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Everything posted by admin
pvp/pve flag and open world interaction
admin replied to hoarmurath's topic in Current Feature Improvement Suggestions
Please stop fighting about PVE vs PVP players. These audiences don't mix usually. If the game is popular there will be multiple shards anyway. The current tech can support 2000 simultaneous players online on one shard. If N.A. sells 100,000 copies we will have at least 2-3 shards. -
pvp/pve flag and open world interaction
admin replied to hoarmurath's topic in Current Feature Improvement Suggestions
Such players wont pull anyone anywhere. NCO flags were discussed some time before as an alternative to a PVE shard - they are possible and without exploits. NCO = non commissioned officer with a timed flag (cannot take it off quickly and put back) who cannot attack National players and cannot be attacked by National players (but still has pirates who can attack him). -
Ship Customization Options
admin replied to Catfish Quinn's topic in Current Feature Improvement Suggestions
Yes but they did used color in sails http://collections.rmg.co.uk/collections/objects/12622.html -
What is the email for the DEVS?
admin replied to stevieshae's topic in Patch Feedback and General discussions
please don't post emails here and send them in private forums get crawled by spammers and it increases the amount of spam we receive. -
Ряд портов будет невозможно захватить. Столицы Свободные города Иначе можно будет вообще выжать некоторые нации с карты. Прижатые нации смогут оперировать из столицы и свободных городов пытаясь отбить свои владения.
Рекомендуем поиграть все таки в тестера. Попробовать как будет без ремонтов предлагали многие это так ни разу и не было сделано.
Ship Customization Options
admin replied to Catfish Quinn's topic in Current Feature Improvement Suggestions
We usually give one of 3 answers on feature questions 1) We will do it 2) Maybe 3) No. Ship customization answer = maybe. Depending on the success of the game. -
When to expect a key to naval action.
admin replied to Dreadbeard's topic in Patch Feedback and General discussions
We reply to all emails personally - direct contact with users is extremely important for us, even if it is very time consuming. If you have not received the reply it means only one thing our letters don't get through to you. Spam filters - some providers cut everything that might be considered spam especially if it contains links. -
Basically if you plan to be away it is safer to log off at sea (waiting for 2 mins) Otherwise safe AFK provides too many options for exploiting in a multiplayer game.
Проблема 25 прокачанных шпионов решаема через адмирала битвы (например может покикать из предбанника). Но если адмирал шпион то уже никак - слив. В еве в принципе также если кланлидер решил всех обмануть станция перейдет врагу.
Multi crew games will be fun in instanced mobs environment, with a proper consistent group of friends. Players will play for 100 battles and then ask what next. Beyond moba arena based shooters multi crew ships design starts to deteriorate: Lets say you need to make a 2 hour trading run and need 5 people to do it. Also avatar based games are very hard to make fully server based. Valve has all the resources and CS still has to rely on player reporting and VAC. They cannot make it server based (yet). BW looks awesome and fun but I can guarantee they have everything on the client and good luck having fun getting killed by head shots from 1 mile away by a cheating enemy crew.
Ну во первых 25 твинков будет стоить 1250 долл. Во вторых можно не пускать от звания или от корабля.. Но если ктото прокачал шпиона до Сантисимы и решил ничего не делать в портовой битве, то тут никак. Только репортить и банить.
В прототипе не будет пригласов и инвайтов. В битву надо будет плыть. Защитникам чуть проще так как если есть аутпост можно будет перевестись туда. Атакущие должны будут физически придти в порт и нажать кнопку входа в битву. Соответствующим образом готовя атаку, с разведкой, флотами перехвата и так далее. Поэтому проблема с инвайтами будет отсутствовать. Серьезные флоты будут организованно атаковать нужные порты с обороной. Остальные смогут фанится в неприоритетных для обороняющихся портах. Дизайн крафта заставит игроков захватывать порты так как чтобы были хорошие корабли будут нужны ресурсы.
Well there is another aspect to it. Based on the consultants advice a ship itself provides enough surface area and can be moved if the wind is strong. In the picture provided the enemy still has 2 sails on the front of the ship and could get minor side force: ship itself could be moved by the wind side force from the sails left could adjust the turn Of course in real life it would be much slower and would not happen this way. Also remember that you are looking at this from the 100-1000th battle perspective - you have been playing a lot and it all seems easy for you. For a newbie it is all different. We think that some rotation should be allowed without the sails, but agree that it could be lowered, and should A LOT smaller (or 0) on high level ships (which you get when you are experienced) great job on the fight by the way. demasting santi in a frigate takes skill.
Repair Time in port
admin replied to D. Federico de Gravina y N's topic in Current Feature Improvement Suggestions
Then port cool downs not needed as the fact of pressing repairing means someone did repair your ship. It is an artificial wall delaying your from playing in our opinion. Regarding cooldowns i think we are very very eager to test separate repairs with separate cool downs. As this could allow to keep realistic mast damage, but still give some option for the disengaged captain (hiding behind the friendly line) to bring them back in 20 -25 mins maybe. -
Repair Time in port
admin replied to D. Federico de Gravina y N's topic in Current Feature Improvement Suggestions
Repair time = cool down. You guys did not like cool downs on the repairs? -
An end to modules
admin replied to ragnar hairy trousers's topic in Current Feature Improvement Suggestions
During the Glorious First of June multiple british ships were undermanned, and fought with smaller crews. Crew was the major bottleneck for the navy. Manpower shortages are great for the single player game but in the multiplayer game they are very hard to implement to reflect realism. After a certain game time crew will stop being a resource that is limited in supply, (people will level up buildings and such). In a game environment if we implement crew as a resource to manage 2 things that could happen. You will have to hop into the port after a battle and replenish crew You will go to fight undermanned If the port does not have crew to hire then most likely the player will just log off. If players will be able to influence crew supply eventually this will stop being a problem and. Then it will mean that you have to make a trip to a port after every battle (if you want to fight effectively). Officers can partially solve the problems you describe (or cover ideas you propose). But won't solve all of them. -
Cities are an abstract representation on the open map. We will of course make them a little more pretty and varied (according to their nation). But we are not sure about their size. More buildings means more resources that affect FPS.
They will come back Events with national balancer will be finished in 1-2 weeks.
An end to modules
admin replied to ragnar hairy trousers's topic in Current Feature Improvement Suggestions
yes. OP modules should be nerfed please post suggestions in the data requests by wednesday afternoon. -
An end to modules
admin replied to ragnar hairy trousers's topic in Current Feature Improvement Suggestions
Captains Use/time based systems promote botting and are hostile to newbies. They are also artificial walls that force you to play something that you might not want to play. We are against any time based or use based progression systems. Its all about you and how you fit your ship. Right now the only difference between rear admiral in a lynx and a rookie in a lynx is their skill difference. Upgrades are going to stay. Tuning can be done. Upgrades are not level based and can be used by anyone to fit their ship to their individual play style. Level of quality is totally historical and represent differences in production and design. Harrison's watch superior to other maritime chronometers of that time. Its was an exceptional quality watch. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Harrison -
В стиме пока никак. Но уже все ближе и ближе.
Don't worry. Here is the explanation Good fights: interesting battles where both sides have at least a minimal chance and are actively participating in battle. So for example: 5 constitutions sinking 1 surprise is not a good fight. 5 constitutions sinking 4 constitutions and a Bellona is a good fight It's hard to achieve but we believe it's possible. We don't like gankers and will continue deteriorating gameplay for gankers by all means possible.
And then we suddenly research realistic ship components quantities and implement crafting . And once said "We will protect the rights of people who dont want to PVP?"
To Captains of the Navy: regarding final summer hostilities All able captains are requested to participate in fleet action this Saturday 29 August. Time of the battle is set at 22-00 CEsT 21 London time 16pm Eastern Daylight USA 11 pm kiev time or 4pm Montserrat time http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Trafalgar+event&iso=20150829T16&p1=721&ah=2 Equip a ship before the event and sail it to Plymouth located at Montserrat island. It is also suggested that you open the outpost there for fast magical and realistic tow transfer if necessary. Preferred vessels Ships of the line Superfrigates Event will be livestreamed here http://www.twitch.tv/admiral_steelsandwich If other people will be streaming please let me know in private or in comments