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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. I still think every one should get one mark for showing up. I mean none of the BP's or permits are just one mark so you have to go to more than a few port battles. Thay have the extra points if you win and did damage. The reason I say this is cause of some battle plans we might send guys to one area to guard it/capture and they may never see combat, but they where an important part of the battle plan. So any one that doesn't do damage but was part of the over all battle should be able to get something. They won't even get the PvP marks that the main battle group gets for kills. With the current system your going to have folks not wanting to follow orders and they are going to be doing kill steal or blocking shots to get theirs in so they get there marks. I'm going have to agree with Bach. The only thing I don't like is the Knowledge tree thing for you ships, but everything else I don't agree with Sneaky. SOL's are suppose to be hard to craft and they shouldn't be pushed out in a few days or even weeks after the patch drops, but we will still have some folks that will be able to do it, but it will be a very small percentage of players. I was able to craft 5th rates in a a week and half, but with three chars. So that means a solo player should be getting his crafting up and going in a few weeks to a month. You just need to get a good stock of supplies going and than you should be doing good. Even better a small clan of 5-10 players will have a good ship production pretty fast if they share there goods. When on live I took months before I was able to build something other than shallow ships. Now on live I can push out a 1st rate every other day unless I have labor contracts cause I have so much stuff stocked up. Again a clan or group is all ways going to out perform a solo player. Whys should they be able to gather the same as 5-10 players or more in clans? Hell Trader Brigs still carry a lot so you can move a lot of stuff with them. Than depending on your perks you can have up to 4 trade ships. That is more than one Indiamen every carried on the live server right now.
  2. I noticed ever time still when I bring up the Admirality/Pirate store thign and why we have one ship and all 7 other nations have 8 ships (aggy and all SOL) they never answer it. Like they are avoiding the reason.
  3. They prob mean it's in game, but they will give it out as a redeemable later in the week. They can add redeemable at any time they want.
  4. I brought it up cause right now we are going to pretty much either have alts or some folks will be trader/craft only or PvPer. They should tie the craft perks into your crafting level. Every 5 levels you get a perk to go towards your Crafting Officer. Than have the combat officer with the combat perks. Though not to sure I like the fact you get all the perks by time your rank 5 since you get them twice as fast now. It should stay one perk per level until you max out. Right now there really isn't a reason to max out your crafting other than for SOL's. So if you don't spend the money and time to craft those you only need to get your crafting level to around mid 30's.
  5. I have no problem getting a little experience in the lower ships to move one, but you basicly have to master all the ones below before you can master the one you want. In WoT what most folks did was the bare min to get through a tier and to the next. Than when they got to a tank they liked they master it and did ever gear piece for it. They didn't have to master every tank below them to master that one tank. They should do something like this. For the 3rd slot I have to get one slot open on all tier ships below it. For the 4th slot i need to get two slots open on all tier ships below it. For the final 5th slot I have to get 3 slots unlocked on all ships below first. That would make more since as you don't have to master those ships, just get experience in them first. They said that the average should be 3 slots on a ship. Than it needs to be something like this below as the learning curve. Right now by time you get to the 3rd slot on the Connie you have almost maxed out rank your char if you started with 0 rank char new to the game. Zero slots: Rookie 1 Slot: Novice 2nd Slot: Average 3rd slot: Experienced 4th slot: Export 5 slot: Master
  6. I think that thing you just found in Mort Shop prob has to to do with British Refit. I been seeing some things around and I'm taking note and think I can figure out what some of them might go to. You do know it's % based now not a flat number so you won't see those very high AR ratings and with the new wood types it's not a lot of difference in the AR thickness between most wood types.
  7. I think they said they where going to work on that after the patch went live as it's not on the top of the list.
  8. You might want to allow ships one tier up from mission rank. A lot of the missions are hard to do for some new/casual players to do at there level so they normally will down level one to make it easier or so they can solo them without help. A bug I know some are having right now is some of the shop items will only let you buy one item at a time.
  9. I agree it doesn't need to be rushed to get master, but right now by time you get to your third slot on the connie your gotten enough XP to be RA in game all ready. I'm sorry your not going to get that in 40 hours unless your insane hard core player. For the casual player that takes a long time and some folks I known played the game for a long time have not even made that rank yet. You guys are forgetting you have to keep unlocking the lower level ships to go up each level and the higher the rank of the ship the more the xp you need to unlock them. I forgot what was for the second slot on a 1st rate, but it was something like 20-30K xp. And remember you had to unlock every ship below that to get your third slot. So unless they changed it, it's the first two free the thirds and up you have to unlock the ships below you. I just think it should be more about the same type of class ships not every ship below. Right now it's way to much grind and I'm sure many of the guys that unlocked ships didn't do it exactly the legal by the books way on testbed. So without exploitng it's going to take weeks or months to even get into the 4/5th rates you want and get 3 slots on it. Remember it's the casual players we have to think about not us guys that play tons of hours a week.
  10. Actually it's not three slots. You only get the first 2 slots free. The 3 slot you have to unlock the ship below to three slots (some times 4) and to unlock that ship you have to unlock the ship below. So to get three slots on a ship you have to unlock all the ships below it to 3-4 slots. Than to get the 4 and 5th you have to do the same too. So it's basically means you have to unlock/master every ship below to master one.
  11. You shouldn't be destroying a ship by coring it out that way. Means you need to do other things than stern camp, but if your getting so good stern shots just go for a little higher and take out the mast. The last 30% of the structure seems to be what it doesn't let you core out easly. Was never said to be part of this update. Maybe some day in the future patches/updates. I took my Neverwinter Online char from 20 to 70 this last week since I never got into the game. Prob do that with another game until patch now. So the break was prob needed. No we can not get the blueprints or permits for 8 ships that the 7 other nations have in there Admiralty Shop. We only have the Pirate Frigate in our Pirates Den. Remember port battles where made to happen as soon as you hit 100% on testbed cause there is no server down time for maintenance daily. I'm going to guess until they say other wise it will still be the 46 hours from flip that they happen unless devs say other wise. There are 8 NATIONS in game, Until Devs make Pirates something other than a nation and part of the Conquest we should be treated like the other 7 nations too. We do not have the permits either. As said above the only ship we have is the Pirate Frigate BP and Permits (other than the other 4 and 5th rates). All 7 other nations get the Aggomenmon and the SOL's so this effectively takes Pirats out of 1/3 rd of the conquest of the game. Unless they are going to give pirates some type of perks over other nations than they are being severally handicapped in the game with all the other restrictions they have all ready.
  12. I like this, but something that can prob be added after release. Though would this mean pirats will be BLACK ships? LOL I think it might be to much to make each nations ships different by default. Though one thing I did love about POTBS was if you captured a ship that had a flag on it, you keep that flag of the ship until you change it. No matter if it was a Nation flag or a custom clan flag.
  13. For 2: Some time in the future it would be nice to have clan flags maybe at the top of your ship or some where else. That or only your clan members see the flags in battle and every one else see's your nation flag. This would be nice to know which ships are clan members in battle cause some times your way to close to be able to see the names. Though this would be a feature I expect to happen more closer to release when most other things are all ironed out or after relase.
  14. That was only after a port battle and after server reset you got like a one time out with one ship card for that port. Not clue if it even still worked after they switched to regionals. The one thing I haven't been able to test is any of the Port Battle stuff. Wonder if you could still do this. Though I would think it would still be in placed. Specially with the no tow and telports it would be more key to get out of a port one time if you had to leave the game after a port battle your nation lost to an attacker.
  15. Yah I want to test crafting, but why burn up all my resources when they haven't finished the ship crafting yet. So instead of getting pissed I'm playing other games. Got my a char to almost max in one week on an MMO I just couldn't get into several years back when it came out. Prob switch to another game I haven't played in ages for the same reason. Figure I'll kill my time some how. I think a lot of folks don't understand what it is to be a tester or even what EA means. To be honest I had expect about a dozen wipes since it went EA, but I think that is what hurt them is to many folks saw this more as a released game and treated it like such even with there reviews and all and not a game in development. I can see us doing one more wipe before release and going into a Beta stage to do the last testing of every thing and last moment tweaking of the features. This will prob be a month or two before release. To be honest I think they should pick many of us that actually have been on the test server and make us SUPER TESTER per say and lock it. Than they need to put things on test server a week or month (depending size of patch) for us to test and than go to live server. Testbed should never have a patch longer than a month unless it's really broken. The problem right now is they haven't been doing this in stagest and they keep adding things on and it's never going to get done. They need to have it all ready, put on testbed. Let us test it for two weeks and than go live. That was the whole mindset I thought they where going to do with it when they started the testbed, but they have not gone live with anything they put on testbed. Live has not been updated since December 19th other than a few hotfixs.
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  16. As said by Liquicity and Henry you should have char's on all three servers now to get them synced. Than when you start if you don't like one server you will have the same redeemable on the other servers. I plan to have one char set up on each one just to see what they are like and maybe use them to trade hours with others that might have chars set up on other servers too. I'll prob put them on something to produce and just put up for sale to make money and check them once a week or twice (Buildings max every three days). That way if I ever get back to a job that travels and I'm in EU I can pop on the EU server and have some fun or what not. Though I have no interest to ever play on PvE but the trade of hours can come in handy with some one that does play there but won't ever play on one of the PvP servers.
  17. It's not a glitch. You can enter any port with your fleets no matter what the fleet is as long as your in a a trader ship and have the smuggler flag on. I all ways keep it on from old days cause pirates can be attacked by any one. They need to bring back that nationals can be attacked by any one (even same nation) with the smuggler flag. It should basically make you a pirate per say. I thought they where going to do this cause they mention it when they where talking about doing the PvE zone in the Gulf of Mexico. There was a comment that said it would be the only way you can get attacked in the PvE zone. So really they should just bring it back and any fight with smuggler flag makes it basically a pirate free for all. So pirates won't abuse it remove it from pirates to have the optoin, but make it so that all pirates as long as they are in a trader ship can enter any port. We been talking about making them more pirate like with some perks for the negatives they have, that could be a nice perk for pirates only. You can sale the ship, but most folks do this with a cheap crappy trader (like a trader lynx/cutter). If you are not in a ship you can move it to your fleet, but if you click on that ship your locked in it and if it's a war ship your not locked in that ship or you have to sale it to the port. Now the trick is to sail the trader ship to the ship shop and than buy it back. Honestly I think they should lock the ship shop to only that nation of the owner of the port. Why would I sale a ship in friendly port to a nation I"m at war with? Hell that a fast way to end up on the end of a rope. Ship sales should be reserved to friendly national ports and freeports only. If you sink it's the nearest friendly port (freeports count as I been sent to La Tort a few times). This really should be changed to your closes Out Post. It might suck if you don't have on close to where you got sunk at, but than that is what good about having one slot for a forward out post/free port to work out of when Waring away from home. If you use the telport back to port it's any deepwater port close to you friendly or not and you out side the port.
  18. @JobaSet You found this out recently how did you get unstuck from the port? You had to take the hit on the cost to sale to port right and than got out in a trader ships or was it the basic cutter let you escape? But yah it shouldn't even allow you to buy in the first place. That is why we need a good reputation system for both naval combat and trading. So if you have bad trading rep you can't buy stuff in a port of that nation. Though war ships should be locked out any way. You want to buy them that is what a freeport is for if there isn't any in your own nation. To trade and buy from another nation.
  19. I believe it's been like this on live server for a while. You should not be able to buy a ship in an enemy port period. Though what they should do is not allow you to buy them in the first place so you don't get stuck like this.
  20. Some ships just wasn't added yet and others are being worked on. Ship crafting is not finished product on Testbed yet. Part of the reason I stopped testing until a full patch comes out with every thing or something majorly new. It's not like the patch will make it to live by the end of the month any way.
  21. @admin stated they will release a tree when we get closer to patch on live server so that folks will know what goes to what. So I would prob say wait. Cause they might change something between now and than.
  22. But if I shoot water, sails or hull with chain shot, than it counters the pirate hacks right?
  23. You don't even have to join a clan. Just ask if you can tag along or even hang out on there TS to learn. I know a lot of guys aren't the best at teaching cause they all ready maxed out there chars, but there are some of us that don't mind taking some one and walking them through things. I have helped a lot of players in other nations just by private messages in game when they have issues. Now the only big problem right now is a lot of us are taking a break from the game until the new patch comes out. I spend most my time on Testbed getting a feel for the new patch so when it hits I'm running and going without any issues.
  24. We would sail shot the AI's so they fall back behind. Get them below 80%. Than let the guys in the back of the group take them out since they prob will never catch up to the Player your chasing in time any way. Keep on that player with your front guys until his repair is popped and use and than keep his sails down. If he does escape 50% of the time he will leave and not keep fighting his AI. That means he's now down the crew that was in those AI ships. Before the return to friendly button was put into game we would all jump out as fast as we could. 75% of the time he was low on crew (used them in his AI or his AI is low) and he didn't repair. Than tag him again and he is easy pickings. I can see this way more now with the new testbed mechanics. To me AI ships are nothing but crutches and was was part of the reason a lot of PvP2 players never got good. They depended on there AI's to much in a fight. That are they used them every time to run and escape.
  25. Reminds me of one of the port battles we did a while back. Where a few of us got pretty hurt by some lucky fire-ships, but not enough to kill us or make us completely combat ineffective. Though one thing we had to do was protect those guys hurt from the other teams boarders. We had those ships fall back in the line (more like group mass the way we pirates fight) and just support from there slow moving rear. Even in Port Battles we hardly did any demasting cause with proper focus fire you can sink a ship faster than you can disable it.
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