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Sir Texas Sir

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Everything posted by Sir Texas Sir

  1. I do two hostility missions (4th rates) with a buddy I make about 2 million easlly off those missions to flip a port. Now bring in four of us and lets flip a 1st rate and I make about the same. It's honestly not that hard to make a couple million in one night if you want to just grind the PvE. 62 ports is not 27 million cost. It's only 6,200,000 or 12,400,000 if you have port timers than ad or minus any perks you have. On GLOBAL BLACK had 25 ports total that cost us around 25 million. We made enough off those ports that we had to pay about 600K on average a day for upkeep. That was cake walk to make and every one chipped in money. Hell we had one of the Chinese players come over and drop 100 million in our clan warehouse so we didn't have to even worry about it up to the merge which I think we had got down to half of that. If your clan can't up keep the ports and timer cost than maybe you have way to many ports. Cut your lost and drop the none important ones or don't bitch when they get flipped in your off time if they weren't set to your clans prime time. You don't have to own every port out there after all. This is why it needs to be the top three nations if anything.
  2. Why is it every time ya'll can't understand our view of things you go to personnel attacks about why we don't see it your way. Maybe you need to open your eyes a bit more and look at it from multi direction. Nothing has changed other than the fact that you have to protect your ports better in your own prime time and if you can't than well maybe you don't need half the map (just general not pocking on any one nation). Keep what you can defend and fight for and keep defending and fighting for that. Want to fight only in your EU prime time where most of the players are anyway? Than attack only clans that have only EU players. If you don't want to loose a port to a clan that can cover mulit time zones? Than defend the hell out of that port in your prime time zones. BLACK on GLOBAL was actually a very small clan making up of about 15-20 active players with maybe 25-30 at our prime (when we took Brits to one port last year). Though a lot of the stuff we done since Wipe and just before we where lucky to get 10-15 online (thanks to VCO coming to pirates we where able to fill port battles with 20-25 players). Most nations think we had 100+ players, but we didn't. We where able to take on some of the largest nations and still control the map. You want to know how? We picked our targets and controlled the map only as much as we could handled. Took only important ports and defended them. If a clan that small can do it, something bigger shouldn't have a problem, just don't over extend your self and don't think you have to control all the nation, let other clans do there thing and worry about only your clan ports and friendly clans you have alliances with. And from folks I talk to that aren't on these Forums it's a lot of folks happy to see the merge and getting more players of all time zones. Just a few seem to be moping in a corner and half those guys admit they don't even play the game any more and haven't since before the merge was even announced so why are they even here still committing about a nation or game they don't even play any more?
  3. The way he say's to win the map is exactly how BLACK/Pirates on PvP2/GLOBAL took ports and won. We hit key ports that where worth the most or had rare goods in them and controled only those ports. So you didn't need to own every port on the map. I think they should do more of the ports with imporatant points out there. The other thing is at that time when we had the control of the map you could only get points by conquest of a port or later the victory points gain of the map. So that is what we did to get our points. Once you didn't need to do that we didn't care about vicotry of the map and let GB the largest nation gobble up all the empty ports cause even though we where the RvR power nation we could not compete with there total numbers. That and it didn't help none of the big nations fought each other and had a care bear alliance. On global we stop trying to win the map mainly cause we didn't need to have one free Vicoty points any more for owning it. GB just keep gobbling up the ports until they where way ahead of every one. We even owned all the important ports like Cart and the rest of the 3 pointers. So even with them if your not largest enough nation you can still not win the map, even though you can win tons of ports, but if you can't win and hold them than your always going to be beat by the largest nations that can just hold a larger number even if they do zero PvP. Look at my reward system kinda like how POTBS was when you won the map. Every one that was in a port battle during that time gets one 1 Victory Mark. Than the top three winners of the map gets points depending on postion (this goes to all in that nation even folks that didn't fight). This allows small weaker nations to still get points if they fight, but rewards the top nations for there hard work. Your weekly points honestly should be this, only ports gained from attacking other players/clans. Also the win conduction should be based off the clans more than the nations.
  4. And I don't get why so many are crying over forge papers (though think devs should give one round of them) and the free test Aggies we got to test something out. You didn't pay or build them, they where test ships to test something out.
  5. If you don't have time to play much out side of your prime time than why do you have to attack other time zones. Keep to your clans time zones and play time and other clans that you can fight in your time zones. EU has the most time zone players, nothing should change if you keep to other clans with simular time zones and set your ports to your time zones only. Sorry there is other players of other times, the world doesn't revolve around any one of them. Some clans will be able to cover mulit times, but if your clan can't and you want to be a power house RvR clan than you better defend the crap out of your ports in your prime time and keep them. Than you won't have to worry if some one captures them and set them back to another time zones. When you log in wasn't Swede and other countries listed as hard mode? Well guess what I"m playing Russia which is extreme hard core mode cause it's win or loose it all. You still have a nice safe capital if all else. Maybe pick a easy mode nation if your worried so much about loosing all your ports. Remember when they split the server for EU and Mirror? Well I would assume that is what they will do. Upon release though I"m going to bet we get prob a US, EU and SEA base server if not more than one or two of those regions. It all depends on numbers. I seen games release with over 100 servers to only down size to about 10 within a year or less and some even go all the way down to 1-3 servers cause of numbers. Worry about that when the time comes. We are testing a game and if devs really want to can wipe us ever other week. Which we will be wiped when the game release other than our XP and Rank. So why do folks freak so much about each change we do now to get to that stage. If testing is not your thing than maybe wait until the game is released. As for the name of the server, well the game is based in the Caribbean? They actually did a smart move dropping Caribbean PvE server name, that was a bit confusing, but I can see them giving each server it's own name.
  6. Just do a tier. I think every one should get a mark for going to port battles win or lost. Than give first place 3, 2nd place 2 and 3rd place one for the whole nation. Than adjust the marks system for what things cost so that you can instant get a first rate with one mark. Maybe 3 marks for a first rate so every one has a chance to build them, just some can afford to loose them more than others. If you loose to many than you will need to bring lower BR ships to PB and make it up with numbers and skill. shhhhhh don't give them our battle plans..... every one hear that it's been order, attack the Swedes from all fronts, Devs order it so now lets get to work. Don't worry we US players will cover the night flips if they didn't set ports in proper EU times.
  7. All 1st rates take Victory Marks. Also to note the Heavy Rattler takes Victory Marks. As does the Ingermanland, Wappen, Naigara and Prince. We will see who will domenate the port battles on most all levels. I listed the same it should be multi winners not just the same nation over and over. Oh and I just thought of this. @admin Don't base it off National owner ship of ports. Make it based off clans ownership of ports. This is more about clan base game now isn't it, but yes do the multi rewards according to your place in the ranking at the end of each cycle that is counted and rewarded.
  8. I think what would help if you gave out rewards for more than just first place. Like other games folks get rewards according to the place they come in. One way to do this is every one that did port battles no matter a nation got one (1) Victory mark. Than who ever came in first place that nation players (even thoughs that weren't in port Battles) gets lets say 3 The nation that comes in 2nd place would get 2. The third place nation would get 1 extra mark. Remember every one that fights gets one, but for every one in your nation to get one no matter if they fought or not you have to place in the top 3 ranks. The problem with the current and some of the past rewards is you only reward the top slot, all the other nations are pretty much shit up the creek to say. This way the small nation that always looses will never get a head, but if they still got 1 VM just for trying than they can still get ships to fight and try to place higher next time. The other thing is make these rewards for none important combat ships or mods. Important combat ships should not be locked behind only the winning nations grasp that constantly rolls other nations. Also the point system needs to be worked, having the most ports should not be the main way to win. If you loose a bunch of ports you should get hit harder than some one that looses just a few. Other wise a big nation can always keep a big buffer of owned ports. Maybe make the capture defend points mean more than just holding a port you prob won through and empty port battle or with AI.
  9. Yep instead you get multi lives and can just keep coming back so what if you loose one port, one ship....it's a game not real life and it doesn't revolve around you or others. Maybe you should of starting recruiting players before the merger not after. That and not let players that seem to think ya'll don't need help from other time zones and don't even admittedly play the game any more be your spoke persons. I can pull the same card by saying most US players can't come to EU time zones during the week cause we are like you know actually at work. We can only fight fights on your weekend in your time zone. It's not our fault if you loose a port in your Prime zone, that means you couldn't hold it if the nation that took it had only EU players any way.
  10. Ok folks if you never have read the Forum rules here they are. Now what I would like to suggest is that at least one of them be adjusted. 2. Ranting and trolling A rant is a post that is filled with angry and counterproductive comments. Rants are disruptive, and incite flaming and trolling. Trolling is when you structure your posts to anger and insult other players to achieve an emotional response. Please post your thoughts clearly and avoid trolling. This should include any one that declares they don't play the game or have uninstalled and keep posting over and over about how bad the game currently is. I mean if your not even playing than how do you know it's bad or good, so your only trolling the post. I been seeing a lot of folks that declare they aren't playing posting over and over the same crap and trolling other nations post cause they don't like the direction of the game. I think a bit of edit to the rules to include these guys and maybe a little enforceing the rules on them would remind them this isn't there game, it's the Devs game after all.
  11. In real life if I do war with you, I don't wait until after your noon tea. I strike you while your asleep and not ready. Same thing with every game i been on, but most of them fix offline problems by having battle restriction timers. Well guess what PAY FOR THE TIMERS OR LOOSE YOUR PORT. IF you loose it in your own dang prime time than that is your fault, that means you would of lost it with no port timers or not. Ya'll loose one port that actually had a good turn out on all sides and it wasn't even a major important econ port and you guys cry like a bunch of babies. You know I think it's sounding like @admin and the rest of the Devs are getting tired of the little spoiled brats of the game. You do know the game doesn't revolve around one nation or time zone of players, should never had in the first place. I'll leave these lovely great words....
  12. I was wondering this as I'm starting to set some things up. I think some of us expected more as we might of did our upgrades when dock space and warehouse, outpost cost more and we got the discounted lower reduced rates so less money. I know for sure on one char I'm not getting anythign close to the money they had in dock space and buildings. 2 level three shipyars and two workshops and allmost all docks slots open and all outpost.....just seems that was way more than what I got in cost and mats.
  13. And why can't EU play? I just don't get why EU can't play with global timers....that you can set for you time zone. SO that means any one has to fight in your prime time. If you loose a port cause you couldn't defend it than it doesn't matter if you lost it to a SEA, US or EU clan you defended it in your prime time and lost it. Move on and defend what you can keep. Now if you loose a port cause you didn't set a timer or put it in an off time than well that is your fault too for not setting the timer or having enough players during that time. EU still has more players than most other time zones so I don't see how this magically means ya'll can't play any more. You just need to protect your interest and not spread out to much and not set ports in time zones you can't defend properly. This goes for any Clan/Nation of players and ports owned. If you can't afford an extra 100K per port than maybe you shouldn't own half your ports than. Time to down size or do some more grinding to earn money.
  14. If we actually had a reputation system they can make a way you can change nations in char is by going Pirate. Say your US player and you hate it. You in game go pirate. This gives you a bad standing with many nations, but if you work really hard improving your reputation with say Spain you can have the option to permly join that nation. To keep from in game jumpers you make it stack to become harder and harder each time you switch nations until it gets a point you pretty much going to be stuck a pirate or have to pay the RL money for the forged papers on steam. The lazy folks can just buy the papers.
  15. Prob should be in bed, but staying up check things out and I'll post as soon as it comes out as I have all papers on main account so what is that like 8 I think if they are merged?
  16. We where joking about what might get messed up. I said, "We all get sent to the PvE server instead."
  17. Me and 7 others tried to fight it and stay to the end, but it finally kicked us. This kinda a sad day of a new chapter.
  18. Other than my main account and Dead In the Red which are gaming names I used for ages on games, just about all my other chars have been named after privateers or pirates in history for that nation.
  19. Pagan Pete and his boys been there just as along and are still kinda around so I can't see pushing another clan out just cause they have the same name. Some times a change is good and maybe a break from the norm.
  20. Tuff cookies we can't have BLACK. Time to come up with a new clan name or try to merge with the other one. Though would be nice if they did a purge of some of the inactive clans maybe.
  21. Really I counted 13 ports that are currently Neutral or unowned? Though I'm sure there will be many a folks not willing to pay the 100K and the timer will be left open for any attacks. Just hope those folks don't cry about what time they are attacked if they left them without a port timer window. If you want the safety folks you need to pay. No where in numbers of our prime days. I believe most of the Global Pirates have gone Russian including most of our active members. There are a few old school folks and those that just want to stay pirates. That been one of the hardest part of since the wipe is getting numbers back which effected both servers. Hoping this merger will help with that though.
  22. There is still a slight delay when you fire. Which can effect accuracy when your dealing with some one that does single shot demast compared to some one with the delay. My problem is more the ping spikes though and yes I still have them. Though since the announcement of the merger I been dropped from EU about half a dozen times while just sailing to get to ports and set up . I'll start F11 every time to see if there is something causing it, but if it's something others are getting than for a GLOBAL location it might not be the best choice. The problem is there is many variables that effect connections for a game, but when 50% of you sales is from the Nourth American area than it would prob be wise to have a server in that area upon release of the game. Though while in alpha testing I don't really care the location of the server. I alpha tested a game that had only Russian servers before (that was laggy as hell), but great game. While in testing stage we can expect sub par connections, but upon release lets hope that is ironed out more. @Jeheil had a great dual with the Wappens that came out and it was a nice video set cause it showed his ping from SEA area vs some one on EU next to the server and you could very clearly see a delay in his firing.
  23. We love changing things like taking out silly U's in words that don't need them...lol
  24. Thanks for the update. I all ready set Nassau on Global to US prime time to test the mechanics. Just encase any of them pesky Global US/GB/French players want to try to take it. That and more to see if it was working. Now if we can ever get a the merger so we can test it on the new server. That is if every port isn't locked out of any time other than EU, but I'm going to bet not every clan is going to be rich enough to do that.
  25. So in other words stop freaking out your getting to lock them before the ZERG of US players show up with the merger. US players don't worry there might be a few ports for you to have clans set up in...maybe....just maybe. PS: GLOBAL players I set Nassau to US prime time to test this last night. So feel free to attack it in our prime time before the merger lol
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