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  1. I renamed your topic Captain. But Constitution is not going to be renamed. Its a great ship and its done well.
  2. Grapeshot We still remember you were spreading the rumors that we give Russian updates first (you never apologized by the way) Now you spread conspiracy theories again Don't do it ever again please on this forum Now..Captains We don't have to repeat ourselves twice Please proceed to the following topic and read this rule http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/2346-forum-and-sea-trials-rules/?p=134195 This rule is crisp and clear. Reporting We have like 10 reports max over last 2 weeks in total about this issue and 60% of those are from 1 guy who reported it in PM first and then by F11 and asked for clarification. Some pirates have reported it as well in voice and in private and also asked for clarifications. Captains who are outraged the most have never reported it, have never asked about it in private or in public. If you are questioning our leniency - why have not you reported it Captains. If you have not reported it that means you are not fulfilling your duty as a community citizen or a tester. Going forward we would like to remind you - report bugs, problems, issues, items lost, anything weird or strange. And of course exploits. If you are not reporting exploits you are ok with them. Reporting anything by f11 sends us logs, screen and all the necessary data. We will come back to this after patch.
  3. I think you are mistaken. Topic is open, you are discussing this issue, there is no rug + we said we will clarify the issue after we finish with the patch. What is your problem with our position again? I seem to be not able to understand your view due to language issues.
  4. There is no reason to create multiple threads. This is a topic to discuss anything related to the subject.
  5. The issue with rare ships spawning is fixed in the internal version. Reinforcement ships will only come from those available for bots. Drop chance when breaking up the ship will depend on the number of durabilities. In the future it can be modified by the crafting level. Other issues will be addressed here in writing after patch is rolled out. Don't have time to write a detailed answer today.
  6. Do you mean you can't enter that battle during the first 10 mins? Perhaps you should watch your language Sir? We were always clear about everything and our positions.
  7. Well. before crafting anything you will have to clear one slot. There were no item teleporting machines back then.
  8. We will fix this the following patch (hopefully) Crafting anything that could generate a blueprint will require 1 empty slot in the warehouse.
  9. Random is useful in some situations - especially when you need to hit the enemy at all costs. Rolling broadsides can miss an enemy completely when he is turning.
  10. On wind. We will introduce a new wind system that will not favor one side during beginning of the battle. Proposed system Wind starts at 180 for both sides. Wind will change randomly every 10 mins for random number of degrees between 30-90. Change will happen over 5 minute period Then wind will be constant for 5-10 mins After static 10 mins pass wind will change again randomly for 30-90 degrees. This will bring more unpredictability to the battle and will stop the favoritism for one side. Balancing Balancer is already reworked on the internal build partially solving the problem that existed in the user version. The only question we want to ask you is this - what is the highest possible imbalance acceptable for large and small events. Currently it is 10% - that is why many are left out - we increased it to 20% in internal version, perhaps we could increase it a bit further and this will allow everyone to get in.
  11. We will come back to crew at a later stage. Crew levels might be introduced in a historical way. Landsmen, ordinary and able sailors - maybe. Officers will be added definitely Some form of more precise crew management might be introduced, allowing you to allocate crew to specific tasks based on min, average and maximum performance.
  12. This was reported by players and captains on the list were reporting this as well. We clarified the position that it takes time to sink the reinforcing enemy and thus is is no different from sinking an NPC at sea. Spawning rare ships by means of reinforcement This is already fixed in the forthcoming patch Spawning common ships to capture them It is no different from attacking a solo bellona. It puts you at risk on the open world and if you are the enemy player you can enter that battle and use this to your advantage. Stronger BR attack defense difference control that will be added before port battles will partially solve this problem. But there is nothing we can do to stop players from using legitimate mechanics in unintended ways. Weaker ships can ask for reinforcement - It is not an exploit - you will spend same amount of time sinking or capturing similar ship in the open world.
  13. These are not for quests It will look like this then Kills required for promotion 0/5 in Constitution 5/5 in Frigate
  14. этот случай не создает включение кулдауна откат возможности абордажа включается только после того как игрок с абордажа вышел - в трех ситуациях 1) Абордаж выигран 2) Противник оторвал кошки и вышел с абордажа 3) Ваш абордаж был прерван другими игроками: например два корабля вас просто растолкали на расстояние более 50 метров когда абордаж шел.
  15. Need little help in phrasing the message Goal is to show the player how many enemies he has to sink or board while commanding a certain vessel (e.g. Lynx) 0/5 enemies sank on Lynx 0/5 kills in Lynx Lynx: 0/5 enemies sank. The problem is that our QA says these phrases could make the player think he has to sink 5 lynxes (not 5 vessels while being in Lynx) What would be the best short phrase to convey this meaning?
  16. No limit on how many you can have or hold. So you are not doomed.
  17. refusing accèss to some (banning them) actually makes the forum a better place.
  18. 1 ship initially Recipes drop as you learn crafting. (due to pure randomness) - the % chance is the same for everyone - but the way probability works makes results not guaranteed for some. Right now it kinda replicates the system where some builders learn new ideas faster than others. But because everyone wants to be an awesome crafter some players don't like it. We don't know how to bring skill into crafting the ship itself - besides solving logistical issues it is hard. For the prototype it was good enough But we plan to expand it and add some ability to influence ability to learn blueprints faster or with more surety. We are looking for ships in 28-34 gun range. (total number of guns - not the british system where 34 guns could mean 42 guns)
  19. Forum suggestions come into the forum suggestions section For insults there is a report button less ****-posting makes the forum a better place
  20. Hola Captains Please propose 1-2 representatives for the moderator team that will take care of the spanish language section. Requirements are simple Active participation in the life of community and in game Ability to stay calm in all situations Respect to others and to different opinions.
  21. topic locked we found the bug after certain level system starts giving less hours. for no apparent reason.
  22. We have got 2 reports that crafting system starts giving less hours somewhere after lvl 43. If you experienced at least once it please do the following and post here 1. Spend all your hours 2. Don't craft 3. Check your hours 24 hours after 4. You should have 984 hours (41 per real time hour) If you have less please make a screen and post here.
  23. We don't like morale system in battles for one gameplay reason It takes control away from the player when he still does want to fight. Tuning proper threshold will be 10x harder than tuning repairs or boarding for example. Because if you disagree with the morale system decision to surrender your ship you will be unhappy.
  24. We remember how it end up. People getting onto one side
  25. we can temporarily disable nation balancing but it will guarantee that your nation mates will be on the other side every battle. Thoughts?
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