking of saying the 3rd rate for every one since most of us are all RA/Curse level. It will bring back the 3rd rate in Port Battles once again....lol Though your asking for all top tier ships of there class. 1. Privateer/Pickle (would be nice to pick) 2. Surprise/Rennom (your scout hunters) 3. Indefatigable - we need a grinding ship and this could be a good pick as one permit ship, but the 3rd Rate would allow us to grind bigger fleets. Might be an interesting option. (Oh wait pirates can't craft easly SOL's so that would not be fair for the pirates to give them a SOL's cause you know they have a billion restrictions and no perks over the other nationals.) 4. Trader Snow (lets make it small and folks will have to earn a bigger one or craft it.) Remember folks a lot of us are maxed out and not going to want to start with all shallow ships to get back up and going. The more you limit the more economy is going to be limited too. I think the Devs should seed the shops at first to (won't reproduce the goods, but enough to get folks started in ports). Maybe give every one a starting package to let them have some gold and cannons and maybe some resources from the start. With the basic cutter this will also mean your dock spaces are all full now.
  23. I loved the 1 vs 1 option of it as it made more fights fair and we would hunt other vets not the newbies in that area. We would let them pass cause they where just leveling up, but many times they get some big balls and attack ups. It was a good learning experience, but like you said it was mainly only Pirates and US (on PvP2). Now what I do think is that it should be broken into a few smaller regions than it is now. Right now you take pretty much 4 regions you have most of the majority of the Bahamas (thin it's 6 total with brits). The US always comes in there and takes it from pirates cause it's the closes source of Metals to them. Though would be nice if most of the regions where cut in half and make it a bunch of small regions since they are all shallow water port battles. Gives more area to fight over and that way a few other nations could own some ares from the start. Rookie ROE would effect folks with traders. You could effectively trade run risk free since AI fleets aren't brought into the fights. So all you have to do is keep your traders in your fleets and they could never get captured. That is why it changed, but even before the Rookie ROE zone, all those ports where pirates at start of the map, just US always comes in and takes them away from the Pirates cause they are the closes silver, copper, and gold ports for them.
  24. This been brought up to devs several times and might be made into the game in the futrue, but it's not on the top of there list. Oh and the log needs to be like a week not a few days. Some of us don't play ever day. It should say who put stuff in and took stuff out. On testbed I made every one in our clan officers so we can more easily test things, but on live only a few of us in clan are officers (I'm not the clan leader just set it up early on testbed). Though it would be very much wanted to have a log so more folks can be set officers. Our clan has a good number of players that fill the roll cause we been playing together for a long time, but other clans might not have that trust to have a large amount of officers.
  25. I'm fine with paints and maybe special skin ships (something like the Yacht that is just a cutter) of low levels or soemthing, but every thing that they can buy I should be able to get in game with marks or something or a in game version. Now what they do need is a proper player Auction House. Even if it's limited to just your nation or a region it would be nice than having to go from port to port looking for certain things. Even if I still have to go to that port to pick it up.
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