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Henry d'Esterre Darby

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Everything posted by Henry d'Esterre Darby

  1. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/3171-whaling/#entry63918 Now that they've added fishing, perhaps. Please add your comments to this thread: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/6224-economy-addition-whaling-as-a-profession/?hl=whaling#entry118151
  2. Please see this post (and the post linked within it) and, instead of being non-constructive, post your constructive thoughts on the new mechanics designs in those threads. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/15638-development-plans-for-conquest-mechanics-rvr/ Thanks.
  3. This is often a problem with your connection. Please run a connection test (it's an option when you start the game in Steam), and post the bug number that will be shown to you when the test is complete here along with your server and in-game name. Thanks.
  4. Aziz....light!!!
  5. Thank you for the suggestion. We have had a number of threads on ship naming, the most recent one is here: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/14487-ships-registry-and-customization/?hl=ship+name#entry269282 Please add your ideas to this thread. Thank you.
  6. I'd love to see this as well.
  7. Quite right. Moved. I'm also currently going through the thread for violations. Posters should edit fast if they've stepped over the line.
  8. The content is extremely hard work and is mostly Olav. I just provide him with server space/bandwidth.
  9. Your question is perfectly ok, thanks for asking it. Your statement leads me to believe that you'd rather see the post edited to remove the offending content (e.g. ***Please treat your fellow Captains with respect. - H. Darby***) rather than just hidden. Is that correct?
  10. Some of us have our moderator tags here and in game. Some in one, and some in the other. It's just based on where people would like to contribute. The only difference is in where we have moderation abilities and what those abilities are. Since we're in communication behind the scenes, it's pretty easy for us to point out something that needs attention.
  11. They're telling me that they have the problem licked, so let's see if the fix holds. Thanks for your patience.
  12. Thanks Kanay. There is a problem at the CoLo right now. I'm rebooting the server but it may be something we just have to wait for them to fix.
  13. It also removed the UI automatically - handy for getting a quick shot of an awesome moment without having to start hurriedly pressing keys trying to disable the UI before the moment was gone.
  14. There is a notice in my inbox that says the CoLo is undergoing some network maintenance that may cause performance issues here and there. Thanks for the heads up!
  15. Should be back up now. I guess Apache had enough of life and decided to die quietly in an unused corner of the server.
  16. I'm looking into it, stand by please.
  17. Discussing moderation that has occurred inside of a topic has always been forbidden. At the very least, it's completely off topic and derails the entire thread. If you'd like to find out why something was removed, you can either PM the moderator removing it directly, or PM another moderator to ask why. Asking why in the middle of someone else's thread is rude and distracts from the purpose of the thread.
  18. That was not me, that was a native Spanish speaker. The posts in question involved a multi-page trolling of the original poster. It's possible your post got caught up in removing the insults and other repeatedly negative statements being made about that OP - it seemed to be rising to the level of bullying in my opinion.
  19. There's nothing to forgive. I'm not here to hold a grudge or to screw people over, I'm here because I love Naval Action and I can provide some help to the Development staff by letting them focus more on the game than on keeping the forums civil, on topic, and under control.
  20. Moderating is not a popularity contest. It is not something that you give to someone who can have their clan vote for them. The job requires good behavior, the ability to coordinate and communicate with others, the ability to keep secrets, etc. Most of all, it requires that the person can, effectively, behave in a manner that positively reflects upon Game Labs as a company. "Voting" doesn't provide a review process for this. There are currently two active Spanish Language moderators. One of whom has been doing most of the moderating in your forums lately (it hasn't been me for the most part, despite your accusations). Perhaps if those utilizing the Spanish forums were more respectful of their fellow Spanish speakers, we wouldn't be seeing reported posts for rules violations coming out of your forums. Sorry, I didn't mean to say that. What I meant is that not because something is not polite means it has to be ignored, even in the worst post there is some truth. I develop business related software for a living. I've been doing it for nearly 20 years. We're all human. The difference between a customer getting in my face and yelling "that was a horrible feature, what were you thinking you stupid f***" (and yes, I've gladly hidden posts that were WORSE than that) and someone saying "hey, when you changed that feature, it really messed up a way I used your software" is immense. The first guy likely won't get anything out of me. I'm going to sit in my office and rage for a minute or three, and then ignore everything he just said because the way he said it angered me to the point that I couldn't give a rat's ass what his problem is. Given it happening enough times, I'm going to go work elsewhere - there's tons of great software jobs out there, and not enough qualified people to fill them. The devs aren't required to work on the game. They can walk off and find gainful, profitable employment anywhere, any time, without losing a minute of sleep (hell, they might get MORE sleep not having to work so much overtime). The developers are human. They work hard, long hours on the game. There is NOTHING on this planet worse, as a manager, than when someone starts saying rude things to my team, who are already emotionally messed up from spending nights and weekends pounding out the code to make the product work. I personally have refused to pick up the phone over the weekend at a job or two when people outside our department effectively broke my morale by being rude jerks to me. I was never even sanctioned for it, because I had managers that understood my value to the company, understood that I'd been putting in 20-30 hours a week or more of overtime over months to get the feature put out in time, and understood that their choice was to either let me quit (I had a box packed up on my desk, ready to go, before leaving the office that weekend) or to tell the jerk to take a hike. If you don't like something in the game, you can come here and state it without being rude, without insulting the people that are working very hard on the game. I will happily hide such posts, every time, because I care about the game and I care about the development staff. Further, Admin cares very much about his people, and he's going to yell at me if he feels we're letting people abuse the developers that are working so hard for him. The folks that work on this game do it because they LOVE the idea of this game. Users who are abusive to them damage that love. Damage the love enough, and it becomes hatred, and the game is static, left to die on the vine. We can ALL treat each other with respect and dignity here. Paying someone some money doesn't give you license to abuse them or treat them poorly. The maid cleaning your hotel room deserves just as much (if not MORE) respect than your boss, co workers, mother, or even the people you run into on the street. Edit - When I say "You", I'm not saying "you Caesar" or anyone in particular. I'm simply addressing the reader of the post, whomever it may be.
  21. First of all, bad opinions of the game are NEVER hidden. Ever. People who are jerks are sometimes hidden, but people are highly critical of the game and features on these forums every day, and to claim that criticism of the game or its features are hidden is completely unfounded. My comments regarding 15 posts in two years is solely regarding threads that criticized the moderators. I'll restate it again - In two years, I have only seen 10-15 posts total that were locked or hidden due to the discussion of moderation rule. Given what has happened in the Spanish forum recently, that number is now closer to 20 (though many of those posts were mainly off topic). We even have a user that has a torture device from the inquisition being pictured as our idea of moderation. He hasn't been sanctioned. I've noted your request to edit more, hide less. I'd like to see if other users agree. Finally, moderating the forums like National News would make them completely unusable for the Developers. They spend too much time already trying to sort through the mess that exists now - moderating the entire forum like NN would mean that no one's ideas would be considered for the game, because they'd be buried under a gigantic pile of, as Admin would say, "shitposts".
  22. Friendly fire is punished by an automatic system that issues negative XP and, with enough friendly sinkings, an XP reset and/or the offender being sent to the Pirate faction. The screen shots are inconclusive. Case dismissed.
  23. That looks like the gunboat that was promised as a reward Jan 1st, 2015. They were having some trouble with it in Unity I think. Maybe this means they've got the trouble figured out. Just a guess, I have no inside information on this.
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