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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. If they do a hotfix this could be fixed and just let every one recreate there clans. 100K isn't a lot of gold and I think us not having any gold is a killer to start with cause of cannons and getting building started.
  2. I really think they should of wiped them and gave every one 100K for clans or just starting money. We jumped on this morning when servers came up to grind out the 100K and found our clan was still in place (minus the clan warehouse). Well that save us time, but the 100K would come in handy for others that want to start up there clans or even new ones. The wipe of clans would clean out a lot of old names so folks would have to join a new if they return. We have some folks in our clan that hasn't been on in for every. Our clan creater doesn't play any more, might come back but who know's. I can understand where the PvP1 guys are going.
  3. I don't have to use team speak to play the game, but a solo or new player will have to use some source to figure out how to navigate in game. Even back than they where able to get there coords, it wasn't just latitude and most ships had very good navigation charts of the main sea lanes to go by once they get these coors. No one is saying pin point dot on the map GPS. Which we didn't even have a dot, you still had to look the coorsd up and figure there location. You don't want it to be as accurate than just drop the last part. So that what was 72.35 would instead be 72.3 so you don't have an exact location. Just removing every thing some one could use to navigate in game is going backwards.
  4. Log out and in of steam to get the update
  5. Better way to say this is the only other wipe for sure is at release, but they can do as many wipes as they want until than.
  6. I know the main ones that aren't changing like my main. I was just going to make all PvE Texas's like I did on testbed to test it any way.
  7. Yah that is how I understood it too, but if we don't start with picking new name and nations I want to know before I go and delete chars on servers to change the names and such.
  8. But as along as we don't redeem anything we can delete them and make a new one and the redeemable will still be there? I want to change some names and nations is why I'm asking. Unless that part was wiped too and we log in and get to pick a new name and nation from the start?
  9. Well I did say we should get the patch notes up cause it will take a while to read them all lol Thanks
  10. Back when I was married she was a gamer too (more console player though). This is exactly why I had 5 computers set up in that apartment for her and the room mate and I had my three for gaming, DJ/music recorder and than the server. You never never never sit in mission control (my computer). Though don't have any of these issues since I been single for a very long time.
  11. I do that until it shows the ping and than normally that is when it will update on steam. So I'll log out and than restart my steam and it will normally update.
  12. Would kinda be nice if we got the patch notes posted early. Will give us something to read.....pushes refresh another 100 times...lol
  13. The perks or being semi retired/laid off. Though I prob should of went to bed and took a small nap while it's updating.
  14. And looks like we got a pre-merge of post about the merge/update. Did every one ,merge ok?
  15. Nah it's prey button, "I Pray that I might find some prey......"
  16. They prob just teasing us is all. Prob had to update the prey button or something.
  17. Well when they release I think they need one for sure, but wait until release. No reason to do it until than. Yah if any one is butt hurt about the warning we pretty much had three months of warning. I mean I been a bit hot headed off and on but really it's not a big deal.
  18. I'm pretty sure a few folks are going to be mad they didn't give us a "WARNING." Yah looks like update time folks.
  19. Actually I would prefer that and have us not part of the conquest and give us raids. Though we don't have that right now. So until that time we should be treated like the other nations. That what folks don't understand we actually want those limits, but we want them with full pirate mechanics not jsut bits and pieces and right now we aren't getting any of the perks we are just getting penalized over and over. I mean do you think it's fair fair to keep them in RvR of the game when they have only one 5th ship (which isn't used in past for PB) vs 8 SOL's/4th Rate the other 7 nations get? That is why I brought up giving the pirates the Rattler Heavy. Let them be the kings of the shallow/5th rates and let the other nations be the kings of the 4th/SOL's. Though no pirate region should be Lineship. The problem though is just about any region they are going to want around start of game is LIneship so one it's taken it can prob be later easily taken by nationals with a fleet of RATES rolling in hard.
  20. So with the update any one ready? I mean I was about to head to bed than I saw.....UPDATE. COULD THE GREAT WIPE BE HERE? We will only know in 3 hours. I might be asleep by than lol
  21. Yah say the national player....why is it allways the guys that don't play pirate that want to tell us how we should or not play our game? As long as we are apart of the RvR system than we should be able to make any ships you and any other of the 8 NATIONS (CAUSE PIRATES IS A NATION) can make. Has it gone down yet (live) cause I just checked and it looks very up to me. So if it's still late that might be a sign, but this is off topic. The thing is many of us are ok with removing the ability to craft linship, if something is replaced like more options to 5th rates. I mention give pirates the H. Rattler and SC as Pirate refits for there shop. That is still 3 ships vs 8 right? Though not sure why the Aggy was left off as it's not a SOL. All we are asking is something to balance it out like the things you have brought up. Right now they keep taking and taking and giving now perks to balance it out. Pirates shouldn't be a major mover and shaker of the game, but we should be the thorns in every ones side while they do all there big moves and battles with one another.
  22. Cause Devs have given a honest reason why those can be added cause it would hit to much on game performance. Hell you wouldn't even notice most of that stuff in a the middle of combat any way so why would we need to add it? And these things have nothing to do with OP question about why Pirates get one ship in shop and all the other nations get 8 Though I do think they should make the OW skins with the dang gun ports shut. Even though Pirates where a bit OP on that game, but they did make them PIRATES as they where limited on what they sail, but they had refits. Pirates where always changes the guns on ships and adding more crew or trying to make her run faster so why aren't refits unheard of?
  23. I agree they can be better organized, but I don't agree we should be using other out side source to get the data we should be getting here.
  24. After the wipe I think there are going to be TEARS on all sides by a lot of players to be honest.
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