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Everything posted by admin

  1. they stay until you lose the ship.
  2. all ports that cannot be captured.
  3. Please provide feedback on the new Open world UI Colors, sizes, texts, lacking functionality, and bugs. Also propose changes and improvements if you feel something could be done better. Known issues Map has typos which will be fixed in the next iteration.
  4. Next months we are only focused on the OW UI - will be deployed soon Port UI - next large patch (July) Localization - (Aug-Sep?) From the perspective of the player who already has 1000 hours spent in game that have-not yet left early access - we agree that UI does not bring anything new; EXCEPT bringing new players. Some comments show that even some veterans do not understand that UI and localization is most important to get out of early access. RVR Is boring comments just sound like: "hey its winter, 2 walls are lacking in the house, and there is no stair to the second floor, but lets focus and rebuild/replace this advanced lighting in the second floor as i already climbed there on the rope and am bored of these lights". We already made the mistake and tried to tweak combat and rvr and conquest keeping those 2 walls unfinished, which did not help with new players or new player perception of the game. So to make things clear and keep expectations in line There will be no major work on RVR or Conquest until UI is finished and game is localized. The game is in early access which means it is still in development. We will come back to RVR conversations after current priorities are finished.
  5. he meant is being addressed ))))
  6. Probably yes. But need to check.
  7. yacht cannot use this mechanic due to old tech and 0 base price. 0 base price ships cannot be added to fleet.
  8. clarification You cannot redeem an imported ship if you have one in docks already. BUT… you can add one to fleet and redeem a new one. Thus - theoretical limit is 3 in fleet 1 in dock.
  9. there were no changes to visuals or world size.
  10. please post info about it in support OR ship feedback section (or combat feedback section). I do not recall the issue due to lots of ui work. Please remind me.
  11. Hercules will be re-classed as 5th rate, will have HP/thickness increased and will have BR increased Le Requin will be de-classed as 6th rate (as it should), and will have HP lowered. Hercules due to its depth (3.6m) will still be able to sail in shallow waters, but wont be able to participate in shallow port battles.
  12. Imported ships can only be redeemed if you do not have the same ship in the docks. So you will have to lose the first one or destroy it to redeem a new one.
  13. Depends on your definition of the main content. You only need to pay 100k (3 cutter missions) to see this content; this is definitely not a lockout. Everyone can have 100k just after passing tutorials and doing a couple of missions.
  14. Effect kicks in once you reach battle sails. Not immediate.
  15. separate item - separate cool down.. but part of Prolific forger DLC
  16. This is a UI patch, we are going to address patrols later.
  17. Faction change DLC exists in almost all MMOs https://eu.shop.battle.net/en-us/product/world-of-warcraft-service-faction-change
  18. It is under consideration and if it happens it will happen only for lighter version of 3rd rates like Wasa. Standard 74s will only be crafteable.
  19. 1st rates and 2nd rates can only be crafteable. But we are considering having other models for existing first rates as an cosmetic imported option (for example we could add a older classic version of HMS Victory with balconies on the stern).
  20. Imported = premium i just dont like the word "premium" . They will work exactly like a yacht, but heavier classes will have longer cool downs.
  21. Mint idea was to provide a building that will give a player an option to mint silver and gold coins (formerly known as combat marks and pvp marks). This is still under review and might never happen.
  22. Premium Imported ships can be received from the Admiralty once in X days: with X days comparable to the time required to craft the similar vessel. For example if a solo player can craft a 32 gun frigate once in 3 days (based on buildings and labor hours allocation) he will be able to replace an imported ship every 3 days.
  23. Comparable vessel will be adjusted to the appropriate levels.
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