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Everything posted by Ink

  1. 1) Social tab is currently mostly disabled - at the moment there are only shared SP points, bows for the Founder members and some other items. Once the Social tab fully works , it will feature an online component to allow you to interact with other players within the game. The shared SP is a part of accumulated SP during the game that you can use right now or in a future new resistance. 2) Yes, you can assign your warriors to attack a settlement - make sure to equip them with weapons and ammunution, you can check this tutorial video for more visualization:
  2. Patch is up: Trading being reworked - changed to a barter Pathfinding optimization Map image tweaked Settings not being saved fixed Horses now taking fall damage Materials fixes here and there Arrows craft can be learned separately from bows craft Double sleeping NPCs are fixed UI tweaks and tooltips Save games are now encrypted Attack/Gather/Settle radius increased by 40% Name selection scene lighting fix Items can be picked up from bodies (animals/humans) inside river Apple fixed New interrogation animation
  3. Logos Logos was added to the Press Kit: https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1RzO6vmCYeqfDI2Yt-D7yP1mdsHNi3VjC
  4. we are using procedural approach, but all math and logic are written by us, not AI. I'd say it's a bit too early to give gameplay design (and map affects gameplay heavily) to AI
  5. Thank you for the kind words! Could you please rephrase the question as it seems a bit unclear
  6. Patch is up: Horse taming bug fixed Sound arrow fixed Tree collisions fixed Edible items minor fix Sinew baked bow - won't use Wooden Arrow now
  7. PRESS KIT being added to This Land Is My Land site and here is the link: https://drive.google.com/uc?export=download&id=1FqjTLfBFqsUPh_Nhgj0o-C024X6vQyAj
  8. the reports will be investigated and appropriative actions taken
  9. DLC itself does not affected by wipes - you will be able to redeem ships after the wipe the same way you were able to redeem before. DLC are linked to Steam account itself, your character is linked to server account
  10. If you delete your character after the wipe, you will start a brand new chracter without old friends and clan. However you can change your nickname by using DLC Forged paper to keep the friend list and your clan Reinforcement of DLS ships has not changed and will not be changed after the wipe - players will be able to redeem ships the same it was before the wipe. Upon the wipe cooldowns on all DLC will also be wiped For PVP server: Tutorial progress will be wiped on release, once you manage to complete the whole tutorial after the wipe, you will be granted M&C rank For PVE server: Tutorial progress will be wiped on release, but players will keep their accumulated experience in the redeemable box after the wipe. Also, please link the dev post you mentioned above - we are pretty sure we didn't say that in the wipe announcement
  11. Sorry but what confusion do you mean? After the wipe, players on PVE server will keep their experience progression (both battle and craft), ship knowledge experience and learnt books (books as items in warehouse/ship holds will be wiped)
  12. Hunters Bow Arrow Sound is broken at the moment, they are not shot. The problem will be fixed once the bug is 100% reproduced Fixed
  13. Unfortunately, if neutral camp leader asks you to clean some region from enemies, you won't be able to complete his request - there is a bug in this logic Fix is already in testing, but will be available tomorrow
  14. Patch is up: All aspect rations should work fine now Aspen & cedar colliders fixed Increased Settle radius Stag horn can be gathered by tribe warriors now Interrogation turn bug fix Couple of misspell fixed
  15. Captain, you can visit enemy ports on a trader, e.g. trader lynx or trader cutter
  16. Experience - yes, ships - no. However we will provide compensation ships on launch due to recent issues on PVE server, please check the first post
  17. The game is mostly a singleplayer. There are no synchronous multiplayer features present, but the game will feature an online component which will allow players to interact with each other within the game.
  18. The game has been actively tested since the beginning of this year. We deploy patches and hotfixes almost on the daily basis. Most users find the current optimization to be good Heavily customized Unity The roadmap will be posted as soon as possible, right now we are too busy with daily patches for preorders build As with every game based on history, we have done decent amount of research from different sources that helped us to build an interesting and fun game We could not find any good games which would let us play as a Native American warrior The discord link for founder edition is in process, we will mail it to all users with the founder edition as soon as possible, once we solve temporary technical issues. Apologize for the inconvenience
  19. Captains, please follow the developer news sub forum - once ready we will post the full information about final wipe in advance just like with the previous wipes.
  20. Patch is up: Fixed attack button bug
  21. Patch is up: Sound arrow - added sound Increased hitbox of target in campfires, fireplaces and furnaces Lowered damage of campfires, lamps explosions Increased up to 2 dmg needed to explode campfire, furnace, fireplace New whistle sound Camp upgrade UI improved a bit Fixed order in items ordered for camp Upgraded and recently settled group icon fix Map rendering performance improved Gather dialog fixed (when Order window opened) Stone sound radius increased to 38m Whistle radius decreased (to 40m), trigger chance increased (to 100%) Fixed Native American talks (they've been talking earlier, now won't) Neutral Tribe leader interaction fix PLEASE NOTE: Attack button in Camp is partially broken at the moment - it may show Attack dialog, may not. The problem will be fixed once the bug is 100% reproduced. fixed
  22. Captains, As compensation for this huge inconvenience the following will be provided in redeemables: 15x 24pdr Blomfield guns 15x 24pdr Congreve guns 15x 32pdr Obusier guns 10x 32pdr Navy guns The redeemables will be available for 15 days - please claim them before this period ends Apologize for the inconvenience caused
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