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  1. Well . Gangut battle was won exactly like this - heavy swedish ships were overwhelmed by small russian vessels in low wind. But we don't know if it is fun to fight 25 lynxes in 3 santis
  2. don't get attached to the numbers. Large ports (like cartagena or san juan or santo domingo) can have their numbers increased during any maintenance. Lets discuss the limits - for example not letting cutters and lynxes into deep water port battles. Cartagena/Havana/San Juan/Santo domingo could definitely be increased. Some shallow ports decreased. Lets talk specifics. Historical note. Trafalgar (lineships vs lineships) is still possible during screening. But remember that Trafalgar had only 3 1st rates on the british side and 4 on the French/Spanish side. 7th first rates participated in trafalgar. ps. can someone please calculate approximate BR for trafalgar if possible? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_battle_at_the_Battle_of_Trafalgar
  3. We will give it a week or less to test Calculating capture by BR will defeat the purpose of mixed fleets. Everyone will take biggest BR ships again (up to the limit) and we will see 13v13 first rates instead of 25v25 first rates like right now
  4. There were no changes to fleets that will affect their ability to protect there were some rebalances in thickness and damage
  5. 2 types of pb old shallow pb = new shallow pb and still only lets ships below cerberus old 4th rate port battle and old line ship port battle = new unlimited port battle letting all the ships in up to the BR limit (we will see how it works in testing).
  6. i agree. The smart fleet commander will not take a fleet of 13 first rates into a 6800 limit port battle. He will probably take 3 first rates (one per circle), 3-5 third rates and the rest will be a 4th rate, fast frigate fleet + some light scouts for fast capture.
  7. as i said above.. in this pure case two cutters will cap the zone but lets see the port battle where 25 cutters win against 13 first rates rephrasing: if we allow cap by BR - the goal won't be achieved. Because 13 first rates will always win and there will be no benefit in taking lighter ships - e.g. everyone will sail max br ships into a port battle
  8. The goal is to promote mixed fleets. Mixed fleets will probably win against pure numbers (25 cutters) or limited raw power (8 first rates). Its a game first.
  9. there are 2 types of port battles. shallow water port battles don't allow ships above cerberus (as before).
  10. lets first see the port battle where 25 cutters win against the mixed fleet of first rates and fast scouting frigates (like surprises)
  11. There are no more 4th rate port battles. You can take first rates into 4th rate battles now.
  12. I don't think its quantity vs quality. The goal was to promote mixed fleets and variety. I believe it will be achieved as having 10 santisimas no longer guarantees HMS victory.
  13. they will work as 4lb guns but with lower penetration, but they will have a bonus to crew damage (so aim at the unprotected areas on the gun deck or fire through stern)
  14. le gros ventre refit pictures added
  15. the pb limits are based on the historical port size based on @Barberouge research. These numbers are for the start and of course can be adapted and tuned.
  16. I did not have time to review the video due to patch.. Are you saying french did not shoot at Gamover during the whole battle but he did shoot at them?
  17. repairs per battle probably need to be limited. They did not achieve the desired result of adding an element of picking up repairs from the enemy turning the battle around.
  18. Captains Patch is being deployed today Epic events reworked. Epic events now allow only 6 ships to enter (spawning 9 enemies) Epic events now spawn epic (strong) enemies. If you sink or board a ship in an epic event you can pick up a chest from a destroyed ship. Players will have to show strong coordination to be able to destroy those stronger enemies. For first stage of testing we will run the Lineship event (that spawn in unprotected waters around the caribbean). After this initial test we will add a frigate event as well. Port battle changes Port battles now allow limited battle rating based on the city size. We used historical city sizes initially. Please comment on the port battles sizes in the comments and propose changes if any changes needed Open world loot Open world bots and hostility missions now drop better loot depending on ship size. Mission bots drop less rare loot on average. If you are searching for a particular rare book - you have a better chance to get it by hunting NPCs in the open world. Other changes PvP marks have returned. PvP rewards added to the admiralty store. pvp kills now grant both pvp marks and combat marks 2lb gun has been added to game for use on the ships with swivels. First ship with swivels will be added to game in one of the next hotfixes Timers have been tuned slightly. Invisibility timer is now 30 seconds, cannot attack and be attacked is now 45 seconds Reinforcement bot stats slightly changed Speed cap has been increased to 15.5 knots All % caps have been increased by 5% to provide more variability in fitouts Turn rates have been improved for Endymion, Constitution, Agamemnon, Trincomalee, Indefatigable Damage from fire slightly increased (for testing) Explosions now affect ship structure Shot logger has been switched off Fixed the bug that some contested ports are not shown in the list of the contested ports Fixed the bug that did not auto-repair the rudder on the Indefatigable and several other ships In the next hotfixes Ship stats and BR rebalance (more on this later) Le Gros Ventre Refit Epic event tuning and frigate epic pve event Port battle BR limits tuning based on feedback Next large patch Tutorial Le Gros Ventre Refit pictures Hotfix 1 November 1 Significant changes New ship - Le Gros Ventre Refit, with swivels. The ship is available for pvp marks in the admiralty. Outlaw battles have been removed - they were a cause of multiple exploits that unfortunately could not be fixed in a reasonable time. Fixes Minor changes for loot tables (some upgrades were dropping too much) Fixed the bot distribution (some regions did not have enough bots) Minor tunings for some upgrades (for example fixed bug for trim by the stern providing incorrect bonuses Fixes of several bugs with ship trade that were not clearing the knowledge slots for the traded ships (creating confusion as they did not work if you did not have the skill yourself)
  19. This battle was on live stream Gamover indeed admitted that he joined the french side by mistake But he could not convey it fast enough to the french players who started shooting at him thinking he joined them on purpose (to interfere)
  20. Ruleset does not know if a pirate is allied to a certain friendly nation (which happens all the time in game and happened historically), or is a truly neutral pirate. 3 rules exist Outlaw battles are free for all Pirates are outlaws and law does not protect them when they attack each other. As a result reinforcements are not sent when pirates settle scores between themselves - it is their own business. Outlaw battles allow everyone in - if they are in the vicinity of pirate waters every pirate can join them and help their side. Removing outlaw battles will remove the opportunity to settle scores between pirates and turn them into a unified nation. If this is desired (its possible). Pirate nation leaders should request to convert to Pirate Republic of Nassau (real country which existed for 11 years). If they wish outlaw battles to be removed. Perhaps its time to remove outlaw battles. And play as a pirate republic of nassau.
  21. its called local waters knowledge.
  22. Hello Captains Workaround is simple: Capture a port, set as free for all and defend it at all costs.
  23. what do you mean? neutral ports are counted in the controlled ports?
  24. its hard to win when everyone is against you
  25. the desire to come to defend ports and attack ports might be reignited if victory marks can only be received by being on the conquest leaderboard and no other way. New types of the same ships should be introduced (for example Navy Issue Ocean with better stats) that is only available through victory marks. And victory marks should only be received by winning port battles and holding the first (and maybe second and third place)
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