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Everything posted by admin

  1. yes. one wind stat did not merge properly to servers. Will be fixed tomorrow. Its wind curve will resemble trincomalee.
  2. We had to to limit (we mentioned it in the patchnotes) limit the changes in battle ratings to not break old pve missions for players. True pvp rating for aga is even lower. Its basically at least 2x worse than constitution/endymion in terms of pvp performance.
  3. You can take a lead create a new topic and post a table . Would be awesome as we dont have enough hands on deck.
  4. user feedback, stats, data - designer reviews it and proposes changes. We will let current BR run for a week or two.
  5. tomorrow. i think its wind curve is slightly broken, did not merge properly or something.
  6. If battle rating is affected by sustained battle performance and usage rate it will always generate outliers, sometimes lowering its rating below lower classed ships. It will become and feel normal, once everyone consider br not as arbitrary number based not only on ship stats but how this stats affect battle performance (new missions wont be BR based but will be class based) Excepted outcome: Port battles will definitely be more diverse now. And ships that were avoided before will get used more. Which will in turn could increase the rating. If performance does not change - then ships stats definitely need to be addressed. Couple of iterations and the ratings will stabilize.
  7. santa should be 800 ocean 900 its reversed now.
  8. Santisima and Ocean Battle rating is mixed up will be fixed tomorrow.
  9. Captains. Diana is a timed reward. You can claim it within 15 days from today. If you miss it for some reason do not worry. It will be brought into the game as a crafted ship or as admiralty note ship. Pass along this information in chat.
  10. there wont be tears as the ship stats are the same and it is the same hercules (with slight reduction of the wind power at 180)
  11. i think hercules is 220 now. Dont remember exactly but somewhere above 200
  12. Battle rating provides the depiction of the ship battle capability. But it is somewhat outdated as it is not fluid and does not properly account for many other factors influencing the battle result. We have not yet defined the solution for its replacement, but for example battle rating can easily be replaced by just points, like 1st rate 10 points, 2nd rate 5 points, etc..
  13. yes. but we hope many will take 2 rattlesnakes or niagaras instead of 1 LR.
  14. crew bug was fixed almost a month ago. Aim at the open deck and you will inflict good casualties.
  15. Le requin BR has been increased to 160 (almost 2 rattlesnakes heavy) Several 6th rates got their speed stats adjusted to be faster than L.R. at certain angles. We will continue monitoring the stats and adjusting the performance to provide real alternatives to L.R.
  16. new year is soon (time flies fast)
  17. We do want ships to be balanced useful AND historical (at least not far from history) We do not want to put 24 lb guns on it just because we want it to be strong. We want 24 guns because we believe in a certain definition of canon - obusier (24lb obusier) and believe that exactly those guns were on this frigate. There are just 3 alternatives actually Diana gundeck has 24lb carronades (obusiers meaning OBUS - carronades)) - we have them in game 24lb guns (obusiers meaning canon obusiers similar to blomfield) - we have them in game in form of medium guns 24lb special guns (obusiers meaning howitzers - eg 24lb edinorogs). we have them in game in form of edinorogs. But i prefer second and third option as this ship brings an alternative to heavy frigates even if it is rare or expensive. I would not lose sleep over it too though - just need more real sources disproving our theory - so we can change the ship before players get used to it. I think its a translation issue Lets just not get lost in translation for too long.
  18. Once all of definitions of obusier including newly introduced "obus" will be properly checked by @Sella22 @Malachi @Fluffy Fishy and many other volunteer researchers we will be able to properly define her gun composition. If enough evidence is provided that obusiers are spanish carronades obusier vaisseau, not french short pattern guns canon obusiers, we will fix the composition. One concern though. Previously when history interfered with gameplay and balance we picked history (always). Ask any active player and he already hopes diana will be his favorite pvp ship. Until some hardcore historians will ask to ignore balance and turn her into a useless brick. Just like all other medium and light 5th rates. Honest opinion - dont bash us for it - this year we pick balance. History must balance with gameplay - there is no other option as it is a multiplayer game. Balanced by cost, or speed or turning, or rareness.
  19. I think their db forces you to enter new type of gun in a new line. Some ships have 5 lines (even having only 3 decks).
  20. I believe that you are mistaking Paixhans gun (canon obusier 80 developed in 1827) with just canon obusier 24. Cannon obusier 6 = 6lb gun using french classification. Thus I did not and still dont get it. Please rephrase the question Percival. The main gun deck (lowest deck) of diana carried 6 24lb guns in 1815 the rest were 12lb guns. The source is Threedecks. (not 6lb guns) 3-6lb guns could be carried on quarterdeck and forecastle or decks above main gundeck.
  21. Do you personally believe that a modern spanish frigate that participated in the Battle of Cape St Vincent carried that inadequate monstrocity called obusier vaisseau? I will believe it when i see it on paintings, lithographs etc)) where they are actually installed on ships (or ship models).
  22. I was open to discussions when I was in the office (as had monographs at home). But now i checked the monograph i trust. From this point I do not see any additional value in going back and forth on the subject. Especially when you ask strange questions instead of providing credible sources, or memories of Diana captains. There are two definitions of Obusier gun Canon Obusier (fr) Obusier Vaisseau (fr) Both are valid - but we doubt short vaisseau were installed on Diana in 1815!! When british were ordering short blomfield's. We believe that obusiers that were on diana were short patterned gun/howitzers that later iterated into a infamous Napoleons which were used in crimean and american civil war. We value and respect other opinions. But we disagree and pick the option we consider most credible Answering your question. Think about usefullness of a 3-6lb carronade type gun for a 1815 modern frigate
  23. Before the infamous https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Canon_obusier_de_12 or Napoleon of 1853 (which also does not look like a carronade or a short howitzer at all).
  24. Canon Obusier is NOT Obusier de vaisseau.
  25. well you seen other patterns now. So can we close the issue?
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