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  1. just in case you all were wondering.. we have not given up on the thought to find the option to just have one big server ( meaning merging all three into one)
  2. Вконтакте нас официально никогда не было - мы там поддерживали пару групп но официально мы присутствуем только на фб и тут на форуме
  3. Fixes were deployed today for patch 12 Tuned the sail plan numbers for the privateer (testing parameters got into the live build by mistake) Fixed the spanker visuals for Bucentaure Added a confirmation window for ship tow with the indication of price Fixed the national names in CombatNews Fixed mistakes in ranks for Prussia Fixed the bugs caused by deletions of clans affecting port statuses. Сегодня в хотфиксе Возвращение старых значений процентовки парусов корабля Privateer Исправление визуального бага спанкера корабля Bucentaure Добавлено окно подтверждения пересылки корабля с указанной ценой пересылки Добавлено отображение новых наций в комбат чате Исправлены ошибки в названиях званий у нации Prussia Исправлена ошибка некорректного удаления клана
  4. Port maintenance fees are deducted from the warehouse. If the clan does not have the warehouse maintenance cannot be paid, which sets port as neutral.
  5. yes. We wont limit ship classes for deep water ports. If the limit is 650 its up to you - take 1 santisima or 15 cutters
  6. we started to work on the feature please propose numbers and ideas on the max and min limits if you have any.
  7. It says currently difficulty level - impossible
  8. It's a national responsibility to route new players to a proper place. Not the game responsibility. If Russia wont protect its new players russia will not get new players. Lets stop pretending that the game should do it. Its a sandbox. Players should do it. HRE Bollo was hunting players near shroud cay yesterday, if new hardcore nations did not hunt him down good for him
  9. New nations are indicated as impossible and if new players want challenge they will join these nations. If they dont read descriptions its not the game's fault. Please lets not make it a nursery for impossible level of difficulty. People love challenge which is obviously shown by good results of "Cuphead", which we will recommend to anyone who consider our bots hard. We expect captains of new nations to protect their rookies. If they dont they wont get new players. But with xp for damage - shroud cay would be a very fun place for everyone.
  10. The fact that you have 4 means that you are loyal to your nation and probably wont change at all.
  11. guys who were discussing the broadside and F5 - your posts were hidden and are being moved to a separate topic by moderators [Said mod edit:]
  12. winning does not take the bets you placed into account so if you bet 300 and won 100 you won 100
  13. Its a traditional naval game. Was very popular in the 18th century in dutch and royal navies
  14. Captains. The balance in the world is threatened. 3 nations invaded the Caribbean. Prussian, Russian and Commonwealth Navy was spotted in the Bahamas in the vicinity of Shroud Cay. Other news Battle experience can be received for damage even if you did not kill the target. Prize money will remain on the traditional privateering "No prey No pay" Tow to port added - players will be able to transport one ship per day instantly. Hostility missions can be taken in free ports Reinforcement zone slightly reduced Improved national descriptions on the map Tuned damage caused by ramming (almost removed it due to bugs with unity 5 physics) Added surgeon button during boarding - surgeons could work during boarding and invisible button was unfair to those who did not know that. Fixed the bug causing incorrect number of resources produced in buildings Fixed bugs with sails on Wasa Enjoy and Discuss
  15. миссии открыты в течении 5 минут если находятся в незащищенной зоне туда могут зайти враги тема закрыта
  16. Players are ONLY allowed ONE account per server. Which means 1 steam client can only have 1 player on one server. If a new steam user buys the game we must provide him access to game, because the game is distributed and sold by Valve to a steam user (game labs are not a seller of a game). (having two games on the same account is impossible) Under our agreement with valve - if a steam user player buys the game on his steam account we must provide access as for us he is a legitimate buyer, unless he broke steam EULA (eg he is not racist or a cheater). You can only buy the game once per steam account thus - 1 steam account = 1 captain But running several valve clients could interfere with steam EULA but we are not the partner in that side deal. Thats valve relationships with the user. Which means On our side the policy is simple - one steam client - one account. On Valve's side we heard that running several steam clients on one machine could get you banned Please request clarification from Valve if you need to know their stance on running several steam clients https://help.steampowered.com/en/
  17. elite already served the purpose.. we feel confident that na could be managed in combat with the controller with minor adaptations.
  18. You are wrong. I read this topic and responded. I just thought it is some kind of uninstall leaderboard bragging post. Where men players pretend to be soft and emotional and share stories of girls left and games uninstalled.
  19. Em no.. But i have to play every game on consoles where some skill is present. as legends will come to consoles too and i have to figure out the control scheme.
  20. I guess this is a topic on game uninstalls. I recently uninstalled dark souls 3, needed space on xbox for elite to get ideas for some mission content.
  21. We are also very excited about the patch and even about tow (it will definitely increase the ability to jump to action if you know where it is happening). We reduced the tow permits per day from 3 to 1 though - lets start testing the tow effects with 1 tow permit The only thing we are unsure about is spawning new nations in one shallow water freetown (we mean new players). We want them to start fighting each other right from the start in shallow water ships, but there is a risk of them allying with each other.
  22. In indeed did. My mistake (tow was in game not for the full year but for 6 months). But yet the ratings were in the positive territory until 24th may until the "Everyone to sea", "No Pray No Pay" and No money patch.
  23. you seem to ignore the facts ratings and online was higher with tow and better rewards (current rewards are still 50% below of what they were last year).
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