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  1. This statement is incorrect for 2 reasons 1) The development is very fast for 2 programmers and 2 artists. Its just when the server code or speed curve bugs or systems are prepared for easier design work you probably don't see it and don't consider its necessary. Some player once even said that Bucentaure (the legendary french ship) is not content. Ships are the main content on the game and multiple new ships were delivered over last several months. It takes HUGE effort to make and add them. You probably don't know that it takes up to 60 man days to integrate ONE ship into the game - thats why most other sailing games ships look like shit, they just don't care. I hope you do. 2) The game is live so we have to make things work which forces us to actually spend a lot of time stabilizing code because we can't just say - early access all your assets were lost yesterday. 70% of time is spent on Quality assurance. The other statements depend on the position - the game shines in pvp and conquest, captains who stop doing pve and start fighting other captains never run out of content after that. This game is about age of sail ships - ships are content. there is no other content in game and we don't pretend there is. Ships are complex and amazing. all other content is basic (its on green light promise on steam page and we never backed down or backed out of this promise)
  2. The ancient books have spoken about the dark unique bow that makes Ocean Class look strange but beautiful making it a great ship
  3. @qw569 sailed both WITH and AGAINST the BF (all on live streams) so its hard to make a decision in this particular case as: it is allowed to attack other players it is allowed to stay in battle until battle is over formally no rules were broken but the intent was clear qw is clearly not an alt and is an active player for a pirate nation Players should stop discussing BF or RUS or RED. The discussion must focus on where should we stop letting players using allowed mechanics to their benefit because there are lots of rules that can cause such concerns (for example shooting enemy sail with single shots for 1.5 hours). Basically should we punish players for staying in battle because it gives them advantage and if yes should we then punish players for using yards because it gives them an advantage in turning)
  4. We might provide a fix soon for this, if you sink the surrendered hulk you should receive marks. Currently the workaround is - do any damage before enemy surrenders. Then if you sink the hulk you will get a kill.
  5. normal lgv/prince/wasa
  6. This was not a change per se. it was a fix of a bug that was creating abnormal curves improving speeds at some angles. We are fully prepared to the Wasa forum fallout once its curves and accels/decels will change.
  7. fixed should be updated tonight
  8. will check
  9. you can ignore its sailing profile in the API. For bugged ships speed curves were useless
  10. fixing the bug changed the square sail curves. every mast has its individual curve and removing the bug changed the curves. We would like to remind that the large hp and speed and br rebalance is coming. LGVP is still a perfect hunter ship requiring skill and precision. Several captains reported the bug and it was fixed.
  11. There was no nerf 3 ships had a bug in game which has given them 2 best angles instead of one. This allowed those ships to sail faster on manual sails (not faster than max speed but faster than this angle allowed)
  12. i am puzzled - our clock moved 1 hour i don't know how it could move yours by 2 ?
  13. @Ink will investigate
  14. Closing of the outpost requires several steps The warning and first confirmation All buildings, ships, items and goods in that port will be lost! Question one requiring you to move the mouse (by switching the position of confirm button) Are you sure if yes click abandon Required typing If you are sure - please type CLOSE by hand. AND click confirm (again switching the position of the confirm button)
  15. What about 3 warnings (including the one requiring you to write "CLOSE" and press confirm)?
  16. Farming marks of friends is against the spirit of PVP and captains who are doing it should know that it might lead to full account reset on all servers. 7 players have received the warnings and had all their mark holdings (combat and pvp) confiscated. If reported again those captains will be demoted to lowest ranks. 16th November update 8 more players have been demoted for multiple cases of pvp mark farming. Half of their experience were wiped. If more cases are found full xp wipe will be applied.
  17. please contact @Ink in game for the replacement
  18. correction… we will see first maybe we can replace it.
  19. tp to outpost was not an exploit. smuggler was removed because nationals started to use it as a protective device - having one smuggler around you allowed you to attack him and hide in the battle. so...
  20. Throw them away. The complete books can only be crafted from other components and the thing that dropped is a legacy item that does not work and cannot be made to work. They dropped in addition to normal content of the epic chest.
  21. это тоже + кракен и корабли тоже убрать - оставить только чат
  22. отличная идея
  23. pure neutral town national town of your nation free town
  24. Captains Hotfix was deployed today Sink express. Previous mechanic of spawning after sinking was outdated and was replaced by the following Captains who sink now spawn in the nearest friendly or neutral port (not deep water port as before) In addition to that they will have an option to transport to the nearest outpost if they don't have a fleet or do not have an outpost in that port. Fixed bug that sometimes cut the parts of the message. Main post updated
  25. Captain in game you can report offensive messages by using report button and follow by Ignore function. Conversations not in game chat are outside our sphere of influence.
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