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Everything posted by z4ys

  1. Tooltips get hidden by windows
  2. Whats missing is the Mission journal while in OW
  3. Canada Timber Docks, Liverpool. Towards close of day by Robert Dudley (active 1865-1891) View of the harbour of Valetta, Malta, illustration to Saint-Non's 'Voyage Pittoresque' IV, p.248, engraved by Berthault; part of town and town walls at r and centre, the harbour full of large sailing ships and small boats, further buildings behind at l Pen and black ink, and watercolour showing a late-Stuart royal yacht sailing into a rocky harbour, apparently under British control
  4. Every actions requires preperation. The longer you wait the more prep does an action need. I dont know the numbers exactly but it works this way. Attack = 20 prep at 15 secs left Attack = 55 prep at 2 secs left So the reason why they grey out over time is that your prep pool is not big enough and the action would require more prep as you would have.
  5. They felt different for me at least the old version was less chaotic. The windows now are just all over the place. (OK maybe it's kind age of sail experience when the ship was in port and the captains desk was overstuffed with lists, bills etc) For example the window with the surprise could be vertical for me instead of horizontal.(slots and instead on the right side the ship stats they are below) Last but not least I really would like to be able to scale the windows. Currently I just can change the size.
  6. make it slowly flashing and switching between amount and class
  7. sure i dont mind but atm you just see the amount of guns right away but not what kind.
  8. Its now annoying to buy the right guns. Before I could see directly what gun class i need. Now I need to hover over each solt to see the gun class Maybe even grey out the guns that i cant even equip when both windows are open And I need 3 windows to do 1 easy thing. To equip guns
  9. Heiliges Römisches Reich Deutscher Nation (1410–1806, Darstellung von Albrecht Altdorfer)
  10. Few things i noticed: New windows always spawn behind already open ones. In case of Equipment and then open crew results in Equipment window blocking the crew one. The latest opened window should always be the top layer. At least at charleston the basic cutter is stuck in the pier when in port UI When hovering over the book or gear symbol there is no tooltip. But when hovering over the slots there is a tooltip The cards are still to big. They could be way smaller or will we see pictures on them as well
  11. looks really nice so far
  12. Don't forget pvp marks are about to leave the game and will converted to an other currency. Don't forget the new mission that may say: "go out capture ship xy and bring it back to Admiralty" If new currency is physical and you have to sail it back as well why not take the ship When you lose a crafted ship it's insured and you get the insurance regardless if you get counterganked or not. You can even do green on green so you get insurance while enemies would try to capture for the reward.
  13. It's only the ship without everything else
  14. Thank you for the clarification. But as king of crown wrote. Some players prefer the salt over rewards. I see great potential in this change to grief other players because it's the enemy who decided about your reward. Are there any other changes to minimize this dependency upon the mercy the enemy will grant? What about the pvp marks/coins will they become physical? Will breaking up ships give the moduls? Will we be able to send ships to the Admiralty to claim rewards? I have the feeling we are missing parts of the puzzle here.
  15. To me it looks inbuild. So it's up to the seller what price he takes bit I am certain new price will be calculated this way: Materials+LH+insurance value + 400% profit= final price
  16. Or show up to kpr with a store ship capture a Brit he gets nothing. Sail to the next fort or get counterganked. Just only make sure the ship sinks and get the insurance. While the Brit is left with nothing. I already smell the insurance hunter^^
  17. So surrender will give me nothing nor when the enemy board and keeps my ship. Doesn't open that a new door how to bully and mob people?
  18. But will it? The 50k insurance for losing a prince will not bring back a northern carpenter, a French rig nor the ship.
  19. What about modules? In most cases they exceed the buy price of the ship by millions. Tbh personally I never felt sorry for the ship only for the lost modules. The other thing is that players always sell ships overpriced. Ships that are worth 100k of materials are sold for 500k. Sure it's kind of our mistake but I fail to see how this small pocket money will change the situation that captains rather fight than run. Pls tell me what are the benefits of the insurance? Will I have to pay the insurance price on top of the buy price because merchants think they can make even more profit because it's actual free money for me?
  20. I wouldn't mind to get at least one fishing schooner with extra hold for fish and drastic increased catch rate (instead of the perk) maybe give it 4*4pds as defense even those ships had no guns.
  21. I feel so dumb now. Why I even actively play the solution is right there. Robots...
  22. pirates steal from pirates ...
  23. Other option is to make last second commands less powerful. So a attack command issued the before 12left does 100% dmg while attack after 4 sec left only does 25%. So ontop that last sec commands cost more prep they will be less powerful as well.
  24. I would like to see tax on used warehouse slots. Storage room is expesive and has to be guarded otherwise stuff may disappear May reduce hording + good for town owner + money drain
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