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Everything posted by Ink

  1. Greetings, Please try this workaround if you want to keep citrix software and play the game in the same time: The workaround is to try temporary disable Citrix Virtual Bus Enumerator in the system devices (you might need to activate it again once you are about to use Citrix): Open Windows Command Prompt (press Windows + R), then type: devmgmt.msc and click ok Expand System devices tab and find Citrix Virtual Bus Enumerator Right click on it and select "Disable"
  2. @Navalus Magnus According to the connection test report the 8080 port is blocked. Have you recently installed any new firewall/antivirus software? Make sure the game is allowed in the settings
  3. The case is reviewed. Appropriative actions are taken
  4. Greetings, you can upload it on imgur.com or a similar service and post the link here
  5. Netherlands is top 3 port owner nation (39 ports). No bug is found
  6. Greetings Stephan! Apologize for the inconvenience caused. Some mail services might consider mails from Xsolla as spam, could you please check private forum message for additional clarifications
  7. Could you please clarify if you installed it under Admin rights? Also please make sure Windows is up to date
  8. Greetings! The topic is moved to General Discussions as there is no bug but a suggestion to be implemented
  9. Admirals, This is a known minor issue and will be addressed in one of the next patches
  10. Greetings! Could you please try to install/reinstall Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019 package from Microsoft site: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/2977003/the-latest-supported-visual-c-downloads (x64: vc_redist.x64.exe) After that restart your PC, the problem must be solved. In case the problem is still there, please Uninstall the launcher Make sure nothing remained here C:\Games\Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts And here, press Win+R and paste this: %HOMEPATH%\AppData\LocalLow\Game Labs\Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts After that, restart PC and install the launcher and the game
  11. There are no intentions to allow player vs player experience on PVE server through joining a privateer battle, the bug will be fixed.
  12. The problem is under investigation, thank you for the feedback.
  13. After investigation green on green damage is confirmed, Accused player received a warning according to game rules. Chat abuse happened in the battle will be handled based on weekly chat report check.
  14. Greetings, Please check private forum message for additional clarifications
  15. We will give the chance to both captains to settle the issue in private and report tomorrow
  16. Greetings! Once you complete registration within launcher and redeemed the key, you no longer need to activate anything, all you need is just to login to the launcher. You can try to search your download folder for UAD_launcher_installer file and install the launcher. If you cannot find the file in download folder and you deleted mails from Xsolla with the download link, do not worry, just send me a private forum message and provide email that was used to purchase the game.
  17. Добрый вечер. Видимо вы поменяли настройки в сражении, обратите внимание на красную рамку на скриншоте по поводу чата - если предложенные способы исправить проблему не помогли ее решить, видимо, дело в нестабильном коннекте. Как только будет больше информации, я сообщу Вам.
  18. Captains, F11 reports are very important to track the issue, please do not forget to make it once you face this problem
  19. @Captain2Strong Captain, have you reported it via F11? Can't find the report yet, has it just happened?
  20. Nice to hear the problem is solved!
  21. Greetings, please check private forum message for additional clarifications
  22. Greetings, Apologize for the inconvenience caused. Could you please locate output_log text file in the game flies (Games\Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts\Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts\default\game\build_Data) and send it to ink@navalaction.com
  23. Greetings! Please check private forum message for addtional clarifications
  24. @Malcolm3 Просьба уточнить, исправился ли коннект? На своей стороне, к сожалению, проблем не наблюдаем. За выходные репорты с плохим соединением, в основном, были из России - возможно были/есть временные проблемы между провайдерами. Если проблема сохраняется, просьба уточнить, не пробовали ли Вы vpn для теста?
  25. @CptYachu @Sabran @Herald @PaNik Просьба обратить внимание на данный топик (и передать соклановцам):
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