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  1. reserved
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  3. Hello our beloved customers We will be posting some gifs for your enjoyment here You can share them freely more coming Frigates in the fog
  4. we will open up more slots as we go. currently we are preparing a new patch and won't invite more people for another week or two. as for requirements here they are being useful on forum discussing game ideas, mechanics, design etc - as we need active feedback from users during the test DX11 advanced video card, as the game is not optimized yet.
  5. они только жрут миллиарды полигонов, а так да. будем балансить
  6. http://www.navalaction.ru/blog/2013/12/12/december-update
  7. http://www.navalaction.com/blog/2013/12/12/december-update
  8. We have a lot more realistic sailing in Naval Action. Aiming is also presented differently - you have to take into account target speed and positioning, angle of cannons. Current shooting is not yet final and we will post more information about it on the open forums.
  9. да статистика важный элемент игры и будет глубокой и что самое главное значимой (не будет варгейминговского рейтинга за миллион боев)
  10. Thanks Leonardo! You too have a great holiday season!
  11. NSA could have something like that on your computer already ))). Just kidding of course We currently have F12 button and you can press it and send screenshot of the problem with short description. We don't track anything in the client yet, and will be very careful with what we record in game due to privacy.
  12. we will do it at a later stage - kickstarter is a very time consuming endeavor and requires precision in execution and lots of preparation. Failed kickstarted will do a lot more harm to a project, thus we will start it only when we are ready.
  13. дизайн кланового функционала начнем в течении месяца. как только будут готовы первые наброски выложим для обсуждений и дискуссий.
  14. Проблема с каютами и внутренностями корабля следующая: Мы планируем большое разнообразие кораблей - моделинг их внутри резко удлинняет срок разработки. Возможно мы сделаем что-то вроде единой капитанской каюты, которая будет независима от корабля и будет изменяться игроком по мере развития его персонажа.
  15. David Fair - you are awesome, and your feedback is inspiring.
  16. We are trying to stay out of politics. And do what we know best - develop games. If we knew how to rule countries we would still continue developing a sailing game as we want it more than anything else.
  17. Names of players could be curated. How we have not discussed yet. Once this element is designed we will post it up for voting
  18. Hmmm, not sure we understand what you meant. Can you rephrase please. Sorry if our english is not perfect.
  19. we are not sure as we also have not heard it in real life on the ship. we will continue improving cannons sounds as we develop the game
  20. If a forum user is invited his status will be updated to Tester. You new status will allow to see both focus testing forums (russian and english). You will also receive a key to registration using a forum messaging system.
  21. Invites started to come out. We are inviting around 15 people from the west. Please don't be upset if you don't get in this batch. We will expand server capacity right after the test and will invite more people within next 2 weeks. One key thing we are looking for in tester is active participation in the community, feedback on features and desire to actually do some work (focus testing is unfortunately work - not play). We expect testers to play at least 25 battles in our multiplayer focus test build and provide detailed reports on what they liked or did not like and what could be improved.
  22. We will definitely focus test this a lot and try to find a perfect balance.
  23. Мы пробовали на прошлом проекте вводить тряску камеры и контузии.. На текущем будем делать наверное только при существенных критах. Так как в групповом бою под фокусом постоянная контузия и постоянная тряска оказалась не совсем играбельной.
  24. Thanks We will consider this. And provide more information within next couple of days by reworking the concepts players liked and putting a voting up for runners up. we will also post the individual UI elements and visualizations for discussions. Also we know that 80% of readers are unregistered - those who are just reading this - please register and provide feedback if you have something to say.
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