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  1. He forgot it is a sandbox. You do what others allow you to do. Like North Korea building nukes.
  2. We are satisfied with the pirate republic. New mechanics always can cause problems and if they cause problems consistently they will get removed. We tried outlaw thing 2 times and in both cases it was causing more problems that it was giving benefits. Remember when you could attack your own nation and turn pirate.. great mechanic for a single player game. Not so great for mmo. Because to work well it required a long questionnaire with multiple cancel opportunities. Outlaw battles are gone - forever. I am focused on the tutorial and UI and figuring out how to make 1 server work.
  3. We can't patch human nature. thus = no outlaw battles. Lets not waste time on this anymore.
  4. they work like any cannon but they have a bonus to crew damage with ball. thats it.
  5. its a great boarding boat. those guns count during boarding (on fire deck guns command) and have good crew damage if penetrate.
  6. btw great combat in a snow vs Hermione on stream. You almost got him. When enemy is very very low on morale and is on disengage you should have grenades or muskets against defend to get his morale to 0. You would have won if you threw some grenades or musket fire 1 turn before disengage.
  7. wait until next week - we will enable the tournament button in missions (its still there but disabled)
  8. Significant changes New ship - Le Gros Ventre Refit, with swivels. The ship is available for pvp marks in the admiralty. Outlaw battles have been removed - they were a cause of multiple exploits that unfortunately could not be fixed in a reasonable time. Fixes Minor changes for loot tables (some upgrades were dropping too much) Fixed the bot distribution (some regions did not have enough bots) Minor tunings for some upgrades (for example fixed bug for trim by the stern providing incorrect bonuses Fixes of several bugs with ship trade that were not clearing the knowledge slots for the traded ships (creating confusion as they did not work if you did not have the skill yourself) Update 2nd November Updated the swivel 2lb gun characteristics. It has very low damage to hull, very good penetration to represent their accuracy using current gameplay mechanics and has very good damage to crew (using ball). Basically it is only good against crew at 150 meters or less. Fixed spawns for hostility missions that sometimes spawned in locations closer to other ports which granted pvp kills to other cities. Temporarily, Updated the drop rates for ship notes in gold chests from epic events and increased chance for permit drops. Chests will be updated again in the next couple of days Tournament room brought back (with password). Tournament participants should request the password in private from @Liq. Update 7th November Sink express. Previous mechanic of spawning after sinking was outdated and was replaced by the following Captains who sink now spawn in the nearest friendly or neutral port In addition to that they will have an option to transport to the nearest outpost if they don't have a fleet or do not have an outpost in that port (feature not yet working due to bug) Fixed bug that sometimes cut the parts of the message. Update 9th November Warm up timer is increased by 15 seconds to allow for longer loading times on some systems or after first load It is now possible to stack books and upgrades in warehouse. You can now install correct number of cannons without splitting the stack - just drag and drop Fixed bug that caused sink ship button to be unclickable in the ship inspection window Update 16th November - Yard Power Experimental Agamemnon To not break all things at once we have decided to start work with wind curves update with Agamemnon. Changes for Agamemnon Rudder turn rate for the ship were reduced Wind effect on yards and rotation increased Curves for stay sails group updated Curves for square sails group updated % of sails updated to correspond to their realistic square areas As a result Agamemnon sails well down the wind. Tacks a bit slower than before. But due to realistic wind curves it now is capable of several amazing maneuvers that if used by skilled hands can challenge any frigate opposition. For example it will be able to sail backwards at 90 degrees with right sail positions. We will continue changing the Agamemnon and if the experiment is successful we will update several ships in this manner giving every ship its individual distinct role in terms of wind and ability to withstand damage (tanking). 2 Agamemnon were provided to each captain in the redeemables - take it out for fighting preferably in PVP. Other fixes Capital cities now supply repairs (including Shroud Cay), repair crafters can increase their profit by supplying repairs to free towns. Apologies for the inconveniences dear repairs crafters. Several crafting blueprints updated to reduce number of clicks required to craft a good supply (ballast. knees)
  9. You are saying that 25 lynxes will win against smaller but heavy mixed fleet? If this is true lets see that port battle happen
  10. Why do you ask about the limit. The concern is 25 lynxes winning against 5 santisimas 5 third rates and 5 frigates. Thus lets wait until someone captures cartagena with 25 cutters?
  11. we are still waiting for 25 lynxes to win against a heavy mixed fleet.
  12. нам показалось что ситуация такая же для рейта фрегаты имели много прав на ошибку и ошибавшись могут просто уехать рейт не мог ошибаться вообще, и должен был расчитывать каждый маневр, каждый поворот, каждый выстрел
  13. Please vote on limited use of repairs in battles Current state of combat favors faster ships with lots of repairs who can disengage and return to combat. Battles are in general longer and escape is easier with the unlimited repair usage. We propose to discuss the limitations for repairs for example (3-4 uses per battle across all repairs) saved on the ship (so you can capture the ship who did not use the repairs and continue fighting in it).
  14. так москалю и реверсу тоже выгодно чтобы рейты не апали так что результат предсказуем рейт побеждает и рейты не апают плохая идея короче - так как бафф надо выдавать действительно если нужно а не потому что кто-то выиграл один бой
  15. так тут за проигрыш нет минусов так как неважно кто выигрывает то приз можно поделить)) чистота важнее на стриме будет видно поддаются или нет черные паруса единственные на сервере
  16. вообще мы подумали наверное тест будет не чистым так как можно договорится и поделить корабли поэтому приз один черные паруса на пиратский фрегат
  17. давайте стандартный приз санта и ратл битва должна быть на стриме
  18. Рейты надо баффать 2 гермионы на скиле не должны выигрывать у Океана с реверсом за рулем
  19. we know new direction is better because clans control who enters the battle. We just need to tune the city limits allowing those who want large PBs to have large battles and those who want to have small battles to have small battles. it is now totally possible and can be done and tuned on the fly. we just need to discuss limits and ranges..
  20. the rule must be clarified though if the enemy is trying to damage you being on your side - we believe it should be ok to sink him or capture the ship.
  21. Gamover was never reported before for such exploits and from our understanding he declared his mistake to french players in chat and requested to combat on the enemy side Mistakes could happen and in this case @Gamover should have left the battle or just stayed as an observer after french declined his request to fight them (even being on their side). A warning will be issued to him Капитан Гамовер после того как французы отказались принять его за врага в этом бою должен был покинуть бой или остаться в нем наблюдателем Решение - будет вынесено предупреждение
  22. no changes were done to crafting or crafting levels
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