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Everything posted by admin

  1. The initial numbers (for testing) to make a first rate were set as follows: 3 players should be able to build a 1st rate in 3 days (collecting resources from buildings and building a ship including all labor hours) This was enough for the testing to allow everyone experience all the content. Some time ago we also reduced the weight for resources to reduce number of trips for hauling. These numbers (3 players/3 days) indeed seem kinda low now, especially taking into account the lineships buffs in the final HP rebalance.
  2. We lived fine for 2 years without knowing if you penetrated masts or not. When penetration was shown enemy was knowing more about the masts than you. And once we started to think about showing the mast HP to the player we decided that some blackboxes are better kept closed for the player. And state of the rig is one of them.
  3. Its a tip problem not the demasting problem. we just have to rewrite the tips better also there will be a pdf guide too in the future explaining concepts to players (some of it will be based on feedback from players like you and @Havelock and many others).
  4. It's not worse - it's less predictable. Less predictable gives more variability. Experience will still let you realize it faster than later.
  5. Why its the worst part? It's he best part. Showing mast penetration WAS A MISTAKE. we reverted it back when we realized it and thought it through.
  6. Ill explain If you don't know if you penetrated the mast, it takes time to realize that target is fitted for masts which gives all sorts of options for the target to react If you know if you penetrated the mast you demast in 30-60 seconds. This sort of thing is not good for variability of combat. Becomes too easy to make a decision to switch to hull.
  7. previous system was way better. sometimes too much information is a bad thing.
  8. This will be fixed next patch Reinforcement zones will only be open forever for the owner of the zone We will also allow attack of enemies by enemies in the capital waters (so enemy hunters cannot hide from other hunters behind the protection of capital)
  9. thats why its not in game. One option would be to give clans an ability to open trade for the friendly clans but it still locks everyone else out.
  10. The following will be implemented in the next BIG patch. Capturable cities will give much better chance to build an exceptional vessel. In terms of making ports matter more 2 things could be done Removal of safe transport of upgrades Ability should be given to clans to completely lock trade in the controlled city, giving all resources produced by city to a clan. This will make at least some cities - a must have - and will create constant pressure to capture. But, we have not yet learnt how to balance the following (as we are not sure it is possible) This is a pvp game content should matter This is a pvp game one side cannot lock down another nation from content by conquest
  11. it does not. This topic is for everyone. His comment removed. Captains we are interested in all opinions of people who use reinforcement from both sides. + tips from active hunters on how defenders can use reinforcements more effectively.
  12. I am not interested in Dron's skill level or MoscalB experience that christendom tried to push into the subject. I did not ask about skill levels in this topic. Regarding your statement. We asked because we are really interested in players opinion. You started to get nonconstructive lately. I don't understand the issue you are having with my question and don't understand why you even post if you have nothing to say. We warned several times ago that we are restricting posting privileges for off topic in important feedback topics.
  13. but remember it was more harsh on release. You could even attack your own. Do you have any theories on why you are connecting safety with online?
  14. Sorry for off topic. Please don't be upset or angry about players who leave. 80% of players leave even hit games. 40% of of players have not even reached the first boss in DS3. We should focus on increasing the inflow - irrespective from the inflow 80% will always leave. WOT drop off was above 87%. But if someone plans to leave because of reinforcement specifically - we would like them to come to comment
  15. Would love to talk about reinforcements mirrors and their strength and numbers. Not individual skill of some veterans. Lets also not forget that there is PVE ONLY server just in case.
  16. those who left cannot read chat We are interested in those who want to complain about the reinforcements and still read chat.
  17. Send them here to this topic once it happens - (its an admiralty order ;))
  18. We did not envision it but it is an unexpected interesting outcome. If you hunt in advanced 6th rates (like niagara, prince, herc or rattle) you will only see brigs and snows as a reinforcement.
  19. This design has the purpose Because reinforcements are mirrored - if you hunt in a 6th rate you will get an ineffective reinforcement. If you hunt in heavy frigate or a third rate - reinforced 4th rate will provide serious challenge This promotes hunting in light ships. I think its sort of brilliant unexpected outcome of the mirror as we always wanted to encourage hunting in light ships like real privateers.
  20. Captains Please provide your thoughts on the New class based reinforcement fleets. We heard a lot of negative feedback on mission cancellations for example. But might have missed your views on the reinforcements. Lets discuss them here. Please also ask your friends or clanmates in game chat to also visit the forums and share their voice in this topic. If you fought against them - what are you thoughts, do they provide enough protection to your enemy while keeping some risk? Did you ever sink to reinforcement? if you used reinforcements - when did they help and when they were useless?
  21. This perk exists not because of the book - book is great, rare, but not impossibly rare and shows results. Rageboarding is fine too. I just hate this: A light ship "olololo boarding" a heavy vessel just to take it out from battle while his 2 friends iron out the stern with grape. Just because.. mechanics. In future games there will be officer assigned to divisions and guns which will fire guns while you lead the boarding, cut ropes etc.. But in NA the boarding works this way and a cutter can take out a first rate from combat for at least 2-3 mins just …because he was able to press G In the past we often forgot about players who love the feature and only listened to negative voices. This was a mistake. We know a lot of players hate DD. We know a lot of players love DD and are not going to remove it. We will only tweak it if necessary.
  22. This is correct This is the mechanic that is absolutely needed to avoid some things in the human nature by design. Admiralty pays for ships taken out of the system, if it did not happen people would just farm each other through surrenders. It could still happen but at least ships go to the bottom of the Atlantic ocean. In reality Admiralty would take the ship you captured (and give to somebody else) and will assign the prize money. For the navy/privateers This prize money will be split into shares depending on your crew size Captain was entitles for at least 10-30 shares Flag captain (who was not even on the ship most of the times) took the lion portion Crew was entitled for 1 share each If you were a privateer a good portion of the share went to investors As a result if you captured a ship worth 1000 pounds and your crew was 1000 men you actually would receive only 10-30 pounds as a captain, who captured the prize. 500 pound shares for crew (and a lot more for a cap) happened of course but history remembers only 20-30 captains who were able to get such prize. For the pirates Captain share was even smaller and if he did not share prize with the crew he would just be killed. Thats why on some crew (especially pirate crews) sailors cherished the losses because more losses meant more prize money (less mouths to share the prize pool with). 15 men on the deadman's chest So if we want to bring things closer to reality, rewards should not only depend on damage % (fleet shares), but also on your crew numbers forcing you to sail with as small crew as possible).
  23. all damage is included in assist or kill calculation crew (15 damage per crew member) hull sails XP is granted for pure numbers. Damage = certain xp for every 1 damage dealt. Marks are split according to damage percentages, to completely remove kill stealing (prevalent in other games) So if you only kill 1 crew on a ship (doing no other damage whatsoever) and target ends up dead (for example through surrender and sank later), and no-one else did any damage on the target you get all marks. Same with sails. So in your example if the little guy, allegedly, removed most of the crew doing nothing else - he would get at least 20% of marks because most of the crew means or equals almost half of the planking in damage. For example killing 700 men on a Santi = 10500 pure damage I will also change the threshold of minimum damage required to get the marks as this limit can be considered outdated. (currently it is at 10% of the group damage)
  24. так мы тестили у себя - не совсем играбельно особенно на малых судах вернее - играбельно на 100 метрах но это затянет бой и потребует опять двигать ползунки (урон поднимать или что-то еще тюнить)
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