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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. A degration system would be nice too, if you get to many ports and can't control them than you should have a higher chance for them to be flipped and taken. Though I think the new mechanics are going to work good on a big nation over extending it self. With limited ships and such you won't be able to defend all the fronts and if you over extend your self you will be more of an easy target on those weaker fronts. We started to do this on PvP2 to mess with US and the other super allaince of US/GB/DUTCH. We would hit them one day on one part of the map. Than hit them in another. We found out that certain players/clans won't show up on other parts. This mean Dutch was very weak as very few helped them defend thee area's. We found that some of the Gulf of Mexico region ports where not going to get any one but US players to show up and not the main ones you see closer to home. You just need to fight smarter if a nation got to big. Our next step with Spanish and French getting bigger was to start hitting them at the same time with there alliance with the Danes and use hitting them some where else. With no alliances I think this is going to be something that we will see more of. Instead of being screen fleets and alliances all at one port battle, we prob will see folks attacking from multi fronts against one nation. They take a lot of work to get down, but when they do they can be very effective, but also if you break a fleet that has one and they don't have good disincline you can break that fleet form the battle pretty fast. I really waiting to see hwo the battles will be with the merger and more players than I'm use to on PvP2. While I'll stay pirates I'm really thinking of making one char a National to get more into the RvR stuff and keep the pirates to OW and raid fun (screening port battles and such).
  2. This is why I think every one that shows up to a port battle should get one conquest mark no matter what. Than the winners get the 1, 3, 5 depending on the port battle type. Though I think the one for showing shouldn't be tied to damage. Cause there been some port battles we sent guys to do stuff like distract or cap an empty circle and by time they got back to the main group the battle was over. So that guy now gets nothing even though his team won? And yes I know they made these rules to keep from doing empty port battles or alt farming, but they can't make rules on that for every thing. In a larger player base than there shouldn't be empty port battles and well if folks can't show up to defend there regions than maybe they shouldn't have owned them in the first place.
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  3. I just remember how bad it was back in those days when I couldn't figure out how to set coordinates and such and had to revert back to my Viking days of staying to the coast lines so I wouldn't get lost. Than again if you got lost back than all you had to do was sail west...you will hit US coast line sooner or later. That was back when I never went past the Florida Keys or the Bahamas also. Now I don't even use the map any more, but I'm looking at the game from the casual player or new player that doesn't have over 4.5K hours in game. Just about every one of you that have piped up in this post have prob a lot of sail time, like I said if you don't want to use the cords than don't look at them.
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  4. If you don't want the GPS than don't look at them and the map. Plan and simple. Some of us suck at navigation through third party means and it helps us alot. Though most the time now I never look at the map cause I know it. Just like most of you do. Though a new player will have no clue and doesn't know the game like the back of there hands. You do know that is a big area, as that is each square block. That is a lot of area to cover, but if you are so freaked out about GPS and it doesn't even put a dot on the map so it isn't even true GPS, just don't look at the top corner of your map, better yet just never push the M key than and use third party stuff to plot your own course. They did have charts back than and could pretty accurate plot there courses, yah they might be off a bit, but you guys forget this is a freaking game not a real life simulator. What I think is funny when I hear folks say hay I got some one out here, the don't say. 74.25/23.25.....no they say. "I just caught Norfolk out side La Tort, the battle is open for 5 mins so if your in port or can get here hurry up." Rarely have we ever used coordinates other than stetting up a meeting place to get every one to before a port battle.
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  5. And here I was up late drinking wine and even I got my dates right, but yah and let us know the sports scores please while your at it. I feel luck with some of the game odds, but anything will help.
  6. Are you can trade your PvP marks for PvE merks with guys that don't mind the grind. Yah these guys act like there aren't folks that love the PvE grind. We have folks in our clan that will go get the bottles for you just for fun. Not ever one is on the game to do PvP and the great thrill of the hunt. Some folks honestly just like to sail around and grind AI
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  7. Add Dallas fans to that and you might get me....just joking, but good luck guys. Lets all cross our fingers and hope the patch drops this or next week. Will prob cross swords with ya'll in the Open Sea soon enough. That or might just have your backs in some fights too. You never know with us Pirates lol
  8. There is no rookie zones after the patch. Every one starts back at capitals again. If you have a pirate being a dick like that than that is when other clans need to step up and have a black list. I know my clan will be very happy to kill guys that newbie kill there own pirates. Remember you get no rewards from pirate vs pirate fights so if they are fighting against newbies they are being nothing but Pricks and deserve to be sunk on site by every one else. That FFA means any one can join and sink him too.
  9. They where trying to figure out a way to use the Trade Manifest for permits to get those two ships. Since they haven't found out a way to keep folks from exploiting it. That was they weren't in the testbed. We will still get those ships, but they might have some restrictions to craft them like permits to make them.
  10. You can't compare now to after patch. Have you even gone on and tested things? My 4 slot 5th rate is going to slaughter your 1 slot 4th rate. Again your comparing this to current not the new system. And we are talking about raids which should be smaller than port battles so you don't have to bring the top slow ships. You wan something speedy but able to fight cause you have one hour from pulling the flag to get to that port and that adds in any fights you might get into on the way there.
  11. There is two 4th rates that we know we can get. One takes a Permit and the other takes Conquest to get the BP's. You really think a bunch of folks will be in 4th rates on raids you need to be fast and not tanky ships. The norm is going to be 5th rates any way. Why not allow you to bring a few 4th rates heavy support ships too? So what do we limit shallow water raids to 7th rates than? I do think raids should be keep to 4th rates and below. Only Regional Port Battles should be SOL if it's a Line ship port.
  12. But that is a raiding hunting class ship, not your port battle ships. You can bring a 5th if you want, it's not like Pirates will have SOL's or the Aggy any time soon easily without alts.
  13. Yah I'm all for such things myself, but until the Devs come out and change the mechanics we have to work with what we have. I also think Pirate refit should be locked to pirates only. Or just give us those perks as a Faction bonus.
  14. Devs said they might return as something you can buy off steam after release to change nations. If they where player made they could be exploited way to much. Though an option to buy them in the Admiralty shop I could see doing. Now back on topic. Why not we just make gold ore gold ore and than make the gold coins gold pieces or something. Cause we all ready have gold coins as our currency or even better.....>LET THAT BE WHAT THE COST COMES FROM< I never understood the reason to crafbale coins we couldn't really use as our currency.
  15. Actually fine woods are still dropped on live from traders so they are trade goods now, but I get what your saying. They are apart of the trader loot drop tables. I would prefer to see the traders actually have cargo and things we need for crafting and a decent amount (not so small I can take it away in my war ship). I stop taking traders cause of the crappy cargo, but I haven't gotten any fine wood drops on testbed.
  16. Your not getting the point. WE ARE STILL PART OF RVR. So say we have one 1st rate regions. We can't craft the first rates easily. Even in a 4th rate region. The nationals can roll in with 25 1st rates or even SOL's and just take the region like candy form a kid. They can even use the SOL's as screeners in the 4 rate battles. So as long as we are part of the RvR system we should have the same options as any other 7 nations cause we are according to the Devs a nation too. Again I'm fine with them taking away the SOL being crafted by us if they give us something in return. And now one 5th rate that they can craft too is not something in return and no pirate vs pirate isn't something either. So you keep saying just capture there ships. Well than make it where they can't keep any captured SOL's or above as it's a pirate only thing. That would make us some what speical. If they capture a player SOL they only get paid out for it as if it's sunk. Though pirates an keep theirs. Well if they can get back to a friendly port with it. Don't want Pirates to RvR than remove us from the system and give us proper raids and give us perm ports to work out of that can't be captured. As long as our ports can be captured we are a part of the RvR system and should be treated the same as any other nation.
  17. As stated before this is a one time thing so that if you don't like the nation you pick after wipe you can change nations for what ever reason to balance thins or what not later. It's a one time get out of jail card per say. Though Admin said this might come back as something you can buy in steam shop to switch nations after release. Though I would love to see it in game for really high cost too. It's basicly going to be a paying way to change nations later on when the game is live. Many other MMO's have change tokens you pay for to change race/clan/class type stuff. Welcome to the dark side....snickers....you are one of us now. Ok I'm going to guess it's going to be given out to all players that have chars. If you new after the wipe than you won't get one. So that would be how I would think it's going to work on the testbed so since you didn't have the char before the hotfix this morning he doesn't get one. Since they are not redeemable in a means to trade them this also keeps from exploiting the use of them too. It's a one time thing that is tied to your account. Ok has any one tested the forge papers with two freeports? I know it makes you delete all your national ports, but I was thinking about this when I woke up today and should of tested it this morning. I might do this with one of my alts just to test if no one else does.
  18. I kinda like the forge papers thing if in the future it can be gained through a lot of marks to play as a privateer that switches nations and not just from buying it through steam. Ya'll might look into that. Though make it pretty costly if it can be used in game.. Though so far seems to be working.
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  19. Well I just change an alt from Spanish to French. I left his Clan tag on and one outpoost not abandon and it let me know I needed to clear those. Pretty much the same things as Liquicity video shows. So working good so far. Now lets see if any one can break it lol
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  20. no Devs said we all will get one free when the wipe happens encase we want to change nations after the wipe. Though there was hints that it would be used in the future where you have to buy it to get one.
  21. I haven't tested it we got some one about to but it seems to change your nation and that is it. Nothing else changes. Check your redeemables.
  22. Well it pretty much explains all that in the desc. They did a good job hopefully making that part a bit idiot proof, but there will always be that one guy.
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  23. I really think they should make Pirates more Privateers in the since like your mention in B). Than the privateers/pirates that don't want anything to do with the RvR system and Raids will pretty much be your outlaws. Oh the reason I listed 25% agro per port raided was cause most regions tend to have 3-6 ports per region not counting the capital. This will give you 75-100% if you raid all the ports. Though if you fail in some regions you have to find other means to flip it, but if it's a large region you can keep raiding the other ports until you get the 100%.
  24. Old flags was announced when pulled over the whole server so that isn't an issue. If you know that Brits have the region next to that area they will be coming from that region more than likely. So you can try to stop them.
  25. I swear I have nothing to do with this. I even have my cat to prove I have been doing nothing but killing things on Neverwinter Online the last week. She's a trustworthy witness to my wear abouts right?
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