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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. And lets not even think of the cost to add ship dock space. I have only expanded one chars docks space twice and stopped. It's going to be killed. What is it like 26 miillion for the second to last unlock. I remember it about killed me to pay 1 million to get my 8th out post. Yah I can prob make that pretty fast, but I"m not a new player. I know what things I can tweek and get away with. Oh and La Tort has been locked out of being able to sale pirate goods to it for a good while now. So can't even make money doing trade runs. This is only 40-90 players. What will it be like with 400-900 players?
  2. Flag system would make a great 12 vs 12 raid system on ports while we still have the current conqest system and a good raid can bring big agro on a region.
  3. I all ways thought a little bit of resources seeded in ports like that was a good thing so that the little guy that might just need 10 extra iron pieces to make something can get a few from the shop. I also think when this goes live they devs should seed the shops with some resources to start things out. Remember we are on a test bed with like 30-90 players now make that 300-900 players and there won't be anythign in the shops in seconds. Isn't that like just giving a trophy for not scoring? Might as well give every one a conquest point than that show up and than the winner gets the extra on a win. Your reward is the port/region and it's resources if no one shows up for the fight. Though I kinda understand the meaning. That is why I said give every one the 1 conquest for showing and than give the winners the extra points depending on the type. Though the only if you do damage thing might hurt some folks. Like if you send team 1 over to circle B and no one comes to take it, but they defend it the whole game without firing a shot, they still did work. So they need some type of reward. Are we still getting the ship and paint reward for winning battles too? Are is the conquest points the only reward now? You would think so? Well guess we will have to wait for another week for them to get the rest of the stuff not put into the game. on testbed for us.
  4. Yah it just makes folks assume the worse and than more crap gets spread and more folks get pissed off. Right now form what I seen in the other ports about the wood types this is very much looking like Fine Woods 2.0. I'm going to be spending all my time crafting and trading instead of doing any PvP to keep folks in ships like I was back that. Screw that crap....though we where suppose to make shift crafting easier with the 1 dura so folks can get right back into ships and back into the fight when they get sunk.
  5. This might be a case of his ping/connection if that is so....being way over in the other side of the world...lol Well since we still don't have the full ship building stuff in game yet I'm just going to keep taking my break. Really no reason to test ship building when there it isn't all in testbed. How are ya'll going to make May 15th and still have a descent proper test and bug run in testbed? Can Player AI ships be captured yet? Was that atleast fixed so I don't loose another full LVG of goods when I recap it back from some one?
  6. It's not suppose to be easy. I'm doing the test with three chars and I look at it as if I'm a small clan not one player with alts. I was able to get my first ship built (Surprise and than Indefatigable) in a week (that is with level 50 crafting). It took me months to do that back when I had one char and it should do the same for a new player. I was able to make small ships but not frigates and my crafting grew faster than I ranked up when I was finally able to craft them. I'm going to fight a good small clan of 5-10 players will be able to keep them self in ships if they share there resources. The problem is most folk are greedy and refuse to help others and those guys might as well be solo playing. Than they are going to have a harder time, but they will if they play smart and not rush off and get killed be able in time craft things and make money. One of those three chars I been playing only in shallows and I haven't gotten any help from the other two, but I been producing Copper for them. Just as a solo player might to make money. The only thing I done is made a surprise for him. That would been proper payment for some one that gives me a good bit of copper in trade. Staying in the shallows he's made a decent profit. Lower level chars do seem a bit balanced. It's when you get into mid level it starts to get a bit costly if you only want to run a ship at that level, but this was before crew was free too. That was most of what was burning through my profits of trading and crafting was the crew replacement at mid level.
  7. Are put it with the other stuff on the left like your region your in and recent kills. That would be the perfect place to have it. I don't mind a warning right when you log int, but yah it needs to moved to the side of the screen.
  8. I been ruining carpenter perk on all mine so I do heal more than some one that doesn't run any heal. So yah some one that stacks ios going to heal way faster than others. That is why I think the little adjustment and if they doesn't work move it to 15 instead. The one thing folks got to remember if some one is repairing they get a big hit on crew. That is when you hit them the hardest and keep them from getting back. Cause all there crew is mostly in repair during that 90 secs. That would be the best time to grape the crape out of there crew. Cause it's like brace once you start your stuck in that mode until you are finished repairing. So there are ways to fight it. You just got to change your tactics from the old duke it out.
  9. 1) How are screens useless you still have to sail to the PB and there is not more log out and pop in for Attackers. Biggest nation will prob all ways have the numbers, but that does't mean they will be on all the time. So unless your EU server with limited port battle slots than just pick a better time to hit them when you have the better numbers. Not every one is on ever day too. 2) Well isn't that what we do in RL you use the fortifications to your advantage and don't attack until you weaken down the attackers. Screening fleets aren't a problem if you bring your own. You send them in first and let them tie up all the screeners. If yours isn't big enough than maybe you shouldn't be attacking that port in the first place. Even than you can still win a port battle when if you get them into the PB. Remember tagging mechanics have been changed on testbed along with Port Battles rules. 3) The Gentleman thing to do is let them lick there wounds leave if they are the loosing side, but if I can crush an attacking force so they can't strike back I'm going to try to sink every last ship of them. This goes for attacker or defenders that loose. Remember all sides can still use the port if the attackers win the attack. It's only when they loose they can't and they should expect a good fight on the way back to friendly waters. Screeners with no alliance this is a good way to work with other nations. If you don't think you will have enough for a good screener fleet than get another nation to help out. Hell you might even get more than one or a few pirates out there helping if you ask nicely. Isn't that PvP and that should attract those that want it and not really into the big ship RvR stuff?
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  10. This is why I'm excited about the merge and having more folks and hopefully more balanced nations. It gets a bit boring when you have one sided wars or one or two nations only fight the little guy, but if any one brings equal numbers they run (problem on PvP2). Going to be a new game for sure. Just hope folks keep to there word about fighting each other and trying to get the population more balanced. I can live with one or two big nations, but they don't need to be in a super alliances and owning the whole map and if a small nation even tries to get a port or two crushing them. It just wasn't good for the game. I still think small pop nations should be allow alliances. Population isn't going to be the way to balance it, it should be off how many regions you own. If you have under a certain amount you can make an alliance with another small nation, but you get over so big you can't keep the alliances. There is nothing stopping folks from having a verbal agreement, but with clans and such that won't work for all the nation. You might still have some clans that want to war between the other nation.
  11. I was wondering if you could do this, cause I would be making extras for the clan right now while I'm waiting on the next hotfix/update for testbed.
  12. Just drop it to 50g a crew and I think it would be reasonable. Still a cost but doesn't break the dang bank.
  13. It always cracked me up when the Nationals couldn't understand this. Yah we didn't capture your port or region, but if you look at the battle log we lost one or two ships while you lost your whole fleet or most of it. That was a victory for us. I remember the first day or two of the new regional. We captured over 17 first rates from the US as they tried to grab spain ports. We weren't even doing port battles. We just screened them as they did agro and went to the port battle and caught there first rates solo or even worse we be way out number, but the majority of the fleets would leave to jump into the port battle. Thus leaving the slow first rate or two in the battle for us to capture. It was prob a very big moral crush on there side where a lot of those guys stop coming to port battle cause they weren't getting protected by the other guys. We counted our victories in our kills not the dots we owned. You know you could always repair in battle still before you leave? Though I still haven't tested it cause I just forget to look at the clock, but I have yet to get kicked out of the battle after it's over. So you prob have plenty of time to do repairs on your ship. Now your AI on the other hand prob just wait until you pop out of battle. Can we go back to marking them by there class (rate) I keep getting folks asking me what small (6-7 rates), medium (4-5 rates) and large (1--3 rates) means. I think this is going to confuse folks more than any thing. Same with cannons they need to have a mention of what class those cannons are when you make them. I know that if I"m going to make a 3rd class gun it's a 24 lbr but some one new might not understand that and just make guns thinking they can put anything on that ship. I think a lot of us talked about this and we come up with two numbers 12 or 15 mins between repairs. I'm for trying 12 mins out myself. That gives you the 90 or less for the repair and than you have a full 10 mins cool down until the next. If we still think that is to fast we bump it up to 15 mins.
  14. Even though I would prefer this more for a pirates system, but it would work with any one. Keep the current system for conquest and agro we have but add int raids. Raids are 12 man teams like the old flag system. I picked 12 cause that is one large group/party and you don't need the full 25 man teams. They pull the flag and raid a PORT not a region. That port will have a battle, but there is only one goal, the not three capture circles. Just the "A" Circle. Who ever wins the points by either control of it or sinking of the ships wins the raid. Can make it 500 Points instead of 1000. If the raid is successful it does auto 25% agro on that region. If it was defended it removes 25% agro. You can raid a region as many times as you want in a 24 hour period as it has ports. Each port though though has a 24-48 hour cool down after it's been raided before it can be raided again. If port is captured than it belongs to that nation for 36 hours and than it can return to original owners (this was more a pirate raid concept part if they didn't have conquest). So you don't have to raid 4 ports to flip a region, if you want to disturb a nations production you can just raid one port ever couple of days. This will allow you to get agro through PvP and not the silly grind that we have currently. We still have the old system for the smaller nations or the slower grind off off peak hours. Remember there is not such thing as night flips on a global server. If I'm going to attack you wouldn't I be start to do it while your pants or down if I can. You don't like it take it back during you peak time instead. With a more balanced population than it would be easier to fill the 12 vs 12 raids during those off times. While we keep the 25 vs 25 battles to for control over the regions. 5
  15. I would like to pick how many marines I would want for a build. On live a lot of times I ran a hybrid board build. Us smaller guns, or down grade the Marines mod so I can still be combat effective but very deadly in boading. So I tended to run Blue or Purple Marines most the time to balance out the crew so that I can run all my guns effectivly as long as I keep one deck turned off. This made it hard for folks to guess if I was board fit. Though I would have Barricades and one other mod like sword fighting hand book. Now my issue is that every freaking AI has green marines no matter what (20%). So why can't every one have a based of 10% maines in there crew and than the mod adds 10-30% crew to that base? I would prefer to see this instead. Maines should never eat into the crew needed to sail a ship too.
  16. Wood type isn't auto win. You just can't duke it out with a live oak ship if your cedar. You got to use your ships strength and weakness. I don't think refits will be stackable cause you can't put more than one figurehead on a ship so they prob coded it so you can only have one refit type on the ship at a time....well we hope.
  17. Yep along with Stiffness is a percentage too. I tested all this and did the math to make sure. One of the staffers said it's ment to be like this, but if it is they need to change some of the stats cause the percentage is so small that it gives hardly any bonus over one of the other wood types really on the smaller ships. You might see more advantage on the bigger ships than the smaller though.
  18. Yah I all ways thought it was stupid that AI's fight to the last man. You think if you demast them or kill most there crew they keep fighting. Though players should always have the option to keep fighting. Than again I'm kinda sick of AI having every freaking mod out there. It's hard on your crew when you board an AI with equal crew even if you have one or two boarding perks. They still have pretty much every green mod out there so they have all the boarding perks/mods no matter what. That and they seem to have golden pumps even after you take all there structure down and keep firing at you as they sink. That is why when I take the last bit of structure I normally pop the ship with one broad side of grape to put there crew into shock to make them sink faster. Oh and any one notice they devs been kinda quite today. Maybe that is a good sign we might get another hotfix update. I really don't see them getting this to live by the 15th if we don't get every thing to the testbed in time for a week or so of testing to get all the bugs worked out and things tweeked.
  19. Do you even play on Testbed? Currently crew cost nothing in port? So there is no more 500g per crew cost.
  20. Exactly the simple solution is make all AI Grey OW ships non-capture and make all BLUE bought/player made ships able to be capture no mater if a player is in them or they are in a player fleet.
  21. So me and Snow2 got into a little rumble before I was about to make it into La Tort. Just for fun I put my two fully loaded LVGs on damast since the Indefatible turns like a freaking pig. Not the best escort ship in my book, but I been goofing around with it. Well he was able to get one of my LVG's crews down and board it. While boarding I hit him with some grape and moved next to him. I could of prob pushed the ships away from each other to break the board but I wanted to test something. Costly test but tested it any way. As soon as he got out of the fight I boarded him and beat him. He only had like 100 crew left so wasn't to hard. Well here is the results. He couldn't keep or put crew on my LVG cause it's an NPC ship. I was able to keep his ship cause it's a player, even though I don't want his ship I want mine back. I won the fight so I should be able to keep my ship and his cause it was player involved, than pick which ship I wanted to put in my fleet. Since I have two fleet slots I would of sunk his Bell Poule and keep my LVG and cargo. Yah that wasn't a cheap cargo. Now for a second thing I can't split cargo to take what I want. It auto restakes it. I would of took what I could hold of the MJ's instead of just the French Gold. Cause they are worth more. So not only am I out of 500K of my product, I'm out of an LVG too. DEVS I'm sorry ya'll need to fix this. This is just BS and it's going to make folks realy pissed off. Cause if I capture some one ships AI Fleet or Player I should be able to pick what I want to keep. I'm fight with grey NPC OW ships not being capturedable. But if a player has a ship in a fleet, which will be a BLUE player or store bought ship it should be able to capture and keep it. I should also be able to take my ship back if I loose it in a fight. I was told after the fight you could grab the stacks and over load your ship. I'l lhave to check that next time, but it was a good test. I should of sunk the bell poule to check out the marks as there really wasn't a reason for me to keep it, but figure it's a back up ship if I need it.
  22. Look at history, what happen in wars? Did we all just stop at the end of the battle and let every one go home or did the fighting continue? Some will escape and some won't. If your the winning side remember unless they had back up ships in port they lost there ships too and won't have another one. So the more you sink in the PB or screening fight out side the less you have to face with after the battle. Bring a bigger screening fleet if you think there is going to be a problem after the fight. If you can't handle the lost of all the ships at a fight than maybe you shouldn't attacked that port in the first place. Nation to strong for you to attack at a certain prime time? Than hit them when they don't have the numbers. It's war, I don't ask you when your done with your tea or coffee break so I can attack you, I attack you when you have your pants down and lease expect it. Loose a port in your none prime time? Well than just take it right back during your prime time.
  23. Than they need to look at the numbers and adjust them. The small percentage means that they give less bonus than they did before and on the smaller ships that means even less and makes pretty much a lot of the woods that have armor thickness bonus almost the exact same. I been meaning to check to see if I can switch cargo with my fleet ship, but after the lost of a fleet ship taht boreded and took control of an AI ship I haven't been putting anything in my fleets other than traders. So I guess I could hit something small and test this with an LVG I'm escorting. It's nearest DEEP WATER PORT. To get out from being stuck as the option was meant for in the first place, not a free trip back to your capital. This way your not sent half way across the map and your sent instead to the closes deep water port. Just hope it's not some one else capital lol Though I think it should be closes friendly deep water.
  24. If any thing maybe a trader channels to do trade in so to keep that topic off global or nation chat.
  25. Well they never said April or May of this YEAR did they? I really wonde what they where doing all that 5 months that we got no patches other than a few little tings on test bed. Just seems like they are suddenly doing every thing at the last moment. We still don't have ship crafting done on test bed and hostility. Weren't these suppose to be the last two hotfix last week and we had one and it's not even complete and we still don't ahve the other. Oh and a few days is not going to catch the rest of the bugs. We honestly need 1-2 weeks of testing to catch most of thisi stuff so if they don't have the patch out fully now on testbed it's not going to make the 15th unless they rush it out the door.
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