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Everything posted by z4ys

  1. first tutorial milestone = 155 crew 2nd tutorial milestone = 250 crew I dont think a basic brig would be the better choice. The Suprise in the other hand can act as motivator to pass the final exam. If it would be more clear what are the rewards for the tutorial.
  2. Suggestion: Introduce "basic surprise" as starting ship beside "basic cutter" Background: "Basic cutter" is kind of outdated due to tutorial rewards. Necomers can start as Master and Commander if they pass the final exam. I believe most newcomers know about the HMS Victory, and many may have seen the movie "Master and Commander" which makes the HMS Surprise kind of famous as well. I would lie when I would deny that one of the reasons I bought Naval Action was to feel like Jack while sailing the surprise. Details: "Basic surprise" is a ship every NPC ship store offers same rules RoE like baisc cutter reduced repair count compared to normal surprise - makes equiping for new players easier and they get used to the repair system NPC shops sells basic 6pd + 9pd meds for 1gold each - makes equiping for new players easier and they get used to the cannon equip window Basic ships get new RoE in friendly carezones. - Battles vs AI close instant like missions (to avoid ganking by vets) basic surprise offers no reward expect money (like baisc cutter) Pros: up to date change regarding tutorial keeps people hooked to master the tutorial and set a foot on the first milestone surprise makes starting and acquisition of Naval Action environment easier for new players (loss can be replaced in a few clicks) Cons: More Database needed same drawbacks as the basic cutter has
  3. sail force isnt added to speed calc in port 😉 elite pirate rig gives to +30% to sailforce that makes you sail at almost all angles 15.5kn and other like schooners and square riggers the xebec doesnt have main sails. Thats why this mod is op for the xebec
  4. Where i blame the ship? The ship was fine before pirate rig worked for her sails. Ofc we could just introduce a new kind of mod. Revert the pirate rig back to the state before (only jib sail and main sail). The new kind of mod "Lateen/spanker sail refit" could have + spanker sailforce and therefore decrease of yard movement. That would have the same effect like current - mainsail force has on pirate rig. I would decrease downwind sailing speed by improving upwind speed.
  5. What would you suggest? let the pirate rig stay the same for the xebec?
  6. Das würde nur funktionieren wenn wir wie in Wold of warships oder anderen moba games in tiers denken würden. Fakt is aber das jeder jedes schiff benutzen kann. Sollte also ein max lvl Spieler den gleichen Schutz genießen nur weil er ein 5th rate segelt? Oder sollte ein Alt (zweit account) eines Veterans geschützt sein nur weil der alt dem ersten Rang entspricht? Dann kommt noch dazu das weit über 50 ehr 80% des Spiels in der Sicherheitszone erledigt werden kann. Also warum jemals verlassen? Das ist das Dilemma mit der Sicherheitszone. Sicher neue Spieler sollten Schutz genießen. Das Tutorial ist ein guter Weg dafür. 100% Sicher kein Verlust von Schiff und Gut. Außerdem kann man rund 400.000 Gold + repairs + 2 Schiffs notes + 250 crew Rang als Belohnung erhalten wenn man das Final Exam abschließt. Sicher dadurch wird man nicht zum Pro. Und ja die Sicherheitszone RoE (Rule of engagement) ist zur Zeit fraglich, aber im Großen und Ganzen hat sich das Spiel doch sehr dem Uerfahrenen Spieler angenährt. Sicher es geht immer besser! Nochwas wenn du die Devs erreichen willst. Schreib zumindest in englisch. Ansonsten bist du darauf angewiesen, dass jemand das in englisch an die devs weiterleitet. ----------------------------------------------------- That would only work if the game would be like any moba game like "World of warships" for example. But in fact everyone(newcomer /vet) can use any ship at anytime. Should a high lvl player be protected because he uses a 5th rate? Or should an alt be protected because he is low rank? Furthermore 50 to 80% of the game can be achieved in the carezone. So why should anyone leave that zone? Thats the dilemma regarding the carezone. Sure newcomer should have protection. The tutorial is a good way because you cant lose anything and it doesnt throw you into the evil and hostile open world. After passing the final exam the player gets around 400k gold a lot of repairs +2 ship notes and a rank able to command 250 crew. Ofc the player wont be a pro after that and yes the RoE regarding the carezone is debatable, but overall the game got more player friendly over the last patches and I guess they are still working on it to improve.
  7. Currently elite pirate rig and pirate rig has no negative effects for the xebec which makes it op. Regarding the spanker + sail force a negative factor could be introduced. The green area is current yard movement range. Using the pirate rig on the xebec and every other spanker could decrease yard movement range to the red state.
  8. The antenna is a flagpole. But in OW she/no ship carries a flag
  9. Things that might have to ge reviewed: Sail setting speed regarding pvp - 5 sec are a rolling broadside around 8 sec is the visual sail state change. It might be to op in skilled hands. Try +10 secs? deceleration without sails set - ship carries to much momentum for to long Mast percentage distribution - currently each mast seems to add around 33% to the percentage pool current sail force upgrades have no negative effects for the xebec. Ship was better balanced the days as mods havent worked Bug or feature?: Current books dont show spanker force @Banished Privateer before you say that i am biased while fighting ALOHA. I dont care its just objective feedback about the xebec
  10. if you look at the belle poule she has has kind of a lateen as spanker as well. so makes kind of sense.
  11. Can we get a new redeem window for the xebec? Guess the crucial part for the sail setting time is pvp (avoid chaining) because its fast like depower.
  12. Correct way to report chat situations is via ingame function - Right Click player name - Select Report Option in the menu (original by @Hethwill)
  13. Its kind of depower for square riggers
  14. current state of leeway
  15. Yeah it has to be tested like i said. But if it works it would be a valid counter. Its done when the ship had to switch sides, because of maneuvering and tagging/wearing . Normally the mast would restrict the sail to use the full potential when pressed against the mast. Therefore they used a combination 2 left 1 right to get at least better performance. But in NA i guess its just about what looks best there is no difference in if wind is coming from left or right. (if you were talking about that here) if you were talking about the picture above (my post above). In NA we dont have slipstream. Therefore no need to have the sails on different sides. But in RL the sails would reduce wind pressure when on one side and tehrefore reduce speed.
  16. Regarding sail setting time. We had this talk about getting rigging shocked because xebec tends to catch fire fairly easy. Havent tested it yet (because i wasnt set on fire yet) but with the 3 seconds to reduce sail to 0% its a good counter to avoid rigging shock. Regarding pvp combat i dont know if we will end like the time as we could almost instant set battlesails and avoid getting chained
  17. Hope that picture makes it more clear. Front and mizzen are at full sails. But no sails set at the main mast. like the one in front.There was some talk about giving battle sails a + to maneuverability and on this ship its possible without buffing rudder. Just allow front and mizzen sails to be set at battle sails.
  18. its around 3sec right (from 0 to 100%). Looks about right will help the auto skipper pilot. What about adding battlesails for the xebec just front and mizzen no sails on the main?
  19. If its kind of similar to UG:CW and intuitive like it, it will be awesome.
  20. Deutschland ist neben den USA die größste Käufergruppe. Im Gegensatz zu den USA bleiben die meisten Deutschen aber.
  21. She has a paint slot. I hope that one paint will change the sail color as well
  22. acceleration and backward sailing speed seems a bit high (especially that square riggers are imited there) @admin
  23. My manual sailing is still not perfect so much room for improvement. In my opinion she likes to turn downwind but upwind between 90° to 0° she struggles.
  24. No rudder used. (now imagine with rudder). But currently i only get her to turn downwind pretty well 0 to 180° (look at video) But I struggle to get her from 90° to 0°. Maybe just stupid and not figured out yet how or bugged.
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