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Everything posted by admin

  1. sorry but there are no cheats (only reinforcement bots are buffed unfairly) all other bots can only use upgrades players can use.
  2. can you please record a video of low level bot reloading faster than you (cerberus would be fine) High level bots (4th rates and above) can sometimes carry reload mods (just like players could carry them). But cerberus never carry them So please. i need a video so we can reproduce a bug if it exists.
  3. can you please repost here
  4. Tutorial completion is tied to the account (on the server). You cannot get rewarded a second time. These are very very rare items (ship and clock)
  5. Please try to pass the tutorial boss in Dark souls on the first try and come back to me. Tutorials must be a challenge because they prepare you for harsh OW.
  6. AI never cheats. it just plays well and uses yards well. But we tested all of them. Our artists from other projects with no experience with NA were able to pass the final after several tries.
  7. You should try to shoot at closer ranges than before Chain damage was literally DOUBLED. Maybe you are shooting from too far. It does not do much damage from 600m and further.
  8. everything to make everyone pass the tutorial.
  9. please focus on discussing the patch in this topic. We are particularly interested in the tutorial feedback, new ship feedback and updated chain damage and limitations.
  10. Captains Patch is being deployed to live servers Patch notes: Combat Tutorial Updated combat tutorial has been deployed. All tutorials have been improved and updated based on feedback pursuit and capture tutorial reset button does not work properly - if you want to retry exit it and start again Final Exam added Important. Final exam grants 2 rare items on completion: Hercules Frigate (ship note) and Naval Clock permanent upgrade. Use them wisely. Hercules frigate. (also known as Fragata Hercules or Fragata Negra) Patrols Frigate ONLY patrols added to the rotation Clan logs added Money log – showing money and pvp/combat/victory mark deposits and withdrawals Resource log – showing everything else Reinforcement update Reinforcement zones support is updated. Local waters will now provide support appropriate to the strength of the attacker (instead of 2 1strates per attacker). Chain update. Chain shot are now limited by 2 shots per gun. This will not require a perk or acquisition of ammo. Chain damage greatly increased. Chain damage drop from distance increased. OW enemy indications updated. Ship rank indication removed, players will have to rely on the visual recognition. Fleet composition now only shows size of the ship (S – small, M – medium, L – Large), as you can only see top sails from 20-30miles PvE missions cancellations are now limited by 3 per day Towns set Free for All by clans now provide teleport option for all nations Standard hull and sail repair time has increased to 2 minutes Resource production bonuses in clan owned cities slightly increased Sinking ship will have less cargo damaged by salt water intake. Minimal OW speed against the wind has slightly increased. It will still depend on ship but will be generally 1kn higher. Сrew on sails numbers updated and generally reduced (based on final sail area recalculations) Сrew per ranks updated on higher ranks (rear admiral rank can now support 1400 crew) PVE missions enemy composition improved (especially on lower level missions which sometimes sent too many strong opponents) Boarding upgrades informational panel slightly improved (it will be more obvious what bonuses do) Contract cancellation texts slightly improved. Max stack for bow figures has increased Ports can now buy more books without dropping the price Ship capsizing bug will now happen less. Fixed the bug that caused slower loading of port stores Improved the visualization of heavy packetloss causing loss of ship control. Player will now see the special message on the client if this happens; After showing this message for some time client will automatically drop the player to login screen if game cannot reconnect to the server to speed up the reconnect chance. Fix bug that did not show the repairs after reconnect to the battle Fixed bug that some resources did not show in contract interface Contraband goods Madagascar Jewels Spanish gold coins French Gold Livres Stolen goods Fixed bug that Trading NPCs cannot exit the battle after battle over message Fixed bug caused incorrect item tooltips if antialiasing is on. Fixed bug causing incorrect name of the ship in boarding interface Fixed bug that still shown the instance entry button if the limit has already been reached Fixed the bug that did not show the Sail to outpost button in some cases Fixed the bug that sometimes gave you a message that «you can become a pirate» in rare cases Teaser from the new UI. This is work in progress and visuals might change during implementation
  11. thank you . yes we want to keep this option and will make sure it exists.
  12. thats a feature. Boarding from a sinking ship gives great feeling if you are able to pull it off and is actually described in my favorite childhood book on Captain Blood by Rafael Sabatini.
  13. We dont want to waste your time of course. Thats why there are also 1500 bots cruising the world. And there are some chokepoints where they concentrate. With new tutorial where we rank up the player to M&C rank the need for light enemies becomes smaller and we can change the bot composition on the OW to provide much better options for hunting for hardcore pve fans (who dont mind some risk for occasional pvp). So you always have the choice - take a long trip for a rear admiral mission - or hunt right near harbor in some regional capital or free town.
  14. Mistake was caving in to pressure too fast. Its hard to get off nicotine/sugar if you get used to it, but there is better pve content in the OW, it just takes a bit more time to research and investigate for a player. Dont get attached to missions too much. We do not have a firm position on them. There is a decent chance they will get reworked or changed drastically, or maybe even removed. Please dont be upset about it. We have to run experiments to find a better mix of fun. Its all on the steam page - Gaben and Steam warns you about it. Early access games might change drastically and some might never get released.
  15. You are gravely mistaken. In all wars your officers send you to die for your country. admiralties did send captains (sometimes to death). in fact all of the ship losses of the navies were because someone sent them there. But let me ask you Can you please explain why you are playing on the pvp server if you dont like threats on the way? This is not a trolling question. We would like everyone who dont like threat and risk but play on the pvp server to answer. Your answers will help us tweak marketing messages better.
  16. I agree and i said it multiple times. I dont like missions effect on general game and experience.. Missions might not survive by release. Perhaps we should stop cutting the mission "tail" step by step. Here is a true story about missions Thats the sad truth. You think these are just boring under-designed pve missions - but they are not. It is just a testing feature generating battle for you to quickly test changes in the combat model. They were implemented as a fast way to find bots in testing (initially the button was supposed to be in the lobby - and STILL is in the dev version). (thats why they are in all the ports). Some players loved this testing feature too much. They are like sugar. They feel good but are horrible in the long term, hiding other parts of the game. The real pve is - hunting in the OW, seeing the world, random enemies and taking risk. Real PVE is finding amazing hunting spots with much better loot. Killing players on the way.
  17. All this "Think about new players" is in realty translates into - please think about rear admiral players. New players don't cancel missions. Everything is cool and shiny for them. They take an order and sail. Also. new player missions spawn VERY CLOSE TO PORT. Its rear admiral missions that are far away. So its basically rear admirals like me (who know the tricks) want to cancel missions 30 times to find a better spot. Orders cannot be declined. 3 declines of orders from the admiralty agents is already too much. Maybe Admiralty wants you to find a place where bots are sailing right near ports and you dont have to sail at all to sink them.
  18. Mission cancellation has nothing to do with hunters. its a war-game and declining orders 20 times per day never went well for any career officers. Our position on missions is/was clear. We prefer players to find hunting spots which will GREATLY increase the experience because many NPC routes provide the option to hunt without any time spent on long journeys, such places exist. It seems that many players would just prefer - PVE battle button in the lobby. Reinforcements will still be strong (and everyone would agree that no sane lord of the admiralty will send 2 first rates to protect against a frigate attack)
  19. You should not treat new players (newbies) as idiots. They will learn.
  20. current mechanics are fine. Game shows the ships and you can see them very far - much much better than real life. It is totally possible to see if the ship in the distance is a surprise or wasa.
  21. by the way. this is how 260m ship looks from 12-14km, it is sailing in line with a 225m ship. Can you tell me which one is prince of wales and which one is hms hood?
  22. I really want you to explain to me. Can you please elaborate or explain why did you choose pvp server and not pve server?
  23. API is outdated it will carry 24 or 18 lb on main gun deck. 24 fits but looks.. very big . But all the sources point to the spanish 24 libras canon on gundeck. Which means 24lb cannon
  24. yes. ! unfortunately it will. But if its going to bring results (better game in general) players will forgive us for this pain.
  25. Like in pubg - if you die you dont keep anything. Also we had battle circle of death BEFORE pubg. regarding lineships what does not work? I dont understand Everything works to my opinion. Losing first rate is somewhat painful - check. (but not really painful if you have production setup) Replacing first rate is hard(er) - check (but not really painful if you have production set up) It is the design . Working as intended If you don't want to feel pain from the loss - sail a frigate (free from the NPCs). Or join a clan. Multiple large clans lose their first rates every day to prussia or @rediii and recover them with ease.
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