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  1. вообще тот ресурс может появляться еще в паре городов (которые захватывать можно) - если столица то да нельзя открыть торговый аутпост в незахватываемом городе
  2. пират зашел в бой за испанцев или игрок сменил корабль и утопил свой старый (что в системе значит что пиратский корабль ушел на дно)
  3. хммм странно - идея трейдинг аутпоста как раз его тоже увеличивать проверим
  4. we plan to update the speed caps and some speed mods to reduce the desire to fit only for speed. We still believe that a speed cap is a good idea allowing you to sail the ship you want (not only the fastest one)
  5. @Bart Smith @Moscalb who should we send the marks to (if they were not received) and should we recover lost ships or marks? Any preference? . Please decide in private and let me know in private.
  6. no and we never promise any hard dates. all dates are tentative and subject to change at any time.
  7. We understand its frustrating but things could happen and they can be outside of our control - for example provider server instance can crash. As we said we can provide ship compensation. Regarding mark compensation its impossible to calculate as we don't have time (due to tutorial rush). Maybe someone can calculate the marks based on after battle tab (and we can provide marks for those who got kills and they can then give them out to their assisters).
  8. we will compensate the ships lost in the port battle due to instance crash. please write to @Ink in the pm if you have lost the ship after the port battle.
  9. Port income comes to the warehouse. And debits from the warehouse. You cannot access the warehouse if your port is controlled by others, but the warehouse keeps working .
  10. так это не даст ничего на наш взгляд опять же смотрим пост @el_mariachi когда его игнорили и бороздили просторы мимо него игроки просто будут игнорить так как стоять в блокаде вы не будете вечно. Уйдете - покрафтят
  11. и опыт сын ошибок трудных и гений парадоксов друг
  12. Can you wardec the Imperial Academy? Or School of applied knowledge?
  13. то есть сделать легенды :)? по прочкам уже не получится - так как ряд элементов после смерти работает уже с учетом 1 жизни корабля Ну и потом - прочки убрать просили большинство пвпшеров чтобы адреналина побольше было. по апгрейдам - основные апгрейды уже не теряемые (скилбуки). Перманенты же это для особых ценителей - они дают преимущества но если сливаешься их надо приобретать заново - так сделано например в ЕВЕ - офицерские фиты в разы превышающие стоимость корабля обычно в активное пвп не берут
  14. We investigated the issue. Shredded sails keep some power and provide forward force (or backward force or side force) when damaged. Once an individual sail is shredded you cannot get more damage into them - damage zero. In this particular case topsails were damaged to their maximum and no longer were damaged when shot at. Because of damage zero they did not update the exit timer and allowed to enemy to exit. We were able to reproduce exact situation internally and the damage no longer registered. If captain shot courses or topgallants he would have stopped the ship
  15. Couple of weeks ago we made the following change to the system Maintenance fees are debited from the clan warehouse If the clan warehouse does not have maintenance fees are debited from the founder wallet Just make sure you have enough funds on the founder wallet.
  16. We will check the Rattlesnake Heavy model.
  17. i think you did not understand 5 pirates sail to KPR and stand there.. asking brits to attack them to fight they are ignored. lineships, 4th rates, multiple other vessels sail by and no-one attacks. Why they don't attack? PvP (and expensive pvp marks) came to them.. They don't even have to get out of the zone to pvp .
  18. Players don't attack pvp players who sail to enemy capital and wait stationary NEAR the pier ASKING for a fight. Enemy players just sail by ignoring pvp opportunities that come to them.
  19. In EVE you can make 1bln a day without in the highest security. The only main difference is that you cannot build or fly ships of the line in highec (ships of the line can only be built in low or null security).
  20. please if you are not sure - withhold judgement. Tasman had a valid battle and received deserved rewards. Topic locked.
  21. Limited per battle maybe but based on historical data ships usually carried up to 100 shots per gun which is more (more) than enough tedious i meant in between battles. Sailing times are not short and its going to be very frustrating to come back to port again and again to refill ammo. (now we have this with repairs though.. and i am not yet sure if it is fun.. Its tactical but not sure if really really fun)
  22. не забудьте что основные приоритеты сейчас тюториал (почти готов) локализация интерфейс ( в процессе) и доводка характеристик и БР кораблей к финальной версии
  23. will check
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