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  1. I know we always bring it to the conversation, but there multiple historical examples where determined crews resisted the boarding from much larger ships for hours, even after losing half of the crew. Redoutable was never boarded, despite having 50% less crew. Determined defender is not cheap. You spend your important skill points. Every extreme strategy should have a counter (ability to just push you into the wind, board and win due to full boarding setup should have a counter) and DD is a perfect counter. DD forces the rage boarder to actually spend some time raking the target preparing it for boarding instead of just pushing it into the wind (due to the fact that water does not resist much; thats how tankers are moved by small tugboats). Suggestion to base it on morale level is interesting, but one can argue that in many cases morale can go up in dire situations (ww2, civil war, and many other cases). One idea to balance the DD and rage boarding is to add increased crew loss to all boarding mods and DD (due to the fact that majority of crew is on deck).But this again needs to be balanced to not completely ruin those mods; and balance is hard (you all know)
  2. You have no say in what is and what is not in the game rules. Community has this say. No-one here is sensitive - but everyone hates assholes. We have a simple "ban assholes" rule here. Don't be an asshole and you will do fine.
  3. рейты ходили 12 спокойно и ходили быстрее фрегатов где то так в полтора раза минимум при оч высокой волне по точности дело не в точности - пушки оч точны (достаточно точны для того чтобы попасть первым же выстрелом в мачту со 100 м) дело в качке - если вы не обращали внимания то начавшийся выстрел качка не сбивает но если качку добавить воевать вы не сможете ВООБЩЕ так как предсказать ее невозможно
  4. мы вообще еще смотрим нам если честно тоже не нравится полное открытие инфо поэтому не исключаем что вернем старую реализацию показания попаданий по мачтам
  5. yep it sucks but for the EA stage we cant maintain a pan asian server, as current maintenance times are picked for the lowest online numbers (to affect least amount of players). We are considering opening an eastern server after we localize into chinese, korean and japanese (which will have perfect separate maintenance times for NZ and Australia as well).
  6. clan roles are tied to server account - not the name. Also - its your responsibility to get nice people to your clan officer roles. Clan leader lapses of judgement is outside of our control.
  7. strange that some are disliking your post
  8. 10 цифр в табличной форме Индикация пробития палка о двух концах либо все показывать либо ничего не показывать (включая экипаж пушки и прочее)
  9. Now that we have given some time to DD to settle in (with 30% bonus) lets have a honest discussion about its effects on the game play and the need for tuning? What are your thoughts?
  10. в интерфейсе думали как показать но идей нет - так как цифр много и выглядит как треш
  11. по подробнее про чейн и determined defender? что с ними не так с точки зрения среднего игрока? На наш взгляд как раз determined defender больше играет на руку среднему игроку
  12. All currency will be converted (denominated) all prices will denominate as well. So if the price of the timer was 500k it will also reduce according to denomination rates.
  13. Marks to hold idea is still under review. Those are gold coins and will not affect your speed much.
  14. Мы добавляем индикаторы (проценты) секций мачт - в интерфейс карты в инсте
  15. даже усиление мачт не помогает? выгоднее стрелять в мачты на 50-100м или это единственная выигрышная тактика без альтернатив?
  16. BTW name change will be added to forged papers in the near future. It is just a bit more complex as it seems from the outside. Also it will be more logical as the forger (prolific one) could and should be able to not only change your birth certificate, but also change your name once every 30 days.
  17. All new members get into a moderating queue - first 3 posts have to be approved to avoid unnecessary viagra ads or penis enlargement posts.
  18. отличный пример полезного поста)) (так как мы пока работаем над интерфейсом и балансом денег то не до дерева) но как руки до дерева дойдут мы не сможем найти этот пост поэтому лучше создать отдельную тему типа Feedback по типам деревьев и их бонусам и повторить этот пост там расставив таги (wood types, planking wood types, wood bonuses) чтобы легко было потом найти
  19. как раз в посте пишется про конверсию и частичный вайп - при конверсии в ресурсы часть материалов может быть потеряна, из-за большого разнообразия рецептов и изменения блюпринтов кораблей
  20. Basically their name will change. Combat mark will turn into a Silver coin PVP mark will turn into a doubloon, pistole or guinea (have not picked the final name yet) Their use will remain.
  21. Не думаем что вы правильно прочитали пост о промежуточных материалах типа frame parts.
  22. Nope Some explanation is needed We called it a partial wipe, because only intermediate materials will be affected. For example barrels or frame parts or rudder parts - those are just fake clicks. And we want to remove them by just using the raw materials in all blueprints. Because of significant reduction of prices and denomination rounding errors will give you more resources or less resources as a result. Thus we recommend to use all intermediate materials and make something of them. Example using lynx Lynx BP will have 1 load of oak logs 1 load of stone blocks 1 load of fir logs 1 load of hemp 1 load of lignum log 1 load of provisions 1 load of compass wood 1 load of iron ore 1 load of coal + planking and frame specific logs of 1 each In the similar way, Santisima BP will need from 20 to 30 loads of individual resources. Its cost (at base prices) after denomination will be somewhere around 35,000 or 65000 pieces of eight (8 real coins) . Now more details on resources and materials conversions. No action needed. Raw materials will be converted as is with no loss or gain (for example Oak logs). If you have 1000 oak logs in the warehouse and the conversion rate is 100 to 1 - you will get 1 oak log (load) (number used is for information purposes only) Money will be converted as is with no loss or gain. For example 1,000,000 gold will convert to 1000 Pieces of Eight (number is for illustration purposes only). Building productions and costs will also reduce according to conversion rates. Repairs, upgrades, ships are not going to be affected. Action recommended but not really required (the effects of loss or gain will be minor) Intermediate materials will be converted into raw materials. For example frame parts will convert into logs. Barrels might convert to logs or logs and ore. Carriages will convert to logs or logs and hemp. Et cetera. As a result Crafting BPs will be cleaner and more easy to understand. There will be less unnecessary clicks there will be less unnecessary materials to craft and hold There will be less zeroes.
  23. Raw materials - like logs - will be converted at standard rates and will not have a conversion loss, or gain (as they don't consist of multiple parts). For example Lynx will require 1 load of logs (instead of X logs). So all logs storages will just be divided by X, so no material gain or loss will exist.
  24. Captains. With the forthcoming transfer to real Caribbean currency of the 18th century (Pieces of Eight(silver) and Escudos (gold). Crafting will be improved and streamlined. As a result partial material wipe will be applied to all intermediary materials. Partial materials wipe means the following conversions will be applied to your current resource stockpiles due to changes in blueprints some conversions might make you worse off, and some will make you better off To avoid losses we recommend to convert all materials to final products that will not change and can be a great way to save value (and maybe make a lot of money (as some prices will change). Best storage value items are Repairs Cannons Ships (especially ships of the line) Upgrades We are not sure about combat and pvp marks yet, but victory marks are going to remain as now and also could be a storage value ETA - 20-30 days There will be 2 currencies (names and denominations not final) Pieces of Eight or Spanish dollar (formerly known as gold and combat marks) Gold Escudos (formerly known as pvp marks) more information will follow (including the list of materials removed) Updated June 7th Some information about material conversion, please note that this is not a final decision and changes are still possible. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wskSxkK0nJXCQ-Z-DxJcVFXu_ztPKo0huf4SUHbKQ24/edit#gid=0
  25. This is an attitude of a hater. Are you sure you want to go this way? We are one community. There are no us and them. If we invest time into our posts you must too, and vice versa - if you invest time into your proposal we will consider faster or add to our useful feedback lists. If a post is unreadable and is all over the place or partially offtopic - it wastes everyone's time. I think you imagined some exaggerated expectations and unrealistic rules and are trying to apply them to other members of the community. We are working on our priorities - if you want us to change the priorities - invest some time into your posts, build on others ideas and use all previous feedback on the subject you are talking about. We like to always manage expectations and here is the reply to everyone. Regarding post acknowledgement. We are game developers not psychologists who are paid to talk to you. The contract is - we make the game, you play the game. There was never an explicit promise that we will reply to every post, every message, every notification. We read as much as we could but we must also work. When we need feedback on a particular subject - we actually post a question that is relevant for us. If you want us to acknowledge things that are not even on the priority list - this is unrealistic expectation and you should never expect answer on lighthouses when the only thing we are thinking about is chainshot and ui. Here is an example of us asking for feedback and acknowledging it We respond to community feedback. Not your feedback, unless its really good. But even if it is good it might not get acknowledged. If you want your feedback to get noticed by the community. MAKE IT GOOD. If your feedback is not picked up by the community it might still be picked up by us - but you have to make it good and visual, its not "design work" as you try to name it. Its just how feedback should be I hope all is clear now @Gregory Rainsborough? We will post a guideline on giving feedback soon.
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