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Everything posted by admin

  1. They are fine ships and are very good. Their battle stats are exemplary and they are worth their money and will remain great performers (but not the only one)
  2. Did you even see the store page Captain? VALVE itself warns you that this game is NOT COMPLETE
  3. Again. Read the guide and move on. We DO release content to test it WITH players. It was always like this and will always be like this until release. Some like it. You dont (anymore).
  4. Are you annoyed with something? You forget that it is a process and being a member of the community you probably know that its always a two way street. Perhaps this little guide will help you understand what early access is https://store.steampowered.com/earlyaccessfaq/ The game is not released. According to steam rules Its an unfinished product that might never come out. The game will probably come out in three four months but your recent statements will definitely not help your comments to ever get heard again.
  5. Clarification on this we absolutely want to be sure everyone is on the same page about ship balancing and DLC vessels. Imported ships stats Hard stats are mentioned on the steam page. The ship wind curve is not a hard stat; curves, times to raise sails, hp, thickness etc is not mentioned on the steam page. What is on steam page will never change. Unless its needed to improve overall gameplay. Guns, crews, historical calibers and other hard states WILL REMAIN on all vessels DLC and non DLC. There was a clarification for speed some time ago. If speeds are rebalanced across all vessels, they will get rebalanced on DLC ships as well. Speed is a hard stat but must be balanced together with other vessels. So if you plan to buy the dlc or bought the dlc you can expect this ship to remain a great performer it will always be one of the best ships in its class.
  6. Yes. We might need to consider long term effects. But we see that more combat ships are saved by escape command than traders. And we want combat ships to combat.
  7. This decision is thought through across multiple scenarios and significantly improves realistic resolution to combat and out of combat situations + closes the loophole. The negatives that you dont like some players might considered positives. For example the ability to revenge gank the player killer if he is too arrogant and greedy. Or no slow fat rich indiamans escaping due to automatic teleport to port (without actually sailing on the OW).
  8. I have completely opposite opinion. Why would someone join the pvp server if he cannot accept losing ships as integral part of the experience (core experience)? If you join the pvp server. Why would you send you ship away instead of keeping it to help in battle (indiaman has 28 guns) increasing your firepower to a level of the 1st rate 74 + 28 (people say ai is overpowered and is cheating when firing). Auto assign on a fleet ship is not a proposed change - it's happening. Players most affected by the fleet auto assign and safe teleport removal will be player killers. Many use fleet teleport for safe escape and we are closing this door. Majority of players will now have a chance to recover their ships + take player killers' tears spoils of war. + Auto assign is also needed to solve the problem with temporary ship capture. You will be able to win more fights against imported ships because sometimes boarding and taking over can save lives and we are bringing this option for ALL vessels.
  9. why AI - majority of pvp/ conquest oriented clans will be happy to accept a 3rd rate captain in their fleets.
  10. challenge closed Please record the results on video. I am eager to see it. Thank you @Banished Privateer for help and thank you @Vasco for championing for @Gott365
  11. Hmmm. I do not see the hercules problem on this screen. That is frigate/light frigate versus line ship balance problem Average unescorted Bellona will have troubles against ANY 2 5th rates in the current state of the game. And i think its a known issue but we are not sure it needs addressing. As it will drastically reduce variety.
  12. Ship overall strength is defined by statistics. Constrained duel could show immediately if the ship is really overpowered. If someone thinks the ship is OP it does not make it overpowered.
  13. If the ship is OP it will win in a constrained duel against a more skilled opponent in the majority of cases. For example average victory HMS victory will win against skilled opponent in a cutter if a cutter is not allowed to run. If herc is not allowed to run the win is not guaranteed and skilled essex or belle poule will probably destroy the hercules in majority of battles. And will destroy le requin in all cases.
  14. known issue will be fixed tomorrow.
  15. Essex? Belle Poule? In good hands will seriously challenge Herc (which is a 5th rate too) and will most likely win against Le requin if running is prohibited for both parties..
  16. haha no i have no sense in the game as you said - why should you fight a noob.. You will fight a pro, because if a pro loses then you are right, captured 5th rates have no chance, and action must be taken. we will set up the duel room next week. Game is in early access - great time to test things.
  17. We can give you the note (i got one from the epic event recently). Or you retract your statement that NO captured 5th rate can take on Herc or Le requinn?
  18. What is your nick name in game. I have the guy who will take you on these words in a duel in a captured NPC ship (of his choice). We will see if you are right in action.
  19. You can capture dozens (might take max 10 mins per ship) of free NPC ships per day. Assuming you know a good hunting spot and have a boarding fitted vessel (as NPCs cant counter boarding properly). Why no-one used YOLO free captured NPC ships before? Some people prefer convinience and might not play all if they dont have a ship. Would you prefer yolo opponents or no opponents?
  20. 2 points There were no examples of large ship being able to fend off stern camping of a smaller ship by just musket fire. Generoux 74 vs Leander 50 for example. Sterncamping existed in game for quite a while and was always a huge feature of hate for some, AND a huge feature of love for others. We are not worried and are not focused on stern camping until we deliver port UI, localize the game, rebalance the economy and add new missions for battles, economy and conquest.
  21. You can capture NPC 6th rates and 5th rates for free a lot more often than DLC buyers can redeem their vessel. Thus if you use captured ships (some of them can be quite good) you also have no risk apart from losing the ship that you can replace for free IMMEDIATELY (not the next day).
  22. 7th and 6th rates were buffed - not to the contrary. The 5th rates remained where they were. You are saying something different. You are saying 5th rates were nerfed. We announced that we will buff all 7th rates and 6th rates quite a while ago. The 7th and 6th rates were not as good as we wanted them to be. Maybe you wanted them to be somewhere else, but remember there are thousands of opinions here.
  23. For those who did not know Nelson fighting a Bear
  24. Those examples address the following concerns raised by captain @SeamanStaines He said it was always absurd that a light ship can take out a SOL that SOL musket volleys would destroy a xebec Questionable from the RL context We do not say that his statement are not true. We merely claim that events opposite to his statement ALSO happened in real life and can ALSO happen in game. The beauty of NA battle design shows that you can take ANY naval battle happening from 1650 until 1830 and find almost the same outcome in our game, just like @z4ys demonstrated in his post. You just see it more often in NA because average captain in NA sees 1000x more battles than any captain in history = thats why you see rare cases often. How many battles Nelson participated in? Maybe 20? Did you know that one of those battles was with a BEAR? He fought a bear and won.
  25. RL context: it could have happened and happened 99 light galleys vs SOL + escorts 6 days later 61 light galley vs ship of the line + 6 frigates
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