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Everything posted by z4ys

  1. So easiest way would be to make suggestions to improve the current perk system? But looking at ship knowledge which is kind of a char progression as well. Its not well received and for many players a pain or isnt it?
  2. Arent perks already working this way? We kind of have perks for traders, shipwrights, navy officers and privateers.
  3. Changes I would like see: 1. Patrol battles close immediately when br is even 2. Close after 3mins when br is within 1.5 ratio Close after 30 when 1. And 2. Are not true and no 1.5 ratio gets achieved in this time - screen message that battle is closed - circle shrinking speed depending on players alive. The less people are alive the higher shrinking speed. - maybe add specific patrols (Nassau patrol is the best one regarding balance due to the fact that all shallow vessels are close together in their fighting capability, the deep water ones can create mismatch because 9pds will do nothing against a sol)
  4. Wouldn't lead that to even more frustration due to the fact that now people have the chance to safe their pixels?
  5. Just talking about it in general and the game mechanic. You cannot call it griefing before battle closes because its a valid tactic to delay. There is no message that battles is now closed. Therefore people might not know as you said "at 1:05:00 or so" That makes it kind of grey area. Sure we have to draw a line somewhere. Tribunal is there to define. We need better rules for the patrol area achived through gamemechanics for example like: - Close the battle before the 30min after xy time when nobody joines and BR is in a certain ratio - Give a message that battle is now closed - let the ring of doom shrink even more
  6. But you have so much time to wait for reinforcements. So why go in when you just can wait for more people to arrive?
  7. Isnt sudoku a game that helps to train the brain? An other example Kerbal space program is a game as well that simulates astrophysics preatty well. Why cant Naval Action simulate decision making?
  8. Its double-edged sword to honor people for their suggestions. There might be the ones that stay clam and feel honored and then we have the people that start to act like jerks. I agree suggestions are something for a CR to bring forward to the devs. Currently its done by mods. Will we start to call it biased because CR or mods will not mention all suggestions to devs?
  9. What was promised for the 40 bucks is actually fulfilled since a very long time. They already deliever more so why we should feel upset? I am glad that they still work on the game.
  10. Why you have to get personal? Games prepare childen for life as adult. So why NA shouldnt? But i agree one free perk reset as final exam reward would do no harm. Perks are a choice. They should be a choice. Sure we all would love to have them all at once but that we cant is fun part.
  11. Sure tutorial is missing crucial points. But again never click the red button when its function isnt clear. Its a life lesson. Perk reset is expensive because of a reason. People used it to refit from crafter to pb in notime.
  12. Before randomly clicking stuff i think about the impact it may have and delay my decision at a later point. It even helps to handle suspicious emails.
  13. It's a 2 guys dev team. I don't know what people expect them to be. 24h forums active plus the rest of the 28h day coding? I know everyone feels to be important and wants instant answers by devs but where would we end up? Looking at the game and suggestion thread I see many suggestions that got in-game. So it seems to work.
  14. Its like the current contracts. - Its possible to withdraw before the other person claims the contract. - If the contract isnt concluded in the timeframe (my suggestion was 1 maintenance cycle) the Item returns to the owner + fee has to be paid. Like i said its like the current contract system. Reclaim your contract get the items back but pay the fee. There is no difference to the current player to player trade. Rediii could sail to LT while i go offline. Arriving at LT he figures out that i am offline. Its a part of a player reputation. Like now dont makes deals with people you cannot trust. Good point. While i place the contract rediii could get a message informing him that a contract is placed for him in port LT including the details of the trade. This way its ensured that it is actually what both agreed upon.
  15. Battle stays open. So there is the chance to get reinforcements. I see no issue with delaying and kiting as long battle is open. Its a game design not a players fault. You cant blame him here.
  16. this thread reveals all sorts of gameflaws
  17. Dont attack a multiboxer Or dont multibox Thats the question About griefing in patrols: Battles stay open for a long time therefore its valid gameplay to kite as long battle is open.
  18. Prolog Recently i got more into trading and one thing that annoys me most is waiting. Waiting for the other guy to finally reach the port where the trading will happen. Sure it would be possible to place a contract but sometimes we dont want to trade goods for money. Its not possible to trade goods for goods other than player to player trade. Therefore I suggest: Suggestion: Players can place contracts for a specific person with goods for goods trade option. Here is one example: @rediii wants to buy 300 pve marks for 10 pvp. We both agree and set La Tortue as trading location. He is still occupied and needs 20 min to reach La Tortue. Currently i would have to wait 20min. 20 mins are not enough time to start a fight or whatever. Its wasted time for me. But with the specific contract that works like a player to player trade but without being there at the same time there is no wasted time anymore. How it works: I place a contract and enter rediiis name. The trading window could look like this: Now i can leave port and do whatever and my time is not wasted i can deliver content to other players. Rediii now has xy amount of time (maybe 1 maintenance cycle) to claim the contract by paying with 10 pvp marks. This contract would simulate a middleman. He would ofc receive a fee ( tax generation for the port) It could be a fix fee because calculation of the tradevalue will be hard when no money is involved. Fee contains rating of trading good and their amount. Its simulates a middleman and rented warehousespace (numbers presented are just examples) Rules of the Player to Player Contract: Its like the current contracts with some additions. Its possible to withdraw before the other person claims the contract. If the contract isnt concluded in the timeframe (my suggestion was 1 maintenance cycle) the Item returns to the owner + fee has to be paid. When contract is placed the player named in the contract receives a Mail with all contract details, when contract is cancelled the player receives a message as well Both players have to pay a fee fee could depends on item category and amount (kind of similar to the old delivery system) Pros: less time waiting more time to be content in ow quality of life improvement Improves port value items still have to be hauled in OW no Scam what you see is what you get Uncertain: easier alt trading but alts would contribute towards portowners (more tax) Cons: Annyoing other players by canceling the contract
  19. I dont agree on that. Its possible we are just looking at the wrong people.
  20. guess we all mean when we talk about active that this person is actually providing "good feedback" aka not shitposting in every new thread
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