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Everything posted by admin

  1. its not a bug structure is not an bar/object its a composition of hull parts, planking and frame - it has integrity and can withstand penetrations. So 4lb can hit hull but if it does not have enough remaining penetration it wont damage overall structure.
  2. we have this zone in game but its switched off. It does not feel right - you sail by and your crew just melts
  3. You have to also watch heel. Here is an ugly demonstration
  4. I would not make such narrow conclusion from these statements Timing shots is a skill - but everyone can learn it. Buc guns allow the Captain to have more comfortable pens compared to a light ship Usefulness of more gun types is also a good thing, but this usefulness only works at certain angles. As a result we have more tactical depth, + increase the variety of useful ships (not only white/white oceans) Isolated incident of a Bucentaure owner getting to a point of no return should not act as a red flag. But there is a point of no return, the goal is not to get to that point. Prince alpha damage is 380 on longs Buc alpha damage is 2480 on longs
  5. Pens have not changed. Long guns Angle importance changed. Its lower than before at close to perpendicular hits, and higher than before at close to parallel hits.
  6. I would suggest draw to count as a loss to Princes. Please record this battle on video, if it happens.
  7. Only one thing has changed to a more consistent realistic implementation: At very close range at the Right angle any gun will penetrate your ship. This made more ships and more guns useful. As a result you cannot you cannot feel completely safe even if you are sailing a heavy vessel. So using your statement: combat became a little bit more enjoyable for majority of the players especially those who enjoy lighter vessels, IF they time their shots properly. But overall 3rd rates are still kings of the sea, first rates should prefer to sail with escorts, and players will just have to tune the tactics a bit.
  8. Next game Ed.. Next game will have limited life.
  9. Ships of the line has all the abilities to destroy a 6th-7th rate near it. Wooden ships are not invincible.
  10. Battle results topic is full of examples like that. Gloriouso captain was skilled and used his ship properly I guarantee that if lets say Ram Dinark sailed that BUC the battle would result in 3 dead princes. @Aventador will learn from his mistakes and will fight differently next time - destroying the light ships attacking him with ease, using his BUC advantages and avoiding disadvantages.
  11. Any ship can be destroyed by any ship if not used properly.
  12. one of them the famous battle of British frigate against Generoux who decrewed a French 74. He still lost the battle for other reasons but was knighted for trying.
  13. no turning is based on ship hull stats. To improve BUC turn rate over prince we have to make BUC - 20 meters long Are you suggesting to shorten all ships of the line, and reduce their keel depth?
  14. Prince cannot decrew an AFK ship - it will still have 20-30% of crew left if BUC had DD (determined defender) they wont even be able to board If BUC lets princes hug himself, he made a huge mistake. But it is correctable - He should have stopped and boarded one of them. then moved on.
  15. no its not 3 princes cannot do anything to a Bucentaure, buc can even deny the fight against princes if he wants to. Just sail straight at best angle (they then cannot sit on the stern), and if they sail parallel course they will die. also several captains in history were able to use deck height difference to their advantage. And muskets did not help much
  16. You probably don't know the context. The context is this: we get hundreds of messages that someone said something in chat. If we take time to react to every claim we will have to stop working. 90% of chat claims are usually wrong. Thats why we responded - get us something more than "someone heard something in chat" Show us the screen, post a video or NAB numbers. This is a community - we should help each other to save time too. And stop this sarcasm - leave it for National news. PS Fitouts that completely block grape damage actually existed since the introduction of reinforced stern, no-one was using them before. Time to nerf some of the books.
  17. People claim many things in chats Please post NAB report numbers or screens or videos of the issue.
  18. read the notes please if 25 ships are in a pull circle at the start of the battle you get a 2500br battle limit in nassau
  19. Captains. Patch 22 is being deployed today. Patrol Adjustable BR limits introduced for patrols. You wont be able to join the battle if your entry will exceed the Patrol limit. Patrol limits Hispaniola 8000 Antilles 5000 Tumbado 3000 Nassau 1000 Adjustable BR Mechanics (making full 25 1st rates battles still possible) When battle is created - everyone in the pull circle will get in. If the BR of one side at the start of the battle is lower than the patrol limit: patrol limit will be used for reinforcements If the BR of one side at the start of the battle is higher than the patrol limit: that BR will be used for reinforcements Be wary when sailing in the large group exceeding the BR limit. If you are not in the pull circle you wont be pulled into battle and wont be able to reinforce. Thickness changes Influence of angle for penetration improved. Importance of angle at direct hits reduced: All guns penetrate an oak First rate armor at 50-100m Importance of angle at oblique hits increase: 42lb wont penetrate Surprise at 15 degrees with ease. Lets see how it goes and tune more before weekend. Grape issue fixed Bug causing grape not penetrating 0 physical planking if the ship had upgrades with planking bonuses in centimeters - fixed. Windows and ports were not affected by the bug so it was not very noticeable against ships with large windows and a lot of ports Visual improvements of your ability to enter battles where two enemy nations are battling each other. If nation is shown in green or white - you can enter If enemy nation is shown in red - you cannot enter As a result you do not waste time sailing to the wrong circle (as button only appear when you are in a circle). ps. two more patrol areas (with some land within the zone) will come in the next patch. Hotfix March 22th Crew splinter resistance bonus changes Some fitting combinations allowed complete reduction of crew damage. Such upgrades and books bonuses were reduced. Max possible crew resistance due to ship build and training is 49.5% We have added crew resistance bonuses to oak (10%) and sabicu planking (5%) Other changes Bow figure - Katherine turn rate bonus was lowered to 3%
  20. Wars are not fought alone. You should play 1 hour one life - where as a new player you CANT DO ANYTHING unless someone feeds you and care about you, because you are born a baby and its popular..
  21. angle influence will be adapted in the next patch
  22. Hijacking traffic will only work if some calculations are done on the client, like in CS or PUBG. If math is in the client then you can replace server messages with your messages. For example in most client based games you can replace 30 damage with 60 damage and your client will take 60 damage as the real number. In Naval Action client has no math at all, its only for showing you a beautiful picture and get your button clicks. All math is on the server. hijacking traffic is useless: you can replace your Surprise structure to 100,000 but it will achieve nothing; on the server your ship structure is still a 2400hp ship and it will die when it receives 2400hp damage.
  23. admin


    all notifications are disabled by default now to avoid spamming users. You can enable everything (including email for every like) separately if you wish so.
  24. There will be a recruitment leaderboard for clans by mid april (based on 4 main activities, pvp, port battles, pve and crafting) New players will be forced to join a fleet or organization to get post captain rank (hard requirement) The list of clans to join or request to join will only be picked from the leaderboard As long as a player passes a first leutenant exam (challenges) nation chat will be notified by @Clerk about it with player name as a result clans will be big and powerful Regarding the log - there will be no log unfortunately for some time; IF they happen they will be very limited (for example show logs only for 1 day). Dont expect logs as new players who come into the game do not care about logs. Logs will not increase online.
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