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Everything posted by z4ys

  1. i know its a nice feature but best would be to keep it like the yacht. So actually sinking an "imported" has a meaning. 1 ship per account. CD starts to count down when ship is lost.
  2. When you will suggest that players can buy pvp marks for $?
  3. WTF soon you ask for an Ammo dlc? And why streamline crafting when no crafting is needed at all....
  4. Ink Posted January 28, 2016 Was just meant as reminder :)))) It had no tags (got changed) And I guess it will be addressed when final polish to code will be done.
  5. I redeemed the yacht 1 day ago and the cooldown did not count down while i had the ship in port. Do I have to place the ship in my fleet the whole duration of the day in order to make the cooldown count to 0? Or is that an UI issue and cooldown always shows 1 day even 1h is left?
  6. This bug still exists
  7. If everybody would want to pve NAL would have been successful Pve is just done because of shiny loot
  8. its even less motivation
  9. BR limit was one of the best changes regarding RvR in my opinion, For deep water ports it worked well. Small clans got access to pbs (5-10 players because of some port BRs) But what kills this idea is screening. You can have a pb that fits to the clan size but on the way to the port the clan has to pass 4 nations that screen and have 5times the numbers. So why bother attacking because you will never reach the port. As long we had the exploits to reach the pbs we had more pbs after that got fixed it decreased. So is it because of the port BR limits or because the system to enter the pbs is shit? Ofc "screening " is a major part it let clans win the pb before the battle is actually fought thats why everybody loves it ... but actually it hurts rvr more than it benefits. Why bother why do hositlity when you will never reach the port on the battle date? Majority of players here fight to win even they say they dont.
  10. its unique because it will be the only 5th rate that can sail in shallows even it cannot enter shallow pbs. So buyer of the ship can still feel being op while highest rate in da hoooood but he will not change pb balance. But maybe screening? Which is one of the worst rvr features....
  11. Before pvp marks I captured everything and almost never sunk the enemy then i sold the ship at my capital. Now i get instant reward that nobody can take away aka pvp marks.
  12. please add this to the steam dlc content description if not already done.
  13. in WoT nobody seeks help in chat in NA player do.
  14. Buts easy to blame others
  15. @admin if i currently have a herc because of the final exam. Will i be able (in case i bought the dlc) to get a 2nd herc or do i have to get rid of the first one so i can redeem the dlc ship?
  16. advantage through ingame effort = reasonable advantage through money = unreasonable money = rl effort = time = ingame effort -> actually it kind of looks the same both are time consuming^^ So shouldnt be everything hidden behind a grind wall/or pay wall be unreasonable?
  17. Sure a bunch of bad/random players will (almost)never defeat pro/organized players. We see that every days at KPR. But the gap gear and ships can create doesnt have to be a factor as well. Good players in hercs will make bad players leave instant because why should they even try. Sure "imported" ships have to be special otherwise nobody would care and buy. But currently herc is to good in everything even the xebec has a lot of pros and not much cons. Still I wouldnt call that pay to win, because not everybody will get free wins. But do we have to make gaps even bigger?
  18. Just super paranoid regarding alts.
  19. How Yacht (first premium ship for buying the game before and during first EA days) access works. You can redeem the yacht every 24h. But if you still have a yacht you cannot redeem an other one.
  20. is 20€ confirmed? or is it still just my guess? Dont take me to serious there
  21. Ah that's how people get free pvp marks. Good to know. I should do more trade runs.
  22. Cross nation trade at sea only when solving alt problem.
  23. https://clips.twitch.tv/PleasantRamshackleFennelMau5?tt_medium=create You wanna see more of this? In a single player game ofc but in a mmo people cant even handle leeway
  24. Thats the ultimate change. I would start with this. Might even easier and faster to achieve.
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