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Everything posted by z4ys

  1. War Flag of Stralsund Prussian Sea Trade Society Ensign 1772-1825
  2. Hamburgische Admiralitätsflagge was used on ships till 1747
  3. Prussian armed yacht 1710 Churpinz and Mohrian (flying the flag of Brandenburg) painted by Alexander Kirchers
  4. ROVER after Brewers PB
  5. Der Screenshot sagt nichts aus. Wenn du was geklärt haben willst wären ein paar mehr Infos hilfreich.
  6. There is a screenshot and I see nothing. Chat abuse gets reported this way: right click player name and report. A bit more info would be helpfull.
  7. We can change the flag in port. What about to let us change the flag in OW as well? Just like we have access to the journal at sea.
  8. z4ys

    Patch 28: Flags

    more xebecs lovely
  9. maybe dlc permits will not be tradable. But the ship has to be build yourself. (maybe BP requires even no crafting lvl) DLC permits could be called Herc grant. A herc grant is used in a lvl 0 herc BP (with maybe reduced LH or mats) while for a normal Herc permit a player need crafting lvl 12 and normal amount of LH and mats.
  10. z4ys

    Patch 28: Flags

    I like that even Steam page says: "we might add more flags to the dlc and that for free" Therefore I see the price as an investment and not as overpriced like other say.
  11. logins? because when you see 50 people in a bus the busline isnt used by 50 right?
  12. Es ist nur ein Nachdruck also nicht von 1705. Finde diese Art Bücher immer auf Amazon,Ebay, Flohmärkten oder Foren.
  13. Source: Der geöffnete See-Hafen published 1705-1706 reprinted by Ernst Kabel Verlag
  14. pre last crafting changes repairs were sold at +300% profit sometimes even at 1k%. Ofc many mistakes are made by greedy sellers.
  15. Good News everyone! That announcement really fits to what the recent patch has given us a sneak peak to. A really close age of sail experience. Thank you devs for going that road.
  16. My statement was that we all could bring 5th rates. No need to show up with a 1St rate. Free to bring whatever we can afford.
  17. We are free to come with any ship we like.
  18. If repairs wouldn't repair structure (only emergency repair) and some other changes that ain't that kind of biased it might be a good suggestion.
  19. What is a reasonable time? Pumping first-rate out everyday is not reasonable. This ain't world of the lineship.
  20. Let's introduce a doubloons generating building. The closer to the enemy the better the production. Only one per clan /maybe even one per player. The building has costs like lvl 3 shipyard. Can be partial captured. (Has to be rebuild for only 1/2 of the orginal price when it has that kind of building previously) Other ports can have supporting buildings that increase doubloons production by xy percent when in the same region. As clan building doubloons go into clan warehouse if it's located in the same port. Otherwise that building has no function.
  21. One harm is that it sends false signals to players. Why nobody reports bugs? Because they stay and get named feature. Like the mod duplicating that was viewed by some as feature. Even it's a chance it's an unfair advantage for no dlc users. Small but it is. That's what some even call doublestandard.
  22. Currently we have 2 dlc ships so I agree. But what if we get more?
  23. The question is: is sinking free and spare dlc AI ships for doubloons considered feature or exploit?
  24. Admin confirmed that all player AI ships can drop doubloons. Regardless if enemy or friendly.
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