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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. And why do you have to attack US ports? You don't want them to attack your ports and set off time ports than maybe don't attack there ports. There is a majority of EU clans right on this server so shouldn't the EU's stick to fighting other EU clans if they don't want other time zone battles to happen? I mean I plan to only worry about battles with other US and AUS/SEA clans/players myself. I might get involved in some screening during EU main prime time on the weekends, but other than that I don't plan to spend my mid day messing with your prime time. If you don't want flips in other time zones than you pay the fee, if your to broke to pay the fee or don't want to grind than maybe you shouldn't own the port. Let some other clan own it that is willing to pay the fee and fight for it. Yah @admin we really need an ETA on this. Even if it's something like a couple weeks from now or will it be next week? A lot of folks want to just drop every thing and get it over with. Though if we have to wait weeks or until the first of the year your going to loose and piss off more players. Lets just get this done and over with.
  2. Admin stated 50% of the sales are US/North American. That would mean half the players should be from that region. So where have they all gone?
  3. That why when I mention about port wipes and some Russian nation guy said they have warehouse in Kidd's area why would they have to loos that I so wanted to respond back, "Well shouldn't pick a nation that doesn't have a capital and maybe put your warehouse in a freeport." They honestly need some privateer mechanics so a clan that might be say Polish or some other nation can privateer for another nation/clan
  4. Yah and I'm kinda burned out playing the nation every one on the server hates so I think other than leaving one alt pirate for days when I just want to do solo hunting or not log in my main (whole reason I have one active char on EU that none of my clan mates know of) I'm not thinking of staying pirates. I'm also sure you know of other reasons why I refuse to return back to US lol Oh and I was going to comment the other day about how we keep seeing the same view on topics, but than that might get us back to bickering at each other again lol
  5. It's prob more than 100, but than again there is more than 400-500 people on EU too. Folks forget that 100-500 players you see at one time isn't all the players. That is just who is currently logged on. If you actually do the math for the whole day your looking at like that 100 players is actually 500 players. That 400-500 is 1-2K players over the whole day. EU is still going to have the largest pop during EU prime time. If not than that just shows how many folks prefer a global server and one server for all. If suddenly US Prime time gets more numbers than EU that tells you something. Though I don't see that happening. I just see those numbers going up for all time zones with more players playing. As for the nations yah by what I heard so far US needs the boost and they can have them. We prob won't even worry about those guys unless they get in the way. GB being the biggest nation it sounds like it and with the most time zones than it would be who we would more than likely face to fight. Since some of the EASTERN BLOCK nations are EU time only than there is no reason for us to even worry about that side of the map. We will just fight nations that have players in our time zones cause we really don't want boring empty port battles no more than any one else. Cause of that is why we have stated we don't plan to join US or GB as they will prob have the most other US/AUS players in those nations. So many of us are looking for another option or more than one to pick. Again I want to thank those from EU coming over here and letting us get some info about the Nations and Politics. Please feel free to add more info and even if you want to recruit folks put down a post doing such. Lets try to make the best out of this.
  6. And I have heard good things, see it works if your willing to work with others, but if your not than you get the exact reason these guys are crying. They know they won't have support so they want it there way. They refuse to play the game with others so instead they cry and than threaten to leave until they get thier way. It is one of the options that has come up so far. France, Prussia and Russia. Oddly surprised Spain hasn't come up either. We are trying to look at a nation that can use the US/SEA/AUS player base to try to balance things out better as we know GB is going to be the main target of our time zones of players. We honestly aren't even really looking at the east side of the map as we figure leave that to the EU only clans/nations to fight each other.
  7. and this folks is exactly the attitude why they can't get players to join there nation and help.
  8. Do you even craft? I get the wood types, yes you need to control some of those ports or have friends that will leave them open for all for trade. Hell we left Grand Turk open for the Teak and made a killing off it to pay for several other none profit ports. Same with the shallow WO ports other clans held. As for silver or gold the reason I asked do you even craft is I have not had a silver or gold mine since wipe. I have not bought silver or gold off any players that did. I gotten all mine from Bottles and from doing Iron, Stone and other basic resources you can do around your capital that dropped enough for me to use them for furnishings and never having to run a mine of my own or buy them from others. If your only source is through the mines your doing it wrong man. That and maybe you need some better alliances to get those woods from other nations to get them to open up the ports for trade and not attack them. Did you know a port that is open for all you can put contracts in? Did you know you can set up your own buildings and produce in that port? Maybe you should work on some diplomatic actions to get other nations to open ports up for trade. It will make them a killing and pay from a lot of the cost of ports that will be even more come the merge with the port window option being a nice new cost added.
  9. And why do those nations not have multi clans of different times? Maybe cause you run off any none EU players that try to play them. Have you even tried recruit a clan? Guess what I only seen a post by France so far, why do I not see any attempt by any of the PURE EU nations in getting none EU players to join? I posted several times that my clan and prob most of the Pirates Clans and maybe some of the other GLOBAL players ( @Slim Jimmerson who is US said he wont) be going US or GB. That means we are open to other nations. Right now I'll be bluntly honest. The way ya'll are posting and acting in this thread I have no desire to join your nation cause your in the last few post have resorted to name calling and just flat out saying it won't work without even trying. Why the hell would I want to protect your ports in off hours or even stay up or get on early to help you protect them in my off hours. Which I do, I can be on and many others during EU time on the weekends. We also can be on during SEA/AUS and US times. Though you want to know what watching ya'lls actions in the post make me want to do? Join a nation your not apart of and crush your nation. Maybe if you spent half the energy complaining and saying it not going to work on recruiting you might actually get those extra players you need to help out. Honestly I have no plans to lead the clan to secretly take out any EU clans/nations. Though we will prob attack a few ports to get some of our own since currently there is what zero Neutral ports on EU server for us to have when we move there, so we will have to take some ports from one nation or another to set up clan control areas. Though you want to know something....>WE DON'T HAVE TO OWN ALL THE PORTS< We just need a few of them for each clan/nation. Maybe you guys need to look at what ports are important to you and defend those at all cost and let any of the none important ones go. Now if any of the EU nations/clans would like to recruit some GLOBAL players we are more than welcome you to do so, but lets be very honest acting like nothing is going to work and blaming us for problems that haven't even happen yet will not and I REPEAT WILL NOT GET YOU ANY HELP FROM US. My plans is to join a nation and fight other US/SEA/AUS players/clans/Nations and have fun and leave the EU clans/Nations to fight each other for the most part. I'm pretty sure that is what others are planning too.
  10. While I have to agree with you that your going to get an increase in numbers of the GB, US (sounds like they need it) and VP players there are a good number of us looking at going other nations. Many of us are PvP/RvR guys so that will be a good thing. As for Balance there wasn't an issue having two large nations on PvP2/Global, the balance part is when they carebear up and not fight each other. The two largest nations on a server should not be at peace with one another. Though a solution to this is that if GB gets to big than multi nations/clans need to bring it down a notch or two. That goes with any nation out there. Now we will have more nations with a higher pop to play with. If it works out than great, if it doesn't than it's an issue that the devs need to look at like maybe we have way to many nations. There is a reason POTBS only had 4 nations (well three and pirates). I honestly think we had to many before they added the three new ones.
  11. The only legit complaint I seen is what if a multi time zone clan takes it and sets it in a time they can't get it back. Well than it really wouldn't matter. If you had it set in EU and your prime time is EU and you lost it you would of lost it any way. I have no plans to be doing off time flips for ports that we won't be able to defend. Maybe some clans need to dump some of there ports and let SEA/AU and US clans of the nations take them over. Not sure what you guys plan to do, but I assume stay US? I know most of us on the pirate side are talking about going another nation, but for sure not US or GB.
  12. @admin Is there going to be any ETA when we plan to do this merge? I know a lot of us are all ready planing to get the clan stuff in order and ready for the move and we are having meetings about what nations we might switch too, but all this doesn't mean anything if we don't know when it's going to happen. If it's next week we need to get things in order, if it's going to be at the end of the month than we can play on until the last week. I mean I see now reason paying taxes or for ports that we won't need so I would love to drop a bunch of ports until the merge if we have an ETA and what not. 22 ports does a bit expensive to support if there is no reason to keep doing so.
  13. We all ready did this on GLOBAL. We have clans that are SEA/AUS only, we have clans that are US only. We have clans that are around the clock. While numbers might not be high in some areas. BLACK had players from all time zones though EU was very week time. So we did most of our play during the US and SEA times for battles. If we are in a nation with a friendly EU clan we could cover there protection in these other time zones. I think he's meaning some of the pirate leaders where talking and it was one of the nations that came up more than once. Though I'm not going to comment on which nation until we have a proper metting between my clan members and than with the other Pirates. As for the other nations no clue what they plan to do . I assume some of the big US and GB clans are going to just switch over to those two nations. Which means we will be more than welcome to join a nation that is willing to fight them....you know old habits are heard to break after all. Though really with pirates being nothing special I think a lot of us are talking about picking a nation and joining them. We will prob have some hard core guys that will stay pirates (I plan to keep one alt Pirate that has been pirates since day one on EU). As for any other nation or clan we can't really speak for them yet and I don't think it's a time to make any calls until we get more info about what is going on EU and when this is going to happen.
  14. Yep I would hope some of the EU clans will do this drop some ports and let other time zone nation/clans take them over. Really wish there was a way same nation clans can trade a port to anouther clan of the same nation
  15. Which means all them old empty ports would be ripe for the taking by new clans wouldn't they? Depending which nations the new guys join of course. Come on we all know the NPC's fight harder than most the Brits and US on GLOBAL......sorry had to go there. They will only cover that port if you set the port timer to that time zone, but I can see some clans having friends to cover certain ports and that is a nice thing you don't have to be there to defend it if you have 15 friendly clans with some of them being able to cover that time zone and fill the port. Just don't put your important ports in odd time zones that you won't have the most to defend. Would be true if they dump PvE too...lol This is where friendly clans come in hand or even other nations. You could get a friendly clan of your nation or another to hit that port and take it in those time. Than they can give it to you if your of another nation or hold it in name only for the nation. Actually the numbers on both servers are higher than that. Look at the numbers all day long. We keep a steady 100-150 all day with it going up during prime time. Some of those times we actually have higher numbers than EU cause of it. That isn't 400-500 or 100-150 players we are talking about. You are getting prob more like 1K extra players onto your server easily if you count all day long. This will help other time zone pops increase and means more fun for all. If you have less rank/xp on the EU char just do what most will. Delete the char and make a new one and than redeem your xp and such from Global. I'll be doing this with a few chars as I pretty much spread them all over the place on EU since I really wasn't playing and didn't redeem most of there stuff after the wipe. This will also mean some of them are going to rank up with the cross over xp if we get to stack them.
  16. Interesting info gents and again want to thank ya'll for your input. I suspect this merge will upset the current balance of things but maybe it will put it in the area's needed. Like I said before I for one don't plan to go US and GB. So we won't be helping zerg those nations with more population.
  17. Hate to tell you buddies, but in history other than the pirates those nations actually where the big dogs of this region. Swedes and Danes had little influence other than a port or two and trade. I won't even mention the three new nations (Prussia owned one port for 4 years 100 years before the time line). Dutch did have a big trade interest, but the point is some nations are going to be bigger than others no matter what and that is how the game is set up. Still never understand why more players don't play Spain. They start with a great location and number of ports. It's why I played Spain on POTBS over the other nations and we where the underdogs but won the map almost every time. If your nation isn't big than keep to one region and only handle what you can. Every nation can't and shouldn't be all over the map. It's actually a weakness that has hurt GB on Global and even US. Why two much larger nations have been beaten down so much by a smaller more organized pirate Nation in the past. Numbers don't mean crap if folks aren't willing to fight either.
  18. What about alliances? @monk33y mention a bit about who is attacking who, but who are the big alliances. One thing we don't want to do is what we have on GLOBAL with the SUPER ALLIANCE of US/GB/FR/DUTCH right vs Pirates or any one else. Would be good info to know.
  19. Thanks for the snapshot of the nations. I know a number of us pirate clans are looking into this all ready as we want to balance things. I know for sure we will not be going US or GB. Funny things is US and GB sounds about the same as we have on GLOBAL kinda...lol On a side note I think Pirates are going to have a GLOBAL meeting this weekend. Maybe we should actually try to have a GLOBAL meeting for all that want to talk and work things out and make a better move when we do it. We know some clans might be set in there ways, but others might want a change. If anything has thought us anything if you let the grudges go you can work with each other. Just look at me and @Christendom with VCO and BLACK was at each others throats and now we fight side by side.
  20. I believe my crafter char is all ready french over there so I could start getting it set up for the merge too. Like I said early we will have to talk to the other clan members and I think it might become a nation meeting between the pirate clans to see what we all plan to do.
  21. Yah but we been fighting these guys for a long time. They honestly won't be adding much to those nations. But like I said if we don't go pirates I will not be GB or US and I think that is the same for most of my clan and others I know. French and Prussia are prob my top picks. Either way I'm thinking a privateer clan would be in the works where what ever nation we go we prob just end up highering out other nations for OW PvP/screeen for a while.
  22. I'm going to assume that is what we are going have to do. It won't be a bad thing if your Global char is higher rank than your EU server char. Oh dear man I'm going to have like 8 papers on some chars. Though my problem is more I want to change the names of a few chars that I don't like the names I have for them on EU. I mean one is listed as lil Texas as a place holder lol. I would more want a rename token, but if we get the xp from GLOBAL it won't matter cause I'm either maxed out on those chars or I have more xp on GLOBAL than I do on the EU account. So I can just rename them, switch nations and than redeem the xp/goods.
  23. The funny thing is the majority of the players actually don't care about RvR, they just want a larger pop to play with and that is why they tend to stick with one server that has the most pop. You take away that option to pick servers than you bring every one to one server. I still don't get why they can't just fight other EU clans. I mean the numbers show ya'll have a larger player base so most of the fights and ports owned will prob be owned by EU clans. Hell France is all ready making a post to recruit Global players, don't see any other nations doing that yet and I'll be flat out bluntly honest with you guys an @Christendom we won't be going US or GB when we switched and I don't think VCO will either. So this would be a good time to start your recruiting up of clans from GLOBAL.
  24. Actually I was looking at the map and thinking. You know if you had a strong French EU base on one side of the map and the NO/FRENCH area was strong US/SEA player base that could be interesting for France. The NO players would be a thorn in the US GB sides. I might have to think about this a bit. Not to mention Texas has always wanted to own Texas in game...you know just for the hell of it lol. I think I'm going have to log on EU later and do some thinking about nations and who holds what. I know some of the GB/US clans are prob going to stay US/GB and keep there little carebear alliance going, but some of us talked about going another nation and this would be a good time to do it for our clan. And we have worked with the EU French before with some of them coming to help us and some of us going over and helping them.
  25. Didn't even think of that but that would double the cost of all ports own. We have about 23 ports on Global and that is over 2.5 million in cost a day, but with income we where only having to pay in around 600K a day after cost. It's not to bad, but I can see clans owning less ports. That might be good if they don't do a wipe than many clans are going to drop there extra ports to give the new clans a chance at some of the scraps, but still established clans will have all the best pickings for there nations.
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