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  1. 22 cet says its 12am kiev time last time it was 23pm kiev time? are you sure?
  2. Probably agree with that. Lynx should be more a privateer and not a starter ship. Some time ago we had a white basic schooner with 2 guns per side. This patch everyone will start with a yacht that will be added as a redeemable.
  3. Your colors are better than ours seriously.
  4. We plan to announce the stream and the event tomorrow (1 day in advance) please let us know if you are streaming live and the timing of the event.
  5. This is a community forum - development forum. We have certain rules here. negative feedback is always welcome (check the boarding topic or "your annoyances topic") but we are ignoring everything with language that is not appropriate to a well schooled gentleman of the age. We are too old to interact with immature people. And don't have time to look for feedback under a cover of "shit" and "crap" phrases.
  6. Switching water to medium and disabling AA gives significant boosts with minimal effect on the graphics.
  7. This is where realism might have to be softened a bit: in reality ships ended up demasted in 80% of battles; In the game environment the leading ships end up without the gameplay. We can increase bonuses for the reinforced masts to solve the problem you are talking about. or we can increase the mast strength universally, but this is harder to balance and will make demasting a lot harder in duels
  8. We would like to thank Helene De Montfort for continued help for new players in the help chat. We are not sure which is his/her forum name as this Captain clearly deserves the special title. After a wipe we will present a special ship for the Fair lady and invite to the help chat volunteers team, once we announce expansion of the moderators. In addition to that we would like to request captains to bring similar cases of great community service to everyone attention in the tribunal section. If someone should be
  9. This is a recruitment post. If clans are willing to engage in forum pvp we suggest to do it in the separate topic or better in the open sea.
  10. Please post a separate post in a support section briefly explaining what you did before that, and indicating your player name. Elusive bug happening sometimes.
  11. Pirate once = pirate forever. The only pardon (might be considered in the future) is capturing enemy port and giving it to a crown.
  12. Пираты нападали на торговцев. Большинство пиратских кораблей имело малое пушечное вооружение и брали чисто на испуг. Воевать не было смысла так как владелец в Лондоне или в Севилье, а жизнь дорога. Забрав ценности корабль отпускали.
  13. Use the redeemables in port interface for fast levelling and quick money. Sail around and sink people.
  14. Ну там не совсем мушкетеры. Морская пехота - marines. Их выделяли практически на все боевые корабли и у них был свой капитан, captain of marines. Их задача была вести огневой и сабельный абордажный и наземный бой. Первое подразделение было создано в 1655 и называлось "the Duke of York and Albany's maritime regiment of Foot". Что интересно официальный медленный марш Морпехов британии - марш его величества преображенского полка
  15. Development breaks things and creates things. You signed up for a bugged alpha and promised to support development. I don't see any support in your post . Sea trials did not have AI they could just sail straight. Also players will ram you a lot more than bots. Now this is a development forum, so I will just tell it as it is. a) you should post bugs in individual topics with relevant proposals, otherwise it's a waste of time and cluttering of the forum b ) if you can't handle bugs, judging by your post you cannot, you should uninstall and wait for release version. Don't take this last phrase personally please: annoyances add up and if you continue playing you will just hate the game by the end of Early Access. Some bugs take time to fix due to other priorities and sometimes it it better to wait, instead of getting more annoyed.
  16. Ship report represents correspondence that you occasionally find by looting another captain. It shows 3 currently online players and their last port of exit. In the future list of reports will expanded and will include large battle locations trade price reports large cargo notifications potential rare ships and assault fleets sightings
  17. Абордаж в Naval Action реализован так как он шел со стороны капитана в 18 веке. Романтизированное махание шашкой самим капитаном практически не встречалось, и встречалось только против торговцев которых надо было просто напугать. Почитайте про попытки абордажа HMS Victory (850) vs Redoutable (650) Практически стояние на реке угре, с мушкетным и пушечным огнем, несколькими попытками отбитых атак с обоих сторон, прятаньем под палубы в результате сильного огня и никаким результатом: так как Redoutable в конце концов сдался когда начал тонуть, забордить его так и не смогли. Не было никакого "мы прорвались на нос сэр", перепрыгиваний на канатах, и...
  18. Is it trolling or proper advice? Because if it is not i suggest editing post.
  19. I saw Ragnar this weekend Danishviking is still around sometimes. Bismarck too. PS It is possible to find some pirate group. Please be careful - some pirates are role-playing as criminals. And attack their own very often. Unless of course you want to try the "pirate life for me".
  20. Contact Nornica or Ragnar Lodbrok 2, or Sureshot. They will arrange a warm welcome to pirate fleets. Remember it is a test not a game - maybe excellent time to roleplay as a pirate for some time.
  21. This is one of the features that is going to happen. Definitely. We just don't know when.
  22. We had similar conversations before on the Russian speaking forum. The rule is very simple Potentially offensive or controversial political discussions outside of the Age of Sail timeline are not allowed and will be moderated.
  23. the best trade run is when stock is max but of course there could be bugs in price mechanisms. (gold silver and artifacts are broken now will be fixed next patch)
  24. 10 минут это полдня, с учетом что среднее сражение той эпохи могли идти до 2-3х дней то считаем что 10 минут вполнее соотвествует реальности. Подкреп может зайти только к слабой стороне, что часто спасает ваш корабль. Некоторые боты это правило игнорируют (особенно приватеры одиночки).
  25. Австралийцы играют с 250-300 пингом. В принципе никаких проблем нет с боевкой. Мы старались делать максимально независимой от пинга. Перезарядки и медленный бой этому способствуют
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